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  • Home decoration WeChat applet template

    A simple interior home decoration, home design company, decoration design company WeChat applet front-end template. Includes: homepage, contact us, personal center, cases, etc.

    Mini program source code68702021-08-24
  • Memo applet template

    Simple memo withdrawal, item list, and creation of planned items applet front-end template download.

    Mini program source code57582021-08-23
  • Housing information list filtering applet template

    A universal mobile second-hand housing information query list, housing list filtering conditions, and housing screening applet page templates. ps: A single mini program page can be used directly.

    Mini program source code47172021-08-23
  • WeChat applet-gank

    WeChat applet-gank

    Mini program source code22269082018-07-09
  • WeChat applet-FlexLayout layout

    WeChat applet-FlexLayout layout

    Mini program source code22245252018-07-09
  • WeChat Mini Program-dribbble

    WeChat Mini Program-dribbble

    Mini program source code22277032018-07-09
  • WeChat Mini Program-cnode Community Edition

    WeChat Mini Program-cnode Community Edition

    Mini program source code22302932018-07-09
  • WeChat Mini Program-AppleMusic

    WeChat Mini Program-AppleMusic

    Mini program source code22245072018-07-09
  • WeChat Mini Program Source Code-Shopping Lottery

    WeChat Shopping Lottery Mini Program Example Source Code, This case was an event during the Shanghai Shopping Festival last year. Our company wanted to try the mini program version this year, so I asked me to try to step into the pit and also touch WeChat. Review boundaries. The main gameplay is: There are corresponding service points in 10 places in Shanghai. Each area corresponds to a section of the map. Scan the QR code in the area to light up a map. The 3/6/10 When the map is lit, you will get 1 lucky draw opportunity.

    Mini program source code22321972018-07-07
  • WeChat applet source code-mortgage calculator

    Mortgage Calculator WeChat Mini Program Source Code is a mini program source code with real estate valuation and mortgage calculation functions. Its main directory structure is as follows: ``` ├── vender plug-in directory | ├── wxapp-client-sdk client sdk | └── assets Mini program public material package ├── pages applet interface ├── app.js applet entry file (need to be added by yourself) ├── app.json mini program global configuration (configuration mall module page) ├── app.wxss mini program global style └── config.js Mini Program Project Configuration File (Configuring Mall Module Function)

    Mini program source code22339672018-07-07
  • WeChat Mini Program-Yuanma Digital Electrical Appliance Rental

    WeChat Mini Program-Yuanma Digital Electrical Appliance Rental

    Mini program source code22349862018-07-06
  • WeChat Mini Program-Source Code Imitation 55 Home Decoration and Building Materials Group Purchasing System

    WeChat applet source code imitation 55 home decoration and building materials group purchasing system A mini program system suitable for group purchasing in building materials and home furnishing malls, including: home page, building materials mall, shopping cart, member information, product information, product list, product group purchasing, online group buying, charity home inspection, group purchasing activities and other page source codes.

    Mini program source code22333942018-07-06
  • WeChat Mini Program-Source Code Package Transshipment Logistics

    Package transfer logistics WeChat applet source code is a software suitable for logistics Example source code used by small programs such as companies, parcel express delivery, cargo transfer, etc.

    Mini program source code22306902018-07-06
  • WeChat applet-imitation car evaluation app source code

    WeChat applet imitates the source code download of a car evaluation app, it is just simple After playing it for a while, there are still many places worth studying. Will update when I have time...

    Mini program source code22289972018-07-06
  • WeChat Mini Program Source Code "WeChat Ticket"

    WeChat mini program source code "WeChat ticket"WeChat launches a mini program, the operating principle is similar to React Native, ionic framework now implements a mini program version of Weipiao.

    Mini program source code22356592018-07-05
  • WeChat Mini Program Source Code "HIAPP"

    WeChat Mini Program Source Code "HIAPP"

    Mini program source code22337572018-07-05
  • WeChat mini program source code DEMO complete version download

    WeChat Mini Program source code download | WeChat Mini Program source code DEMO complete version download, WeChat mini programs are very popular now, and there should be many people developing in this area. If you need this type of source code, now We can provide you with the latest WeChat applet demo source code for free. I believe you need it very much!

    Mini program source code22393312018-07-05
  • WeChat Mini Program-Shopping Mall Website

    WeChat mini program mall website source code WeiMall implements a mobile mini mall, the project is being continuously updated... Technologies used: Weui.wxss, ES6 WeChat mall mini program WeiMall addition, deletion, modification and query

    Mini program source code22404272018-07-05
  • WeChat mini program imitates the source code of "Douban Movie"

    WeChat applet imitates the source code of "Douban Movie", if you want to To preview on a mobile phone, due to the package size limit, image/preview.gif needs to be deleted, and a domain name needs to be set on the official account:

    Mini program source code22401572018-07-05
  • Imitate Toutiao (WeChat applet source code)

    Imitate "Today's Toutiao" APP WeChat applet source codeIt is a WeChat mini program source code similar to the interface of Toutiao today. The interface adopts blue theme. Friends who are learning mini programs must not miss it!

    Mini program source code22361702018-07-05