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  • Heybbs micro community

    A community program developed with the front-end based on bootstrap+js+css and the back-end php+mysql

    zblog template53672020-05-19
  • CatfishPHP Blog System

    Catfish Blog is an open source PHP Blog system, which is derived from an excellent content management system

    zblog template42022020-05-01
  • Serendipity Intelligent Blog BLOG System

    A smart blog BLOG system implemented in PHP. Serendipity is feature-rich, compliant and open source based on BSDLicense.

    zblog template38922020-05-01
  • Simple and practical responsive personal blog template

    Simple and practical responsive personal blog HTML5 website template download. This set of personal blog templates has a simple and elegant design, is adaptable to mobile phones, and is simple and easy to use. The downloaded file contains 8 HTML web page templates including home page, multiple list pages, navigation page, about me, and previous articles. Please see the online demo for details. It is a set of personal blog website templates that uses the latest HTML5+CSS3 technology, adopts responsive layout design, adapts to mobile phones, and has a user-friendly experience.

    zblog template14388052019-02-01
  • 2.0.21Catfish (catfish) Blog system

    Catfish Blog System 2.0.21 Update Log: 2018-08-20 System extension;

    zblog template20424362018-08-21
  • 2.1.3 Serendipity

    Serendipity 2.1.3 update log: 2018-08-16 * Security: Prevent XSS possibilities in the Edit Entry panel; *Security: Delete exit.php to open redirection and do not use the trackexits plug-in configuration

    zblog template20413342018-08-21
  • 4.9.8 English version of WordPress

    WordPress 4.9.8 English version update log: 2018-08- 03

    zblog template20898142018-08-09
  • 3.14.2 Chinese version LimeSurvey

    LimeSurvey 3.14.2 Chinese version update log: 2018-08-07 - Fix issue #13902: LimeSurvey tries to update responses when editing a question;< br /> -Fixed issue #13911: Complete multiple submission operations;

    zblog template20889392018-08-09
  • 5.3.3LOGA log system

    LOGA log system 5.3.3 update log: 2018-07-30 [Fix] Fix the potential problem of installing multiple programs in different directories with the same domain name;< br /> [Change] The group name, controller name, and action name are allowed to be one character;

    zblog template20976292018-08-07
  • v6.10.1b2evolution blog system

    ​ 1. Instant Blogging: Blogging can be done directly on the web page. You can also blog by sending email or MMS or using client tools such as w.bloggar. 2. Provides a large number of beautiful appearances for you to choose from. 3. Anti-spam mechanism. 4. Supports multiple languages ​​including Chinese (Simplified/Traditional). 5. Support multiple blog systems: If you need to put 2, 3 or 100 different blogs/news aggregations on your website, you can do it with just one installation. Each blog is placed on its own page, and multiple blogs can be placed on the same page at the same time. 6. Support multiple users and multiple authors: Each blog has a set of users belonging to it, and you can set different read and write permissions for these users. 7. Flexible classification: Each blog can be divided into different subcategories, and then the subcategories organize and manage your posts/news items through themes. Each post can be assigned to multiple subcategories. 8. Comply with web standards: Integrate an XHTML standards checker.

    zblog template23982352018-05-31
  • Xiaoqing Forum v2.1

    2. Add pages such as small black room and user list, and add background management for administrators. 4. Fixed the issue where search terms would be garbled. 6. Add the automatically generated QR code scanning function (there is no mobile version connection yet). 8. Added the function of replying to quoted posts. Administrators can manage posts directly in the posts. At the same time, the function of replying to remind users is added. 10. Add pinned sticker function. 12. Change to a more powerful editor that can upload pictures. 14. The hot posts on the homepage are changed to be sorted by the number of comments. 16. The function of filtering post keywords can be added in the background.

    zblog template24139672018-05-28
  • v3.5.1Piwik website access statistics system

    zblog template24131542018-05-28
  • LimeSurvey online questionnaire management system

    zblog template24771102018-05-14
  • Catfish (catfish) Blog

    Catfish Blog system inherits the advanced design concept of Catfish CMS and focuses on personal blog systems. The full-site adaptive design is suitable for terminal displays of different screen sizes such as PCs and mobile phones, and supports access to small screens such as mobile phones and WeChat.

    zblog template24766282018-05-14
  • phpMyFAQ (question and answer) system

    zblog template24839542018-05-12
  • phpMyFAQ system

    zblog template24830982018-05-12
  • LOGA log system

    zblog template24834712018-05-12
  • WordPress

    zblog template24836832018-05-12
  • b2evolution

    zblog template24834052018-05-12
  • axublog

    zblog template24833892018-05-12