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PHPCMS V9 structural design
root directory
|–api structure file directory
|–caches cache file directory
| – configs system configuration file directory
|– caches_* system cache directory
|–phpcms phpcms framework main directory
|– languages framework language package directory
|– libs framework main class library, main function library Directory
|– model framework database model directory
|– modules framework module directory
|– templates framework system template directory
|–phpsso_server phpsso main directory
|–statics system attachment package
| – css system css package
| – images system picture package
| – js system js package
|–index.php Program main entrance
PHPCMS V9 core file description
Modules and Controllers
Modules in the phpcms v9 framework are located in the phpcms/modules directory. Each directory is called a module. That is the m in url access.
Example of accessing content module: http://www.yourname.com/index.php?m=content
The controller of phpcms v9 is the class file of the module, located under the phpcms/modules/modules/ directory. The class name is the file name .php. For example, if a controller is named abc, then its name is abc.php. The controller class inherits the system's function library by default and can be used directly. The class name of the controller class and the controller file name must be the same. If you created an abc.php under the test module, then we enter the URL in the browser: http://www.yourname.com/index.php?m=test&c=abc
Secondary development skills
If you want to carry out secondary development on an existing controller, it is not recommended to directly modify the kernel file to facilitate the upgrade. You can use the form of "MY_*.php" Carry out secondary development.
For example, you want to perform secondary development on phpcms/mood/index.php. You can create "MY_index.php"
<?php class MY_index extends index{ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } ……your code }in the same directory as index.php
In this way, when you access the index controller through the URL, the system will point to MY_index.php by default and the methods of the original file will be inherited and can be used directly.
System configuration file
File path: root directory/caches/configs
Call method
Such as calling web_path in system configuration:
pc_base::load_config('system', web_path ');
CMS entry file:
PHPCMS is developed using the MVC design pattern, access is based on modules and operations, and a single entry mode is used for project deployment and access. Regardless of accessing any module or function, there is only one unified entry.
The entry program is the boot program that handles user requests in the early stage. It is the only one that can be run directly upon request by the end user.
File path: root directory/index.php
<?php define('PHPCMS_PATH', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); include PHPCMS_PATH.'/phpcms/base.php'; pc_base::creat_app(); ?>
This code first loads the boot file base.php of the phpcms framework, and then it creates a Web application instance and runs it based on the specified configuration file.
PHPCMS framework entry file:
File path: root directory/phpcms/base.php The code snippet is as follows:
<?php define('IN_PHPCMS', true); define('PC_PATH', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if(!defined('PHPCMS_PATH')) define('PHPCMS_PATH', PC_PATH.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('CACHE_PATH', PHPCMS_PATH.'caches'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); …… ?>
This file is the framework entry file, including instantiating system/module class methods, calling system/module methods, common system constants, etc. Such as:
pc_base::load_model(‘*_model’) 加载数据库模型 pc_base::load_sys_class(‘classname’) 实例化系统类 pc_base::load_app_class(‘classname’,’admin’) 实例化模块类 pc_base::load_sys_func (‘funcfile’) 调用系统函数库
Global function file:
File path: root directory/phpcms/libs/functions/global.func.php The code snippet is as follows:
<?php function new_addslashes($string){ if(!is_array($string)) return addslashes($string); foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_addslashes($val); return $string; } …… ?>
The functions in this file are system-wide basic functions and can be called directly in the system.
Secondary development skills:
If you need to add your own global function, you can add it to /phpcms/libs/functions/global.func.php/extention.func.php as needed, which will not affect the upgrade
Data model base class:
File path: root directory/phpcms/libs/classes/model.class.php The code snippet is as follows:
<?php pc_base::load_sys_class('db_factory', '', 0); class model { //数据库配置 protected $db_config = ''; //数据库连接 protected $db = ''; //调用数据库的配置项 protected $db_setting = 'default'; //数据表名 protected $table_name = ''; //表前缀 public $db_tablepre = ''; …… ?>
After loading the data model, you can use the methods in the database class to perform database operations.
Form call class:
File path: root directory/phpcms/libs/classes/form.class.php. The code snippet is as follows:
<?php class form { //编辑器调用 public static function editor($textareaid = 'content', $toolbar = 'basic', $module = '', $catid = '', $color = '', $allowupload = 0, $allowbrowser = 1,$alowuploadexts = '',$height = 200,$disabled_page = 0) { } //图片上传调用 public static function images($name, $id = '', $value = '', $moudle='', $catid='', $size = 50, $class = '', $ext = '', $alowexts = '',$thumb_setting = array(),$watermark_setting = 0 ) { } …… ?>
By instantiating this class, you can call the editor, form upload, date selection, column structure and other forms in the program. Instantiation method: pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0);
Template parsing cache class:
File path: root directory/phpcms/libs/classes/template_cache.class.php. The code snippet is as follows:
<?php final class template_cache { public function template_compile($module, $template, $style = ‘default’) { $tplfile = $_tpl = PC_PATH.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.html'; …… ?>
This class is used to parse templates, parse templates and update template cache
PHPCMS V9 secondary development
PHPCMS URL access:
参数名称 描述 位置 备注
类名和文件名一致,例如 phpcmsapp类的文件命名是phpcmsapp.class.php。
<?php defined('IN_PHPCMS') or exit('No permission resources.'); pc_base::load_sys_class('model', '', 0); class test_model extends model { public function __construct() { $this->db_config = pc_base::load_config('database'); $this->db_setting = ‘default'; $this->table_name = 'test'; parent::__construct(); } } ?>
$this->db_setting = 'default'为数据库配置文件中配置数据库链接池名称,默认为default,一般情况下不需要修改。 $this->table_name = ‘test’为数据表名称
如果要创建一个模块,只要在 phpcms/modules 目录下创建文件夹并放入你的控制器类就可以了。
例如要开发一个叫做test的模块,那么首先在phpcms/modules 目录下创建文件夹,并将其命名为test。模块的标准结构通常是这样的。
为test模块增加一个名为myest的控制器 文件路径:根目录/phpcms/modules/test/mytest.php。 代码片段如下:
<?php defined('IN_PHPCMS') or exit('No permission resources.'); class mytest { function __construct() { } public function init() { $var = 'hello world!'; echo $myvar; } public function mylist() { $var = 'hello world!this is a example!'; echo $myvar; } } ?>
$this->db = pc_base::load_model('test_model');
$http = pc_base::load_sys_class('http'); //实例化http类 pc_base::load_sys_class('format', '', 0); //调用form类,不进行实例化操作3.加载系统函
pc_base::load_sys_func('mail'); //调用mail函数包
4. 加载模块类
$test = pc_base::load_sys_class(‘classname‘,’test’); //实例化test模块下 classname类
pc_base::load_sys_func(‘global‘,’test’); //调用test模块的global函数包
include template('test', 'mytest', 'default');
include $this->admin_tpl('mytest_admin_list');
<?php defined('IN_PHPCMS') or exit('No permission resources.'); pc_base::load_app_class('admin','admin',0); class mytest_admin extends admin { //这个控制器需要登录后台才可以访问 } ?>