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  • PHP intercepts the specified string and so on

    String processing class53132017-12-04
  • String processing class of php tool class

    String processing class54202017-11-23
  • php character processing class

    String processing class46932017-11-07
  • A PHP class that intercepts strings between specified strings. Introducing a PHP class that intercepts strings between specified strings. Friends who need it can download and learn to use it by themselves.

    String processing class47872017-10-26
  • Introducing a common PHP character processing operation class, a static common class, which handles built-in parameters of random numbers, encrypts and decrypts strings, matches mobile phone numbers with regular patterns, verifies ID cards, and processes string information.

    String processing class52272017-05-24
  • Share an encryption and decryption string function class in PHP to encrypt and decrypt strings.

    String processing class47502017-05-18
  • PHP does not destroy the word interception substring class, and can intercept the string without destroying the word, which is very convenient.

    String processing class49922017-04-08
  • Introducing a php filtering illegal character class, check parameters and write logs,submitted parameters are illegal, the system will record your this time Operation , SQL injection log, Friends who need it can download it for study reference, I hope it will be helpful to my friends.

    String processing class61162017-03-31
  • IntroductionA PHP class that intercepts strings between specified strings. Friends who need it can download and learn to use it by themselves. If friends have better classes, they can upload them and share them with us.

    String processing class49202017-03-31
  • A PHP class that implements the conversion between HTML entity numbers and non-ASCII strings. HTML entity symbols are used to implement reserved characters or express some common characters that cannot be input by the keyboard. The default character set in most browsers is ISO-8859-1. HTML entity symbols are often used in web design.

    String processing class44642017-03-31
  • A class in php that converts strings into HTML entity references. Converts non-ASCII strings into HTML entities. To be encoded String, Returns the HTML entity reference .

    String processing class50962017-03-31
  • Introducing a safe string class of php. When writing the value of the cookie, I looked at the cookie files of Google and Baidu. The value inside is a long string of characters. .So I wrote a safe string class to generate safe strings.

    String processing class50592017-03-31