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  • Based on the Yaf project, some global class libraries are used, most of which come from various open source projects such as Zend/Top Framework and so on.

    Other libraries36402017-03-12
  • No need to install extensions, comes with dictionary, easy to use Use scws, which many people are familiar with, and the other one is phpanalysis made by IT Plato Please refer to the index.php file example for usage.

    String processing class125532017-03-12
  • This is a complete solution for online browsing in swf format similar to Baidu Library: it supports the upload of multi-format documents such as office/pdf/txt/html. This solution uses open source free software throughout the entire process, with zero cost. The project currently implements simple uploading and automatic conversion. If it is to be used in actual projects, more factors need to be considered, which are not listed here. If you have any questions, please directly issue it or submit a pull request to improve it together. Thank you.

    File upload class library41862017-03-12
  • think-captcha thinkphp5 verification code library Install composer require topthink/think-captcha use Output the verification code in the template <div>{:captcha_img()}</div> or <div><img src="{:captcha_src()}" alt="captcha" /></div> 上面两种的最终效果是一样的 Verify in the controller Just use TP5’s built-in verification feature $this->validate($data,[ 'captcha|验证码'=>'require|captcha' ]); Or verify manually if(!captcha_check($captcha)){ //验证失败 };

    Verification code library80242017-03-12
  • A simple PHP image processing class library. Although it does not have many functions, it is enough for now. If you like it, you can add your own requirements and some functions, specify text content to create pictures (Chinese is not supported), create Captcha images, create thumbnails, load an image file, and get image-related information. If friends have a better plan, you can send it over for everyone to learn, reference and communicate with.

    Picture library15452017-03-11
  • A good PHP image processing class that can set the quality of the image, fill in the width and height of the copied original image, draw the starting horizontal and vertical coordinates of the original image, set watermarks, synthesize image text, set borders, flip, and how to output Pictures, file generation path, picture cutting, coordinate control size calculation and other functions are provided for reference and learning by friends in need.

    Picture library16252017-03-11
  • Introducing a very strong and complete image processing class with relatively complete functions. Basic image processing, used to complete image indentation and watermark addition, When the watermark image exceeds the size of the target image, the watermark image can automatically adapt to the target image and shrink. The watermark image can be set to merge with the background, The program will cut the largest square from the middle according to the size of the picture and proceed according to the target size Abbreviate , you can also perform manual cropping, set the vertical offset of the watermark , etc. Friends who need it can refer to it.

    Picture library17402017-03-11
  • Multiple file upload is a basic application in PHP. It is a problem that PHPer will encounter anyway. Now I will introduce a complete and powerful multi-file uploader. Let me give you the file upload class. There are many places where this class can be used. This class contains many practical functions, such as: various uses of thumbnails, various information about files, and various functions for detecting files. The use.php file is attached later to introduce how to use this class to facilitate everyone's learning, reference and use.

    Picture library15372017-03-11
  • A very useful PHP image upload class, including some functions of thumbnails, storage path, watermark image storage, size limit, setting the current time as the image name, the number of interceptions, and generating a new file name. The use.php file is also attached to indicate how to use the class for friends to learn, refer to and use this class file. Of course, it would be better if friends could modify and improve it. Welcome to communicate and learn.

    File upload class library18832017-03-11
  • Mainly introduces the relevant information about the thumbnail display function of PHP upload pictures, focusing on the thumbnail function, setting the file upload type, path, size, format, file detection, error settings, extension, and preventing file names With functions such as repetition and scaling, the code still has room and potential to be modified. Interested friends can modify it themselves to facilitate their own use.

    Picture library16902017-03-11
  • Mainly introduces the PHP method to implement the original image upload encapsulation class. It is a classic method, but the upload efficiency is not bad. If you are familiar with PHP, you can optimize and modify this upload class. The use.php file is attached to explain the call. This method allows PHP developers to easily upload images. The detailed code is compiled here, which has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it. If you have better files, you are welcome to post them and share them with us. Let’s learn and communicate together.

    File upload class library16682017-03-11
  • Mainly introduces the single file (image) upload class encapsulated by PHP, and analyzes the relevant processing skills of PHP image file upload operation in the form of a complete example for friends to learn and reference. Parameter 1: $file file array 5 attribute values ​​name, type, size, tmp, error Parameter 2: The path to save the file $path Parameter 3: Types allowed for file upload $allow array $allow=array('image/jpeg','image/jpg','image/png','image/gif') Parameter 4: The maximum size allowed for file upload $size Return value: return $imageNameThe name of the file

    File upload class library16742017-03-11