<p></p> represents a paragraph.
Common attributes: align: horizontal alignment, values: left (left), center (center), right (right)
Example: <p>php.cn</p>
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <p align="left">HTML是一种规范</p> <p align="center">是一种标准</p> <p align="right">编写网页的一种标准</p> </body> </html>
Line break mark<br>
Horizontal line mark (unilateral mark): <hr>
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> HTML是一种规范,是一种标准,编写网页的一种标准。 <hr size="2" color="red" width="80%" noshade> 超文本:就是网页上不光有文本,还有图片、音乐、视频等。 <br><br><br><br> 标注:是一种记号,是一种标志。如:红绿灯 </body> </html>
<pre>Pre-typesetting mark
Function: All whitespace characters (spaces, newlines) will be retained, in other words: they will be output unchanged. Next Section