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  • SecurityMultiTool-masterPHP Security Library is a set of advanced security layers that are easy to use, well-structured, fast and designed specifically for PHP-like web applications. This intrusion detection system does not provide any mitigation and anti-virus mechanisms, nor does it filter malicious input content. Its function is simply to identify malicious activities carried out by attackers against the site and provide timely reminders in the way that everyone needs. With a set of proven and very strict filtering rules, the detection system will give an impact rating value to any attack activity, helping users more easily understand how to respond to current hacker attacks. There are many ways to respond, including simply sending log records to the development team via an emergency email, displaying a warning message about the attacker, or even immediately terminating the user's current session.

    Security class library42162017-12-19
  • PHP general anti-injection class

    Security class library71012017-11-23
  • php security filter class

    Security class library58982017-11-08
  • Introducing a php implementation Sensitive word filtering class, filter to get banned words, Filter banned words in batches, obtain banned word trees in batches.

    Security class library64652017-05-25
  • Share a PHP class to prevent SQL injection, parameter checking and writing to logs, SQL injection logs.

    Security class library88202017-05-16
  • Share a PHP class that implements base64 encoding and decoding to encode and decode base64. Friends who need it can download it.

    Security class library46032017-05-12
  • Introducing a php class commonly used to detect whether the input data is legal. Use regular expressions to check the input data to determine whether it is legal. The types of inspections are relatively complete, and friends who need it can download it for reference.

    Security class library46612017-04-26
  • Introduce a PHP code class that uses base64 to encrypt and decrypt cookies, Decrypt encrypted cookies, Encrypt cookies,Delete the cookie, Get the value of the specified cookie, Set the cookie. ##

    Security class library43242017-04-21
  • Mainly introduces the introduction of type constraints in PHP. Type constraints can be implemented in PHP class methods and functions, but parameters can only specify four types: class, array, interface, and callable. Parameters can default to NULL, but PHP cannot Constraint scalar types or other types, friends in need can refer to it.

    Security class library42622017-04-01
  • Mainly introduces the usage of various interceptors in the PHP class, and analyzes the usage of common interceptors __get and __set in PHP with examples, __get( $property ) Called when accessing undefined properties __set( $property , $value ) assigns a value when calling an undefined property

    Security class library49662017-04-01
  • Introducing a php form sensitive character filtering code class, Output form function, Detect whether the array exists, Generate form function, Submit data detection, Submit information detection, Multi-select form generation, Form validation and all. #

    Security class library44412017-03-28
  • Mainly introduces relevant information on detailed examples of php login timeout detection function(take thinkphp5.0 version as an example),php login timeout problem, when the user exceeds a certain Automatically log out when there is no operation on the page. The principle is to judge the access through js!

    Security class library49252017-03-27