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Does iis support php by default?

2019-10-14 14:19:422992browse

The built-in Internet Information Services (IIS) of Windows system has good support for ASP, so it is very convenient to debug ASP web pages in IIS. But some friends’ web pages use PHP programming technology. By default, IIS does not support PHP. Manually configuring the PHP debugging environment of IIS is very difficult for us novices. So how can I make IIS support PHP? ?

Does iis support php by default?

Installing IIS components

The author takes IIS5.1 of Windows XP system as an example. First, IIS components must be installed. The system defaults It's installed. (Recommended learning: PHP Video Tutorial)

If it is not in your system yet, go to "Control Panel→Add or Remove Programs→Add/Remove Windows Components", and under "Windows Components" Select the "Internet Information Services (IIS)" option in the "Wizard" dialog box (Figure 1), and click the "Next" button to complete the installation of the IIS component.

Configure PHP debugging environment

Download the PHP installation program from "http:// www.fyrose.com/php406.exe" to the local machine, we will use it below The PHP installation wizard completes the configuration of the PHP debugging environment.

Select the Web server

Run the installer of the PHP software package, click the "Next" button in the pop-up welcome window, and then click the "License Agreement" window Click the "I Agree" button, then select "Standard" installation in the Installation Type window. After clicking the "Next" button, specify the PHP installation directory. It is recommended to use the default installation directory.

Then set the email address and specify the SMTP server in the "Mail configuration" window, and select the type of Web server you use in the "Server Type" window, because we use the one that comes with Windows XP system IIS5.1, select the "Microsoft iis4 or higher" single option, click "Next" to start the installation, and finally select all sites in the "IIS Scriptmap Node selection" window (Figure 3), click the "OK" button, and Completed the installation and configuration of PHP.

Check the PHP debugging environment configuration

Go to "Control Panel→Administrative Tools", run the Internet Information Service program, right-click "Default Website" in the pop-up menu Select "Properties", then switch to the "Home Directory" tab in the pop-up properties dialog box, click the "Configuration" button in the application settings bar, the "Application Configuration" dialog box will pop up, in the "Mapping" tab , check whether there is an option with the extension ".ph p" in the application mapping list box. If it exists, it means that the PHP installation and configuration is successful.

If this option is not found, you can also add it manually. Click the "Add" button in the application configuration dialog box to pop up the "Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping" dialog box. Enter the "php.exe" program path in the "Executable File" column and enter the "Extension Name" ".PHP", use the default settings for other options, and finally click the "OK" button.

The above is the detailed content of Does iis support php by default?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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