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  • php_imgick A class library that uses PHP's imgick to slim down and compress images.

    Picture library21612017-03-12
  • fast-cache is a fast and efficient caching php library that supports multiple drivers Support file driver Support memechache

    caching library12282017-03-12
  • baum is laravel's implementation of infinite recursion through nested collections. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library46212017-03-12
  • php recursively implements an unlimited classification library. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library51192017-03-12
  • php unlimited classification-un-limit-tree is for everyone to learn and use. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Category library43402017-03-12
  • generateIP Randomly generate the IPv4 address corresponding to the province based on the province name. Directory files QueryList.class.php // PHP采集类 phpQuery // QueryList类所需文件目录 IP.class.php // 主IP生成类 ip_segment.php // 采集生成的IPV4地址段 Instructions for use Introduce IP class require 'IP.class.php'; Method usage If you do not specify a province name, a domestic IPV4 address will be randomly generated. $ip_address = IP::generate(); Specify the province name to generate the corresponding province IPV4 address $ip_address = IP::generate('安徽'); Update IPV4 address segments in each province IP::update(); The file contains provinces: * 北京 * 广东 * 山东 * 浙江 * 江苏 * 上海 * 辽宁 * 四川 * 河南 * 湖北 * 福建 * 湖南 * 河北 * 重庆 * 山西 * 江西 * 陕西 * 安徽 * 黑龙江 * 广西 * 吉林 * 云南 * 天津 * 内蒙 * 新疆 * 甘肃 * 贵州 * 海南 * 宁夏 * 青海 * 西藏

    ip library55522017-03-12
  • PHP classes for operating databases, including MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite class Database { }

    Database operation class16432017-03-12
  • PHP calls the underlying class library of the Enterprise WeChat API interface This project is written and designed based on personal preferences and actual development needs. The main function is to complete the encapsulation of the WeChat Enterprise Account API. It is still being continuously improved. By calling the class library and functions of this project, you can call WeChat The Enterprise Account API reduces development costs. Developers no longer need to write the underlying code themselves. Moreover, this project has made certain optimizations in the acquisition and use of tokens, effectively reducing the frequency of requests to the WeChat server. This project is designed and developed using object-oriented ideas. Through simple changes to the code, the code can be quickly integrated into other MVC frameworks. In addition to encapsulating the calls to the WeChat Enterprise Account API, this project also provides several simple additional functions, such as fuzzy search of members, departments and other information by name. In the later stages of improvement, similar functions will be continuously added according to actual needs. The underlying package is for everyone to use. Since the project is still in the process of continuous improvement, and I am writing it personally, I cannot provide relevant documentation yet, but there are comments in the code, and there are some simple examples in index.php.

    WeChat interface library46342017-03-12
  • oauth login library for Codeigniter. / Codeigniter's oauth login library Following sites supported: china/domestic website: 163 login, Qihoo 360 login, Douban login, QQ login, Renren login, Sina Weibo login English/foreign bitbucket dropbox facebook flickr google linkedin microsoft/MSN tumblr twitter yahoo

    Other libraries21712017-03-12
  • What's this? Some core class libraries of laravel cannot meet the needs and do not provide extended interfaces. If they cannot be implemented in the form of events, they can only be implemented through service extensions. The main principle of a class library is: do not destroy the original functions and mainly use class inheritance to expand. According to laravel's directory structure, it is easy to find the corresponding component directory in src, and each component has a README. installation method: Enter the laravel root directory and execute the composer command: composer require keepeye/laravel:0.*

    Other libraries16082017-03-12
  • Based on the Yaf project, some global class libraries are used, most of which come from various open source projects such as Zend/Top Framework and so on.

    Other libraries33042017-03-12
  • Commonly used class libraries for website development This library specifically stores class libraries commonly used in PHP website development. For example, verification code generation, string processing, content verification, etc. Class library file description Evildao: A special class library for evil network development Image: Image processing library Page: paging class library String: String processing library UploadFile: File upload class library

    Other libraries14472017-03-12