首页版本说明从1.3升级到2.0编译时配置的改变运行时配置的改变杂项变化第三方模块从 2.0 升级到 2.2编译时配置的改变运行时配置的改变杂项变化第三方模块Apache 2.1/2.2 版本的新特性核心增强模块增强程序增强针对模块开发者的变化Apache 2.0 版本的新特性核心的增强模块的增强Apache许可证参考手册编译与安装针对心急者的概述要求下载解压配置源代码树编译安装配置测试升级启动Apache是怎样启动的启动时发生错误随系统启动时启动额外信息停止与重新启动简介立即停止优雅重启立即重启优雅停止附录:信号和竞争条件运行时配置指令主配置文件配置文件的语法模块指令的作用域.htaccess文件配置段配置段(容器)的类型文件系统和网络空间虚拟主机代理允许使用哪些指令?配置段的合并内容缓冲简介缓冲概述安全方面的考虑文件句柄缓冲内存缓冲磁盘缓冲服务器全局配置服务器标识文件定位限制资源的使用日志文件安全警告错误日志访问日志日志滚动管道日志虚拟主机其他日志文件从URL到文件系统的映射相关模块和指令DocumentRootDocumentRoot以外的文件用户目录URL重定向反向代理重写引擎File Not Found安全方面的提示保持不断更新和升级ServerRoot目录的权限服务器端包含关于CGI未指定为脚本的CGI指定为脚本的CGI其他动态内容的来源系统设置的保护默认配置下服务器文件的保护观察日志文件动态共享对象(DSO)实现用法概要背景知识优点和缺点内容协商关于内容协商Apache中的内容协商协商的方法打乱品质值透明内容协商的扩展超链和名称转换说明缓冲说明更多信息自定义错误响应行为配置自定义错误响应与重定向地址和端口绑定概述针对IPv6的特殊考虑怎样与虚拟主机协同工作多路处理模块(MPM)简介选择一个MPM默认的MPM环境变量设置环境变量使用环境变量用于特殊目的的环境变量示例处理器的使用什么是处理器?例子程序员注意事项过滤器Apache2中的过滤器智能过虑使用过滤器CGI脚本的Suexec执行开始之前suEXEC的安全模型配置和安装suEXEC启用和禁用suEXEC使用suEXEC调试suEXEC谨防Jabberwock:警告和举例性能调整硬件和操作系统运行时的配置编译时的配置附录:踪迹的详细分析URL重写指南mod_rewrite简介实践方案URL的规划内容的处理对访问的限制其他虚拟主机文档总述虚拟主机支持配置指令基于主机名的虚拟主机基于域名的虚拟主机和基于IP的虚拟主机比较使用基于域名的虚拟主机与旧版浏览器的兼容性基于IP地址的虚拟主机系统需求如何配置Apache设置多个守护进程配置拥有多个虚拟主机的单一守护进程动态配置大量虚拟主机动机概述简单的动态虚拟主机一个实际的个人主页系统在同一个服务器上架设多个主机的虚拟系统更为有效的基于IP地址的虚拟主机使用老版本的Apache使用mod_rewrite实现简单的动态虚拟主机使用mod_rewrite的个人主页系统使用独立的虚拟主机配置文件虚拟主机的普通配置示例在一个IP地址上运行多个基于域名的web站点在多于一个IP的情况下使用基于域名的虚拟主机在不同的IP的地址(比如一个内部和一个外部地址)上提供相同的内容在不同的端口上运行不同的站点建立基于IP的虚拟主机混用基于端口和基于IP的虚拟主机混用基于域名和基于IP的虚拟主机将虚拟主机和代理模块一起使用使用默认虚拟主机将一个基于域名的虚拟主机移植为一个基于IP的虚拟主机使用ServerPath指令深入讨论虚拟主机的匹配解析配置文件虚拟主机匹配小技巧文件描述符限制关于DNS和Apache一个简单示例拒绝服务"主服务器"地址避免这些问题的小技巧附录:进一步的提示常见问题概述SSL/TLS 加密概述文档mod_ssl绪论密码技术证书安全套接字层(SSL)参考兼容性配置指令环境变量自定义日志功能如何...加密方案和强制性高等级安全客户认证和访问控制常见问题解答About The ModuleInstallationConfigurationCertificatesThe SSL Protocolmod_ssl Support如何.../指南概述认证相关模块和指令简介先决条件启用认证允许多人访问可能存在的问题其他认证方法更多信息CGI动态页面简介配置Apache以允许CGI编写CGI程序程序还是不能运行!幕后是怎样操作的?CGI模块/库更多信息服务器端包含简介什么是SSI?配置服务器以允许SSI基本SSI指令附加的例子我还能设置其它什么?执行命令高级SSI技术总结.htaccess文件.htaccess文件工作原理和使用方法(不)使用.htaccess文件的场合指令的生效认证举例服务器端包含(SSI)举例CGI举例疑难解答用户网站目录用户网站目录用UserDir设置文件路径限定哪些用户可以使用此功能启用对每个用户都有效的cgi目录允许用户改变配置对特定平台的说明概述Microsoft Windows其他平台在Microsoft Windows中使用Apache对操作系统的要求下载 Apache for Windows安装 Apache for Windows配置 Apache for Windows以服务方式运行 Apache for Windows作为控制台程序运行Apache测试安装编译Windows下的Apache系统要求命令行编译Developer Studio集成开发环境的工作区编译项目组件在Novell NetWare平台上使用ApacheRequirementsDownloading Apache for NetWareInstalling Apache for NetWareRunning Apache for NetWareConfiguring Apache for NetWareCompiling Apache for NetWare在HP-UX中运行ApacheThe Apache EBCDIC PortOverview of the Apache EBCDIC PortDesign GoalsTechnical SolutionPorting NotesDocument Storage NotesApache Modules' StatusThird Party Modules' Status服务器与支持程序概述httpd语法选项ab语法选项Bugsapachectl语法选项apxs语法选项举例configure语法选项环境变量dbmmanage语法选项Bugshtcacheclean语法选项返回值htdbm语法选项Bugs返回值举例安全方面的考虑限制htdigest语法选项htpasswd语法选项返回值举例安全方面的考虑限制logresolve语法选项rotatelogs语法选项Portabilitysuexec语法选项其他程序log_server_statussplit-logfile杂项文档概述相关标准HTTP推荐标准HTML推荐标准认证语言/国家代码Apache 