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  • mybatis entry to proficiency Chinese WORD version

    MyBatis is an excellent persistence layer framework that supports ordinary SQL queries, stored procedures and advanced mapping. MyBatis eliminates almost all JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of result sets. MyBatis uses simple XML or annotations for configuration and original mapping, mapping interfaces and Java POJOs (Plan Old Java Objects, ordinary Java objects) into records in the database. Interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals12572024-01-28
  • Getting started with Qt QML

    This document mainly talks about getting started with Qt QML – QML syntax; QML is a descriptive scripting language, and the file format ends with .qml. The syntax format is very similar to CSS (refer to the specific examples below), but it also supports programming control in the form of javascript. QML is part of the Qt Quick technology launched by Qt. It is a new and easy-to-learn language. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals7792024-01-28
  • PASCAL language basics Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the basics of PASCAL language; PASCAL language: the most suitable language for scientific computing and data processing, with the fastest running and compilation speed, from TURBO PASCAL 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 to the current WINDOWS environment Object-oriented PASCAL such as DELPHI and LAZARUS, as well as various versions of FREE PASCAL currently used in informatics competitions. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals10852024-01-28
  • Phonegap installation environment construction Chinese WORD full version

    This document mainly talks about setting up the phonegap installation environment; it mainly talks about setting up the phonegap environment under the windows system, mainly from the android perspective. iOS users can refer to it. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals6972024-01-28
  • Introduction to OpenGL Programming Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the introduction to OpenGL programming; OpenGL• is a powerful graphics library that allows users to easily develop three-dimensional graphics with a variety of special visions (such as lighting, textures, transparency, and shadows). A three-dimensional graphics software package that is independent of software and hardware platforms and can run on a variety of window systems; OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a software interface for graphics hardware and an industry standard in this field. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals6862024-01-28
  • Lucene code analysis Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about Lucene code analysis; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals11702024-01-28
  • Web Service Design Based on REST Architecture WORD Version

    This document mainly talks about the design of Web Service based on REST architecture; REST (Representational State Transfer) is a lightweight Web Service architecture style. Its implementation and operation are obviously simpler than SOAP and XML-RPC, and can be completely passed HTTP protocol implementation can also use cache to improve response speed, which is superior to SOAP protocol in terms of performance, efficiency and ease of use. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals6452024-01-28
  • PowerDesigner generates database Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the database generated by PowerDesigner; this experiment uses the mySQL database. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals10302024-01-27
  • Examples of AJAX and JSON based on jQuery Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about examples of AJAX and JSON based on jQuery; through the built-in AJAX function of jQuery, you can directly access the background to obtain data in JSON format, and then bind the data to the pre-designed html template through jQuer, directly on the page displayed on. Friends in need can download and take a look

    Other manuals7612024-01-27
  • How to use GitHub efficiently Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about how to use GitHub efficiently; it is Github that makes social programming a reality. This article attempts to talk about the culture, skills and influence of GitHub. Interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals5572024-01-27
  • RMI remote method call word version

    Raza Microelectronics, Inc. (RMI) is a leader in innovative semiconductor solutions for information infrastructure. Its products are widely used to improve the evolving information infrastructure. In this evolution process, the connections between data centers and homes are gradually upgraded in terms of strength and speed; security and intelligence have become requirements for every network system environment; at the same time, edge networks are increasingly becoming bottlenecks, prompting the industry to need more Intelligent network access method with scalability and cost advantages. RMI designs and provides diverse solutions for information infrastructure, laying the foundation for the next generation of flexible enterprise and data center applications, intelligent access and digital imaging systems. RMI remote method call directory 1. Simple example of Java RMI 2. Spring’s support for RMI 3. Practical application examples of Spring’s support for RMI

    Other manuals9292024-01-27
  • JSON Getting Started Guide Chinese WORD version

    JSON stands for JavaScript Object Natation. It is a lightweight data exchange format that is very suitable for the interaction between the server and JavaScript. This article will quickly explain the JSON format and demonstrate through code examples how to process JSON format data on the client and server respectively.

    Other manuals11262024-01-27