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//Output the information page about PHP and the current request
int phpinfo(void)
//Return the current PHP version number
string phpversion(void)
//Print out List of people who contributed to this PHP project
string phpcredits(void)
//Var can be converted into an integer type. base is the base of the conversion, the default value is 10. The converted variable var can be
any type variable other than an array or class
int intval(mixed var,int[base])
//Get the double precision value of the variable
double doubleval(mixed var)
//Get the string value of the variable
string strval(mixed var)
//Return the type of the variable
string gettype(mixed var)
//Set the type of variable. If the conversion is successful, return true
int settype(string var,string type)
// Sort the array elements
void sort(array array)
// Sort the array Reverse sort the elements
void rsort(array array)
//Apply the user function to each element of the array
int array_walk(array array, string func)
//Count the number of elements in an array
int count(mixed var)
//Make the internal pointer of the array parameter point to the last element and return the element
mixed end( array array)
//Make the internal pointer of the array parameter point to the previous element and return the element
mixed prev(array array)
//Make the internal pointer of the array parameter point to the next element and return it Return the element
mixed next(array array)
//Make the internal pointer of the array parameter point to the first element and return the element
mixed reset(array array)
//Return the element pointed to by the internal pointer of the current array
mixed current(array array)
//Check whether there is the value given by needle in the haystack array, strict means strict matching (default value)
bool in_array(mixed needle,array haystack,[,bool strict])
//Return the index value of the next element in the array
array each(array array)
//Add elements to the end of the array
int array_push(array stack,mixed var[,mixed...])
//Pop an element from the end of the array
mixed array_pop(array stack)
//Pop an element from the beginning of the array
mixed array_shift(array stack)
//Return the element to the beginning of the array
mixed array_unshift( array stack)
//Return the current UNIX format timestamp
int time(void)
//Enter the time parameter, then return the UNIX format timestamp
int mktime( int hour,int minute,int second,int month,int day,int year)
//Get the Greenwich Mean Time in UNIX timestamp format
int gmmktime(int hour,int minute,int second ,int month,int day,int year)
//Format a time or date
string date(string format,int[timestamp])
//Get a date/time information Array of
array getdate(int [timestamp])
//If it is a valid date, return true
bool checkdate(int month,int day,int [timestamp])
//Format the time or date expression of the server according to the locale setting
string strftime(string format,int [timestamp])
//Convert the string representing date and time into time stamp. Strings in most typical data formats are accepted. For example, YYYY-MM-DD
int strtotime(string time,int now)
//Get the current time (UNIX timestamp format) millionth seconds value. Return string
string microtime(void)
//Return the current time in array type
array gettimeofday(void)
//Set a random number
void srand(int seed)
//Returns a random number. If the maximum and minimum range of random numbers are not specified, this function will automatically select a random number from 0 to rand_max
. If there are parameters specifying min and max, then take a number from the specified parameters
int rand([int min],[int max])
//Return the maximum allowable value of the random number
int getrandmax(void)