模块描述模块的术语说明状态源代码文件模块标识符兼容性描述指令的术语说明语法默认值(Default)作用域(Context)覆盖项(Override)状态模块(Module)兼容性(Compatibility)Apache核心(Core)特性AcceptFilterAcceptPathInfoAccessFileNameAddDefaultCharsetAddOutputFilterByTypeAllowEncodedSlashesAllowOverrideAuthNameAuthTypeCGIMapExtensionContentDigestDefaultType<Directory><DirectoryMatch>DocumentRootEnableMMAPEnableSendfileErrorDocumentErrorLogFileETag<Files><FilesMatch>ForceTypeHostnameLookups<IfDefine><IfModule>IncludeKeepAliveKeepAliveTimeout<Limit><LimitExcept>LimitInternalRecursionLimitRequestBodyLimitRequestFieldsLimitRequestFieldSizeLimitRequestLineLimitXMLRequestBody<Location><LocationMatch>LogLevelMaxKeepAliveRequestsNameVirtualHostOptionsRequireRLimitCPURLimitMEMRLimitNPROCSatisfyScriptInterpreterSourceServerAdminServerAliasServerNameServerPathServerRootServerSignatureServerTokensSetHandlerSetInputFilterSetOutputFilterTimeOutTraceEnableUseCanonicalNameUseCanonicalPhysicalPort<VirtualHost>Apache MPM 公共指令AcceptMutexCoreDumpDirectoryEnableExceptionHookGracefulShutdownTimeoutGroupListenListenBackLogLockFileMaxClientsMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsPidFileReceiveBufferSizeScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeServerLimitStartServersStartThreadsThreadLimitThreadsPerChildThreadStackSizeUserApache MPM beosMaxRequestsPerThreadCoreDumpDirectoryGroupListenListenBacklogMaxClientsMaxMemFreeMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsPidFileReceiveBufferSizeScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeStartThreadsUserApache MPM eventAcceptMutexCoreDumpDirectoryEnableExceptionHookGroupListenListenBacklogLockFileMaxClientsMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsPidFileScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeServerLimitStartServersThreadLimitThreadsPerChildThreadStackSizeUserApache MPM netwareMaxThreadsListenListenBacklogMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsReceiveBufferSizeSendBufferSizeStartThreadsThreadStackSizeApache MPM os2GroupListenListenBacklogMaxRequestsPerChildMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsPidFileReceiveBufferSizeSendBufferSizeStartServersUserApache MPM prefork工作方式MaxSpareServersMinSpareServersAcceptMutexCoreDumpDirectoryEnableExceptionHookGroupListenListenBacklogLockFileMaxClientsMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildPidFileReceiveBufferSizeScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeServerLimitStartServersUserApache MPM winntWin32DisableAcceptExCoreDumpDirectoryListenListenBacklogMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildPidFileReceiveBufferSizeScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeThreadLimitThreadsPerChildThreadStackSizeApache MPM