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Should I use an Apple laptop for PHP development?

2019-10-02 09:05:594157browse

Should I use an Apple laptop for PHP development?

Do I need to use an Apple notebook for php development?

You can use Apple notebooks for PHP development, because the operating system of Apple notebooks is MacOS, and MacOS is based on Unix. There are many useful tools under Unix, which is very friendly to PHP developers.

Top 10 reasons why foreign programmers love using Apple Mac computers:

1. MacOS X is based on Unix

This is so important , especially for developers, at least for me, it is very important, which means that a bunch of useful tools under Unix can be easily picked up. If you are a windows developer, I think you will install a cygwin environment on windows, right? You don’t use flex/yacc, grep, screen, ssh, make? Many opensource projects only provide cygwin/gcc/make compilation environment. Mac is based on BSD Unix, all of this is built in.

2. Development environment

c/c/java/perl/python/php/ruby/lisp, all kinds of shells, directly supported, very convenient. If you want to develop C on windows, you need to install a Visual Studio compiler, right? Or other C compilers; if you want to develop Java, you need to download the Java SDK, maybe an Elipse or Netbean; if you want to use Perl, you need to install a Perl interpreter, Active Perl? You want python/php/ruby, you want to install...? Developing programs requires libraries. Most libraries such as image processing, video processing, and artificial intelligence only support Unix/Linux. Mac is based on Unix, so all of these can get along well with Mac.

3. Editor Vi/Emac

As a programmer/IT staff, a useful editor is very important, because an editor is needed to write programs/change system configurations. I spend about 1/2 of my time on my Mac in browser/email, and the other 1/2 of my time is in Vi.

4. No viruses/trojans

After using Mac for more than 5 years, I have never seen what viruses look like. I still don’t see the need to install anti-virus software on Mac.

5. No maintenance required

Can you use Mac as soon as you buy it? How about defragmenting the disk? unnecessary. Install driver? Once the Mac is installed, the driver is ready. Reinstall the system? I haven't reinstalled it once in 5 years (and switched to different Macs several times during this period).

6. Simplicity

All operations on Mac are extremely simple, trying to avoid disturbing users and increasing programmer productivity. For example, switching the wireless network function only requires one mouse click on Mac, while it requires multiple mouse clicks on Windows (including some stupid confirmation dialog boxes); another example is uninstalling a USB disk, which only requires one click on Mac For mouse clicks, Windows requires at least multiple clicks such as clicking the icon in the lower right corner, stopping the device, and confirming the dialog box.

7. Multi-window switching

This is very convenient for managing open programs/documents. I often have to switch between multiple virtual windows, such as one window for browsing web pages/emails, and another window for writing programs/documents.

8. Programmer culture

Foreign programmers grew up with Unix as the mainstream. This is different from China. Most Chinese programmers/developers started with DOS in the 1990s. With the growth of Windows, a group of programmers using Microsoft tools have grown. This also explains why Mac has developed so fast since it switched to the Unix camp. Once the Unix-based Mac was launched, it quickly won the attention of a large number of old Unix hackers and new Web 2.0/Linux hackers. It is precisely because these loyal fans influenced their personal networks, circles, blogs, and thus the entire programmer community culture. It's a bit like Rubyon Rails. It was initially tried by a small group of people (elite people). These people felt good and advocated it on blogs, seminars and other occasions, thus creating a Ruby wind in the field of web development.

9. Apple is cool

Every computer, every series is perfectly designed, from the packaging box, brochures, advertisements, power cords, computer interior, computer appearance, computer software are all carefully designed Design, unified style. Even as small as screws. Have you seen the screws on the Apple case and the data cables inside the case? That is also design. Every Mac is marked: Designed by Apple in California, not Desginedin USA, that's how cool Apple is, "We're a California company." Apple's confidentiality measures can be said to be extremely high. If the product is not officially released, it will not be seen on the market.

10. Entrepreneurship

Apple’s legendary experience has attracted a large number of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Apple/Google/Microsoft/Amazon/eBay/Yahoo represent innovative and enterprising entrepreneurial spirit. This is not a big reason, but it can be seen as a small reason why Mac is so popular abroad, especially in the United States, especially in Silicon Valley, especially in universities. According to a survey, the Mac market share of American universities ranked first in 2007. After graduation, these university elites entered the workforce and entered the society. In a few years, some of them will enter the middle and senior levels. How will they affect Mac?


Copyright statement: This article is an original article by the CSDN blogger "No Brothers, No Programming" and follows CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement, please attach the original source link and this statement when reprinting.

Original link: https://blog.csdn.net/u019524703/article/details/44015665

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