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  • PHP uses upload encapsulation class to upload files

    File upload class library98462017-11-18
  • php file operation class

    File upload class library52212017-11-09
  • Mainly introduces you to the powerful php file upload class, which has certain reference value. It can create folders, check file types, and perform various settings and judgments on files.

    File upload class library51272017-10-30
  • Code introduction: PHP file upload class, very powerful, for your reference

    File upload class library78652017-06-30
  • The instance object of this class is used to process uploaded files. It can upload one file or handle multiple file uploads at the same time

    File upload class library52902017-06-29
  • Share a fully encapsulated php upload file class, 1. Specify the upload path, 2. Allowed type, 3. Limit size, 4. Whether to use random file name Allows users to pass parameters by position without providing values ​​for subsequent parameters without also providing values ​​for the first few parameters

    File upload class library63742017-06-17
  • Share a php remote upload file class using ftp, Perfectly solves the problem of master-slave file synchronization, Open and log in to the server, Create a directory and locate the directory to the current directory, Get the ftp server configuration.

    File upload class library58902017-05-20
  • Introducing a ftp upload file operation php class, which canupload, move files, delete files/create directories, copy files, and provide testing methods.

    File upload class library51362017-05-20
  • Share a PHP remote file class that supports breakpoint resume downloading. The code contains specific calling instructions. The program mainly uses the HTTP protocol to download files. The HTTP1.1 protocol must specify that the link should be closed after the document ends. Otherwise, feof cannot be used to judge the end when reading the document. There are two ways to use it. Please download and view the source code for details.

    File upload class library51422017-05-17
  • Share a A very useful file upload class in php, is used for file initialization, gets all the files of the current class Attributes, define different error levels, function to assign values ​​to member attributes.

    File upload class library49302017-04-28
  • Share a relatively comprehensive php file upload class, specify the path to save the uploaded file, initialize the uploaded file , Check whether the subscript of the array in the user parameter is the same as the member attribute name.

    File upload class library51832017-04-22
  • Introducing a php file and image upload class, Set the upload file size, Set the upload file type, Set the attachment upload directory, Capture upload exceptions, Get successfully uploaded file information. ##

    File upload class library63262017-04-10