worker工作方式AcceptMutexCoreDumpDirectoryEnableExceptionHookGroupListenListenBacklogLockFileMaxClientsMaxMemFreeMaxRequestsPerChildMaxSpareThreadsMinSpareThreadsPidFileReceiveBufferSizeScoreBoardFileSendBufferSizeServerLimitStartServersThreadLimitThreadsPerChildThreadStackSizeUserApache Module mod_actionsAction指令Script指令Apache Module mod_alias处理顺序AliasAliasMatchRedirectRedirectMatchRedirectPermanentRedirectTempScriptAliasScriptAliasMatchApache Module mod_asis用法Apache Module mod_auth_basicAuthBasicAuthoritativeAuthBasicProviderApache Module mod_auth_digest使用摘要认证配合 MS Internet Explorer 6 工作AuthDigestAlgorithmAuthDigestDomainAuthDigestNcCheckAuthDigestNonceFormatAuthDigestNonceLifetimeAuthDigestProviderAuthDigestQopAuthDigestShmemSizeApache Module mod_authn_alias示例<AuthnProviderAlias>Apache Module mod_authn_anon示例AnonymousAnonymous_LogEmailAnonymous_MustGiveEmailAnonymous_NoUserIDAnonymous_VerifyEmailApache Module mod_authn_dbd配置示例AuthDBDUserPWQueryAuthDBDUserRealmQueryApache Module mod_authn_dbmAuthDBMTypeAuthDBMUserFileApache Module mod_authn_defaultAuthDefaultAuthoritativeApache Module mod_authn_fileAuthUserFileApache Module mod_authnz_ldapContentsOperationThe require Directives举例Using TLSUsing SSLUsing Microsoft FrontPage with mod_authnz_ldapAuthLDAPBindDNAuthLDAPBindPasswordAuthLDAPCharsetConfigAuthLDAPCompareDNOnServerAuthLDAPDereferenceAliasesAuthLDAPGroupAttributeAuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDNAuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDNAuthLDAPUrlAuthzLDAPAuthoritativeApache Module mod_authz_dbmAuthDBMGroupFileAuthzDBMAuthoritativeAuthzDBMTypeApache Module mod_authz_defaultAuthzDefaultAuthoritativeApache Module mod_authz_groupfileAuthGroupFileAuthzGroupFileAuthoritativeApache Module mod_authz_hostAllowDenyOrderApache Module mod_authz_owner配置示例AuthzOwnerAuthoritativeApache Module mod_authz_userAuthzUserAuthoritativeApache Module mod_autoindexAutoindex Request Query ArgumentsAddAltAddAltByEncodingAddAltByTypeAddDescriptionAddIconAddIconByEncodingAddIconByTypeDefaultIconHeaderNameIndexIgnoreIndexOptionsIndexOrderDefaultIndexStyleSheetReadmeNameApache Module mod_cacheRelated Modules and Directives配置示例CacheDefaultExpireCacheDisableCacheEnableCacheIgnoreCacheControlCacheIgnoreHeadersCacheIgnoreNoLastModCacheLastModifiedFactorCacheMaxExpireCacheStoreNoStoreCacheStorePrivateApache Module mod_cern_metaMetaDirMetaFilesMetaSuffixApache Module mod_cgiCGI 环境变量CGI 脚本的调试ScriptLogScriptLogBufferScriptLogLengthApache Module mod_cgidScriptSockScriptLogScriptLogBufferScriptLogLengthApache Module mod_charset_liteCommon ProblemsCharsetDefaultCharsetOptionsCharsetSourceEncApache Module mod_davEnabling WebDAVSecurity IssuesComplex ConfigurationsDavDavDepthInfinityDavMinTimeoutApache Module mod_dav_fsDavLockDBApache Module mod_dav_lockDavGenericLockDBApache Module mod_dbdConnection PoolingApache DBD APISQL