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  • Job recruitment interview OA system backend template-Jobick

    Multi-purpose job interview, email information, personal information, corporate job recruitment OA system backend management template. Includes: 6 styles of homepage interface background management, responsive layout, clear code structure, easy to modify and use.

    OA system source code61842021-09-22
  • Hospital patient management OA system framework template-Tabib

    The latest Bootstrap 5.x.x build, hospital patient management system, doctor appointment management, doctor information management, patient details management, medical bill management OA system interface template.

    OA system source code51442021-09-22
  • Bangguanke CRM customer management system

    WEB-based enterprise computing, developed with PHP+MySQL, has stable and reliable performance, centralized control of data access, avoiding the possibility of data leakage, using encrypted data transmission parameters to protect system data security, multi-level permission control, and perfect The password verification and login mechanism further enhances system security.

    OA system source code131212020-06-05
  • ZenTao project management software

    A domestically produced, open source and free project management software based on the LGPL agreement. It integrates product management, project management, test management, and also includes many functions such as transaction management and organizational management. It is an ideal project for small and medium-sized enterprises. The first choice for management, based on the independent PHP development framework ─ ZenTaoPHP, third-party developers or companies can easily develop plug-ins or customize them.

    OA system source code86262020-06-05
  • Bangguanke CRM customer management system

    WEB-based enterprise computing, developed with PHP+MySQL, has stable and reliable performance, centralized control of data access, avoiding the possibility of data leakage, using encrypted data transmission parameters to protect system data security, multi-level permission control, and perfect The password verification and login mechanism further strengthens system security

    OA system source code50302020-05-13
  • Call collaborative office system

    A free and open source collaborative office system, a universal online office management system for large and small-sized enterprises, a streamlined, convenient and easy-to-use management software

    OA system source code68992020-05-13
  • Bangguanke CRM customer management system

    The Bangguanke CRM customer management system is based on WEB enterprise computing, developed with PHP+MySQL. The performance is stable and reliable, and data access is centrally controlled to avoid the possibility of data leakage. It uses encrypted data transmission parameters to protect system data security and multi-level Permission control, complete password verification and login mechanisms further enhance system security.

    OA system source code74952019-12-18
  • Comprehensive service platform OA backend management template

    Comprehensive service platform OA backend management template, a full set of templates, including proposal submission, proposal inquiry, proposal seconding, proposal evaluation, proposal statistics, online consultation, social situation and public opinion filling, social situation and public opinion query, adoption draft directory, social situation and public opinion reply, public opinion statistics, meeting HTML backend template pages for event viewing, meeting event registration, meeting sign-in, duty performance records, objections and suggestions, notification messages, download center, personal information maintenance, etc.

    OA system source code11980772019-03-29
  • Hospital patient file OA background management template

    Hospital patient file OA background management template, frame structure, full set of templates, including login, background home page, disease diagnosis, file management, user management, data management, website information management, system settings, friendly links and other HTML background template pages.

    OA system source code12378772019-03-22
  • Blue daily office OA management system backend template

    Blue daily office OA management system backend template, DIV+CSS layout design, a full set of templates, including login, daily office, training management, message push, address book management, notifications, file management, system management and other HTML backend template pages.

    OA system source code12360162019-03-22
  • content management system

    OA system source code24925702018-05-11
  • Enterprise website management system

    OA system source code24916032018-05-11
  • EML enterprise address book management system

    OA system source code24929242018-05-11
  • Ranzhi collaborative office system

    OA system source code24931452018-05-11
  • FrontAccounting accounting management system

    OA system source code25000922018-05-09
  • Project Management Software 9.8.3

    OA system source code25010242018-05-09
  • PHP messaging collaborative office system 1.7.0

    OA system source code25057432018-05-08
  • PHPOA open source collaborative OA office system source code

    PHPOA office system is a universal collaborative OA management software suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. It integrates PHPOA's long-term rich experience and advanced technology in management software development. The system adopts the leading B/S (browser/server) operation method, making Online office is not subject to geographical restrictions. PHPOA uses the agile MVC development framework to support distributed development of multiple modules and unified layout. %

    OA system source code35864742017-02-20
  • Purchase, sale and inventory product inventory management system v2.22 source code

    The purchase, sales and inventory product inventory management system is a comprehensive application solution based entirely on WEB, a true B/S model, developed using asp, without any installation, and only requires a browser. Business leaders, business personnel, and operators can use it at different times. , location, and can dynamically reflect all aspects of the company's business in a timely manner. Product storage, storage inquiry, inventory management, and inventory management.

    OA system source code35844752017-02-15
  • WTS work follow-up system v1.16 source code

    Main functions and features of WTS work follow-up system: 1. Task tracking function that complies with universal standards. It can be widely used for follow-up of key work, follow-up of inspection tasks, work supervision, follow-up of meeting minutes and resolutions, follow-up of work assigned by leaders, follow-up of team collaboration tasks, daily work plan, weekly work plan, monthly work plan follow-up, Item �%

    OA system source code35805152017-02-15