Prepared StatementsDBDExptimeDBDKeepDBDMaxDBDMinDBDParamsDBDPersistDBDPrepareSQLDBDriverApache Module mod_deflate配置举例启用压缩代理服务器DeflateBufferSizeDeflateCompressionLevelDeflateFilterNoteDeflateMemLevelDeflateWindowSizeApache Module mod_dirDirectoryIndexDirectorySlashApache Module mod_disk_cacheCacheDirLengthCacheDirLevelsCacheMaxFileSizeCacheMinFileSizeCacheRootApache Module mod_dumpio启用dumpio支持DumpIOInputDumpIOOutputApache Module mod_echoProtocolEchoApache Module mod_envPassEnvSetEnvUnsetEnvApache Module mod_exampleCompiling the example moduleUsing the mod_example ModuleExampleApache Module mod_expires交替间隔语法ExpiresActiveExpiresByTypeExpiresDefaultApache Module mod_ext_filter举例ExtFilterDefineExtFilterOptionsApache Module mod_file_cacheUsing mod_file_cacheCacheFileMMapFileApache Module mod_filterSmart FilteringFilter DeclarationsConfiguring the ChainExamplesProtocol HandlingFilterChainFilterDeclareFilterProtocolFilterProviderFilterTraceApache Module mod_headers处理顺序前处理和后处理举例HeaderRequestHeaderApache Module mod_identIdentityCheckIdentityCheckTimeoutApache Module mod_imagemapNew FeaturesImagemap FileExample MapfileReferencing your mapfileImapBaseImapDefaultImapMenuApache Module mod_includeEnabling Server-Side IncludesPATH_INFO with Server Side IncludesBasic ElementsInclude VariablesVariable SubstitutionFlow Control ElementsSSIEndTagSSIErrorMsgSSIStartTagSSITimeFormatSSIUndefinedEchoXBitHackApache Module mod_info安全问题选择哪些信息可以被显示已知的局限AddModuleInfoApache Module mod_isapi用法附加注释程序员注记ISAPIAppendLogToErrorsISAPIAppendLogToQueryISAPICacheFileISAPIFakeAsyncISAPILogNotSupportedISAPIReadAheadBufferApache Module mod_ldap示例配置LDAP 连接池LDAP 缓冲使用SSL/TLSSSL/TLS 证书LDAPCacheEntriesLDAPCacheTTLLDAPConnectionTimeoutLDAPOpCacheEntriesLDAPOpCacheTTLLDAPSharedCacheFileLDAPSharedCacheSizeLDAPTrustedClientCertLDAPTrustedGlobalCertLDAPTrustedModeLDAPVerifyServerCertApache Module mod_log_config定制日志文件格式安全考虑BufferedLogsCookieLogCustomLogLogFormatTransferLogApache Module mod_log_forensic定制日志文件格式安全考虑ForensicLogApache Module mod_logio定制日志文件格式Apache Module mod_mem_cacheMCacheMaxObjectCountMCacheMaxObjectSizeMCacheMaxStreamingBufferMCacheMinObjectSizeMCacheRemovalAlgorithmMCacheSizeApache Module mod_mime带多扩展名的文件内容编码字符集和语言AddCharsetAddEncodingAddHandlerAddInputFilterAddLanguageAddOutputFilterAddTypeDefaultLanguageModMimeUsePathInfoMultiviewsMatchRemoveCharsetRemoveEncodingRemoveHandlerRemoveInputFilterRemoveLanguageRemoveOutputFilterRemoveTypeTypesConfigApache Module mod_mime_magic"Magic文件"的格式性能问题注意MimeMagicFileApache Module mod_negotiation类型表MultiViewsCacheNegotiatedDocsForceLanguagePriorityLanguagePriorityApache Module mod_nw_sslNWSSLTrustedCertsNWSSLUpgradeableSecureListenApache Module mod_proxy正向和反向代理简单示例控制对代理服务器的访问缓慢启动局域网代理协议调整请求体AllowCONNECTNoProxy<Proxy>ProxyBadHeaderProxyBlockProxyDomainProxyErrorOverrideProxyIOBufferSize<ProxyMatch>ProxyMaxForwardsProxyPassProxyPassReverseProxyPassReverseCookieDomainProxyPassReverseCookiePathProxyPreserveHostProxyReceiveBufferSizeProxyRemoteProxyRemoteMatchProxyRequestsProxyTimeoutProxyViaApache Module mod_proxy_ajpOverview of the protocolBasic Packet StructureRequest Packet StructureResponse Packet StructureApache Module mod_proxy_balancerLoad balancer scheduler algorithmRequest Counting AlgorithmWeighted Traffic Counting AlgorithmEnabling Balancer Manager SupportApache Module mod_proxy_connectApache Module mod_proxy_ftp为什么xxx类型的文件不能从FTP下载?如何强制文件xxx使用FTP的ASCII形式下载?我如何使用FTP上传?我如何能访问我自己home目录以外的FTP文件?我如何才能在浏览器的URL框中隐藏FTP的明文密码?Apache Module mod_proxy_httpApache Module mod_rewrite特殊字符的引用环境变量实用方案RewriteBaseRewriteCondRewriteEngineRewriteLockRewriteLogRewriteLogLevelRewriteMapRewriteOptionsRewriteRuleApache Module mod_setenvifBrowserMatchBrowserMatchNoCaseSetEnvIfSetEnvIfNoCaseApache Module mod_so为Windows创建可加载模块LoadFileLoadModuleApache Module mod_spelingCheckSpellingApache Module mod_ssl环境变量Custom Log FormatsSSLCACertificateFileSSLCACertificatePathSSLCADNRequestFileSSLCADNRequestPathSSLCARevocationFileSSLCARevocationPathSSLCertificateChainFileSSLCertificateFileSSLCertificateKeyFileSSLCipherSuiteSSLCryptoDeviceSSLEngineSSLHonorCipherOrderSSLMutexSSLOptionsSSLPassPhraseDialogSSLProtocolSSLProxyCACertificateFileSSLProxyCACertificatePathSSLProxyCARevocationFileSSLProxyCARevocationPathSSLProxyCipherSuiteSSLProxyEngineSSLProxyMachineCertificateFileSSLProxyMachineCertificatePathSSLProxyProtocolSSLProxyVerifySSLProxyVerifyDepthSSLRandomSeedSSLRequireSSLRequireSSLSSLSessionCacheSSLSessionCacheTimeoutSSLUserNameSSLVerifyClientSSLVerifyDepthApache Module mod_statusEnabling Status Support自动更新Machine Readable Status FileExtendedStatusApache Module mod_suexecSuexecUserGroupApache Module mod_unique_idTheoryApache Module mod_userdirUserDirApache Module mod_usertrackLogging2-digit or 4-digit dates for cookies?CookieDomainCookieExpiresCookieNameCookieStyleCookieTrackingApache Module mod_version<IfVersion>Apache Module mod_vhost_alias目录名称的转换示例VirtualDocumentRootVirtualDocumentRootIPVirtualScriptAliasVirtualScriptAliasIP开发者文档OverviewTopicsExternal ResourcesApache API notesBasic conceptsHow handlers workResource allocation and resource poolsConfigurationDebugging Memory Allocation in APRAvailable debugging optionsAllowable CombinationsActivating Debugging OptionsDocumenting Apache 2.0Apache 2.0 Hook FunctionsCreating a hook functionHooking the hookConverting Modules from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2.0The easier changes ...The messier changes...Request Processing in Apache 2.0The Request Processing CycleThe Request Parsing PhaseThe Security PhaseThe Preparation PhaseThe Handler PhaseHow Filters Work in Apache 2.0Filter TypesHow are filters inserted?AsisExplanations词汇和索引词汇表模块索引指令索引指令速查译者声明

Using Apache With Novell NetWare

This document explains how to install, configure and run Apache 2.0 under Novell NetWare 6.0 and above. If you find any bugs, or wish to contribute in other ways, please use our bug reporting page.

The bug reporting page and dev-httpd mailing list are not provided to answer questions about configuration or running Apache. Before you submit a bug report or request, first consult this document, the Frequently Asked Questions page and the other relevant documentation topics. If you still have a question or problem, post it to the novell.devsup.webserver newsgroup, where many Apache users are more than willing to answer new and obscure questions about using Apache on NetWare.

Most of this document assumes that you are installing Apache from a binary distribution. If you want to compile Apache yourself (possibly to help with development, or to track down bugs), see the section on Compiling Apache for NetWare below.


Apache 2.0 is designed to run on NetWare 6.0 service pack 3 and above. If you are running a service pack less than SP3, you must install the latest NetWare Libraries for C (LibC).

NetWare service packs are available here.

Apache 2.0 for NetWare can also be run in a NetWare 5.1 environment as long as the latest service pack or the latest version of the NetWare Libraries for C (LibC) has been installed . WARNING: Apache 2.0 for NetWare has not been targeted for or tested in this environment.

Downloading Apache for NetWare

Information on the latest version of Apache can be found on the Apache web server at http://www.apache.org/. This will list the current release, any more recent alpha or beta-test releases, together with details of mirror web and anonymous ftp sites. Binary builds of the latest releases of Apache 2.0 for NetWare can be downloaded from here.

Installing Apache for NetWare

There is no Apache install program for NetWare currently. If you are building Apache 2.0 for NetWare from source, you will need to copy the files over to the server manually.

Follow these steps to install Apache on NetWare from the binary download (assuming you will install to sys:/apache2):

  • Unzip the binary download file to the root of the SYS: volume (may be installed to any volume)
  • Edit the httpd.conf file setting ServerRootServerName along with any file path values to reflect your correct server settings
  • Add SYS:/APACHE2 to the search path, for example:


Follow these steps to install Apache on NetWare manually from your own build source (assuming you will install to sys:/apache2):

  • Create a directory called Apache2 on a NetWare volume
  • Create a directory under SYS:/APACHE2 called BIN
  • Create a directory under SYS:/APACHE2 called CONF
  • Copy the HTTPD-STD.CONF file to the SYS:/APACHE2/CONF directory and rename to HTTPD.CONF
  • Copy the MIME.TYPES, CHARSET.CONVMAGIC files to SYS:/APACHE2/CONF directory
  • Copy all files and subdirectories in \HTTPD-2.0\DOCS\ICONS to SYS:/APACHE2/ICONS
  • Copy all files and subdirectories in \HTTPD-2.0\DOCS\MANUAL to SYS:/APACHE2/MANUAL
  • Copy all files and subdirectories in \HTTPD-2.0\DOCS\ERROR to SYS:/APACHE2/ERROR
  • Copy all files and subdirectories in \HTTPD-2.0\DOCS\DOCROOT to SYS:/APACHE2/HTDOCS
  • Create the directory SYS:/APACHE2/LOGS on the server
  • Create the directory SYS:/APACHE2/CGI-BIN on the server
  • Create the directory SYS:/APACHE2/MODULES and copy all nlm modules into the modules directory
  • Edit the HTTPD.CONF file searching for all @@Value@@ markers and replacing them with the appropriate setting
  • Add SYS:/APACHE2 to the search path, for example:


Apache may be installed to other volumes besides the default SYS volume.

During the build process, adding the keyword "install" to the makefile command line will automatically produce a complete distribution package under the subdirectory DIST. Install Apache by simply copying the distribution that was produced by the makfiles to the root of a NetWare volume (see: Compiling Apache for NetWare below).

Running Apache for NetWare

To start Apache just type apache at the console. This will load apache in the OS address space. If you prefer to load Apache in a protected address space you may specify the address space with the load statement as follows:

load address space = apache2 apache2

This will load Apache into an address space called apache2. Running multiple instances of Apache concurrently on NetWare is possible by loading each instance into its own protected address space.

After starting Apache, it will be listening to port 80 (unless you changed the Listen directive in the configuration files). To connect to the server and access the default page, launch a browser and enter the server's name or address. This should respond with a welcome page, and a link to the Apache manual. If nothing happens or you get an error, look in the error_log file in the logs directory.

Once your basic installation is working, you should configure it properly by editing the files in the conf directory.

To unload Apache running in the OS address space just type the following at the console:

unload apache2

apache2 shutdown

If apache is running in a protected address space specify the address space in the unload statement:

unload address space = apache2 apache2

When working with Apache it is important to know how it will find the configuration files. You can specify a configuration file on the command line in two ways:

  • -f specifies a path to a particular configuration file

apache2 -f "vol:/my server/conf/my.conf"

apache -f test/test.conf

In these cases, the proper ServerRoot should be set in the configuration file.

If you don't specify a configuration file name with -f, Apache will use the file name compiled into the server, usually conf/httpd.conf. Invoking Apache with the -V switch will display this value labeled as SERVER_CONFIG_FILE. Apache will then determine its ServerRoot by trying the following, in this order:

  • A ServerRoot directive via a -C switch.
  • The -d switch on the command line.
  • Current working directory
  • The server root compiled into the server.

The server root compiled into the server is usually sys:/apache2. invoking apache with the -V switch will display this value labeled as HTTPD_ROOT.

Apache 2.0 for NetWare includes a set of command line directives that can be used to modify or display information about the running instance of the web server. These directives are only available while Apache is running. Each of these directives must be preceded by the keyword APACHE2.

Instructs Apache to terminate all running worker threads as they become idle, reread the configuration file and restart each worker thread based on the new configuration.
Displays version information about the currently running instance of Apache.
Displays a list of loaded modules both built-in and external.
Displays a list of all available directives.
Enables or disables the thread status display on the console. When enabled, the state of each running threads is displayed on the Apache console screen.
Terminates the running instance of the Apache web server.
Describes each of the runtime directives.

By default these directives are issued against the instance of Apache running in the OS address space. To issue a directive against a specific instance running in a protected address space, include the -p parameter along with the name of the address space. For more information type "apache2 Help" on the command line.

Configuring Apache for NetWare

Apache is configured by reading configuration files usually stored in the conf directory. These are the same as files used to configure the Unix version, but there are a few different directives for Apache on NetWare. See the Apache documentation for all the available directives.

The main differences in Apache for NetWare are:

  • Because Apache for NetWare is multithreaded, it does not use a separate process for each request, as Apache does on some Unix implementations. Instead there are only threads running: a parent thread, and multiple child or worker threads which handle the requests.

    Therefore the "process"-management directives are different:

    MaxRequestsPerChild - Like the Unix directive, this controls how many requests a worker thread will serve before exiting. The recommended default, MaxRequestsPerChild 0, causes the thread to continue servicing request indefinitely. It is recommended on NetWare, unless there is some specific reason, that this directive always remain set to 0.

    StartThreads - This directive tells the server how many threads it should start initially. The recommended default is StartThreads 50.

    MinSpareThreads - This directive instructs the server to spawn additional worker threads if the number of idle threads ever falls below this value. The recommended default is MinSpareThreads 10.

    MaxSpareThreads - This directive instructs the server to begin terminating worker threads if the number of idle threads ever exceeds this value. The recommended default is MaxSpareThreads 100.

    MaxThreads - This directive limits the total number of work threads to a maximum value. The recommended default is ThreadsPerChild 250.

    ThreadStackSize - This directive tells the server what size of stack to use for the individual worker thread. The recommended default is ThreadStackSize 65536.

  • The directives that accept filenames as arguments must use NetWare filenames instead of Unix names. However, because Apache uses Unix-style names internally, forward slashes must be used rather than backslashes. It is recommended that all rooted file paths begin with a volume name. If omitted, Apache will assume the SYS: volume which may not be correct.

  • Apache for NetWare has the ability to load modules at runtime, without recompiling the server. If Apache is compiled normally, it will install a number of optional modules in the \Apache2\modules directory. To activate these, or other modules, the LoadModule directive must be used. For example, to active the status module, use the following:

    LoadModule status_module modules/status.nlm

    Information on creating loadable modules is also available.

Additional NetWare specific directives:

  • CGIMapExtension - This directive maps a CGI file extension to a script interpreter.
  • SecureListen - Enables SSL encryption for a specified port.
  • NWSSLTrustedCerts - Adds trusted certificates that are used to create secure connections to proxied servers.
  • NWSSLUpgradeable - Allow a connection created on the specified address/port to be upgraded to an SSL connection.

Compiling Apache for NetWare

Compiling Apache requires MetroWerks CodeWarrior 6.x or higher. Once Apache has been built, it can be installed to the root of any NetWare volume. The default is the sys:/Apache2 directory.

Before running the server you must fill out the conf directory. Copy the file HTTPD-STD.CONF from the distribution conf directory and rename it to HTTPD.CONF. Edit the HTTPD.CONF file searching for all @@Value@@ markers and replacing them with the appropriate setting. Copy over the conf/magicconf/mime.types files as well. Alternatively, a complete distribution can be built by including the keyword install when invoking the makefiles.


The following development tools are required to build Apache 2.0 for NetWare:

  • Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6.0 or higher with the NetWare PDK 3.0 or higher.
  • NetWare Libraries for C (LibC)
  • LDAP Libraries for C
  • ZLIB Compression Library source code
  • AWK utility (awk, gawk or similar). AWK can be downloaded from http://developer.novell.com/ndk/apache.htm. The utility must be found in your windows path and must be named awk.exe.
  • To build using the makefiles, you will need GNU make version 3.78.1 (GMake) available at http://developer.novell.com/ndk/apache.htm.

Building Apache using the NetWare makefiles:

  • Set the environment variable NOVELLLIBC to the location of the NetWare Libraries for C SDK, for example:

    Set NOVELLLIBC=c:\novell\ndk\libc

  • Set the environment variable METROWERKS to the location where you installed the Metrowerks CodeWarrior compiler, for example:

    Set METROWERKS=C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior

    If you installed to the default location C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior, you don't need to set this.
  • Set the environment variable LDAPSDK to the location where you installed the LDAP Libraries for C, for example:

    Set LDAPSDK=c:\Novell\NDK\cldapsdk\NetWare\libc

  • Set the environment variable ZLIBSDK to the location where you installed the source code for the ZLib Library, for example:

    Set ZLIBSDK=D:\NOVELL\zlib

  • Set the environment variable AP_WORK to the full path of the httpd source code directory.

    Set AP_WORK=D:\httpd-2.0.x

  • Set the environment variable APR_WORK to the full path of the apr source code directory. Typically \httpd\srclib\apr but the APR project can be outside of the httpd directory structure.

    Set APR_WORK=D:\apr-1.x.x

  • Set the environment variable APU_WORK to the full path of the apr-util source code directory. Typically \httpd\srclib\apr-util but the APR-UTIL project can be outside of the httpd directory structure.

    Set APU_WORK=D:\apr-util-1.x.x

  • Make sure that the path to the AWK utility and the GNU make utility (gmake.exe) have been included in the system's PATH environment variable.
  • Download the source code and unzip to an appropriate directory on your workstation.
  • Change directory to \httpd-2.0 and build the prebuild utilities by running "gmake -f nwgnumakefile prebuild". This target will create the directory \httpd-2.0\nwprebuild and copy each of the utilities to this location that are necessary to complete the following build steps.
  • Copy the files \httpd-2.0\nwprebuild\GENCHARS.nlm\httpd-2.0\nwprebuild\DFTABLES.nlm to the SYS: volume of a NetWare server and run them using the following commands:

    SYS:\genchars > sys:\test_char.h
    SYS:\dftables sys:\chartables.c

  • Copy the files test_char.hchartables.c to the directory \httpd-2.0\os\netware on the build machine.
  • Change directory to \httpd-2.0 and build Apache by running "gmake -f nwgnumakefile". You can create a distribution directory by adding an install parameter to the command, for example:

    gmake -f nwgnumakefile install

Additional make options

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile

    Builds release versions of all of the binaries and copies them to a \release destination directory.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile DEBUG=1

    Builds debug versions of all of the binaries and copies them to a \debug destination directory.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile install

    Creates a complete Apache distribution with binaries, docs and additional support files in a \dist\Apache2 directory.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile prebuild

    Builds all of the prebuild utilities and copies them to the \nwprebuild directory.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile installdev

    Same as install but also creates a \lib\include directory in the destination directory and copies headers and import files.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile clean

    Cleans all object files and binaries from the \release.o\debug.o build areas depending on whether DEBUG has been defined.

  • gmake -f nwgnumakefile clobber_all

    Same as clean and also deletes the distribution directory if it exists.

Additional environment variable options

  • To build all of the experimental modules, set the environment variable EXPERIMENTAL:


  • To build Apache using standard BSD style sockets rather than Winsock, set the environment variable USE_STDSOCKETS:


Building mod_ssl for the NetWare platform

By default Apache for NetWare uses the built-in module mod_nw_ssl to provide SSL services. This module simply enables the native SSL services implemented in NetWare OS to handle all encryption for a given port. Alternatively, mod_ssl can also be used in the same manner as on other platforms.

Before mod_ssl can be built for the NetWare platform, the OpenSSL libraries must be provided. This can be done through the following steps:

  • Download the latest NetWare patch for OpenSSL from the OpenSSL Contribution page.
  • Download the corresponding OpenSSL source code from the OpenSSL Source page.
  • At the root of the OpenSSL source directory, apply the NetWare patch using the "patch" utility, for example:

    patch -p 1 -i netwarepatch-0.9.7g.diff

  • Edit the file NetWare/set_env.bat and modify any tools and utilities paths so that they correspond to your build environment.
  • From the root of the OpenSSL source directory, run the following scripts:

    Netware/set_env netware-libc
    Netware/build netware-libc

  • Before building Apache, set the environment variable OSSLSDK to the full path to the root of the openssl source code directory.

    Set OSSLSDK=d:\openssl-0.9.7x
