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  • layui front-end UI framework v2.7.6

    layui (homophone: UI-like) is an open source Web UI solution that adopts its own classic modular specifications and follows the native HTML/CSS/JS development method, which is very suitable for the rapid development of web interfaces. Layui is different from those front-end frameworks based on the bottom layer of MVVM. It is more oriented to back-end developers. There is no need to get involved in various front-end tools. It only needs to face the browser itself to provide all required elements and interactions.

    Development Framework41892022-09-19
  • ModStart - a modular rapid development framework based on Laravel

    ModStart is a modular rapid development framework based on Laravel. The module market has rich functional applications and supports one-click quick installation in the background, allowing developers to quickly implement business function development. The system is completely open source, based on the Apache 2.0 open source agreement, free and without restrictions on commercial use.

    Development Framework21672022-06-24
  • WordPress_v5.3.2 full version

    Recently, because the WordPress program on the WordPress official website cannot be downloaded, many friends have sought help from the php Chinese website. For this reason, the php Chinese website has packaged and uploaded the full version of WordPress_v5.3.2 to the server for everyone to download and use. Related resources: WordPress video tutorial: https://www.php.cn/cms/wordpress/433324.html WordPress Development Manual: https://www.php.cn/course/334.html WordPress technical articles: https://www.php.cn/cms/wordpress/ WordPress template download: https://www.php.cn/xiazai/code/wordpress WordPress Introduction: WordPress It is a blog platform developed using PHP language. Users can set up their own website on a server that supports PHP and MySQL databases. WordPress can also be used as a content management system (CMS). WordPress is a personal blog system and has gradually evolved into a content management system software. It is developed using PHP language and MySQL database. Users can use their own on servers that support PHP and MySQL databases. blog. WordPress has many free templates developed by third parties, and the installation method is simple and easy to use. However, to make your own template, you need to have certain professional knowledge. For example, you must at least understand an application's HTML code, CSS, PHP and other related knowledge under standard universal markup language. WordPress officially supports the Chinese version, and there are third-party Chinese language packages developed by enthusiasts, such as wopus Chinese language package. WordPress has thousands of various plugins and countless theme template styles.

    Development Framework66902020-03-24
  • Yii 2.0.30

    A high-performance PHP5 web application development framework, a simple command line tool yiic can quickly create a web application code framework. Developers can add business logic based on the generated code framework to quickly complete the application. Development Yii 2.0.30

    Development Framework44162019-12-18
  • ThinkPHP v6.0 framework source code

    tp5.2 was directly renamed to 6, . [Recommended related articles: ThinkPHP 6.0 version is officially released, fully embracing the component development trend] As we all know, starting from ThinkPHP5.1, the official website no longer provides framework source code downloads. So how to download and installFrame? Composer :"font-size:15px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">andInstallThinkPHP6.0Yesthrough and.

    Development Framework11764952019-04-08
  • phpcms_v9.6.3 full version

    Recently, because thephpcms official websitephpcms_v9 program cannot be downloaded, many friends seek help from the php Chinese website. For this reason, the php Chinese website will change the phpcms_v9 Simplified Chinese UTF8 Package and upload to the server for everyone to download and use. PHPCMS v9 introduction PHPCMS V9 (referred to as V9) is developed using PHP5+MYSQL as the technical basis. V9 uses OOP (object-oriented) method to build the basic operating framework. Modular development method is used as a functional development method. The framework is easy to expand functions, maintain code, and has excellent secondary development capabilities, which can meet the application needs of all websites. An excellent team with 5 years of development experience, while mastering rich WEB development experience and CMS product development experience, has the courage to innovate and pursue perfect design concepts, providing assistance to as many as 100,000 websites around the world, and has been adopted by more government agencies, Recognized by educational institutions, public institutions, commercial enterprises, and individual webmasters. While retaining the characteristics of the 2008 version, V9 has made major innovations in the new version. To this end, we have made great efforts and hope to provide more webmasters with a high-quality website building system! At present, content models such as articles, pictures, and downloads have been provided. On this basis, functions such as information, real estate, making friends, and reviews can be easily extended. Existing modules include: membership, online recharge, site-wide search, comments, special topics, news mood, short messages, voting, friendly links, announcements, attachment management, data source module, advertising, collection, form wizard, mobile portal and other modules . phpcms development tutorial: http://www.php.cn/course/381.html

    Development Framework16089072018-12-29
  • ThinkPHP5.1.0 full version

    Main new features: Dependency injection is improved and supports more scenarios The configuration and routing directories are independent Assistant function enhancement Model and database enhancements Template engine improvements

    Development Framework27071692018-04-03
  • [Do not download] Namespace quick introduction tutorial source code

    PHP namespace video tutorial supporting source code

    Development Framework32727742017-10-21
  • Write a small framework from scratch

    This lesson takes a minimalist PHP development framework as an example to show you the basic functions that a PHP framework should have, as well as specific implementation methods, so that you can quickly have a clear understanding of the underlying implementation of the PHP development framework for the future. Learn practical development frameworks and lay a solid foundation.

    Development Framework32850562017-10-17
  • Yii 2.0 Premium Edition

    Yii is a high-performance PHP framework for developing Web2.0 applications. Yii 2.0 completely rewrites Yii above PHP 5.4.0 and is fully compatible with PHP 7.x. It is designed to be a state-of-the-art new generation PHP development framework. Yii2.0 is not compatible with 1.1.

    Development Framework35707562017-03-09
  • Zend Framework 2.4.3 full version

    Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and takes advantage of most of the new PHP 5.3 features, namely namespaces, lazy static binding, lambda functions and closures. The composition structure of Zend Framework 2 is unique; each component is designed with a number of dependencies on other components. ZF2 follows SOLID object-oriented design.

    Development Framework35700412017-03-09
  • ThinkPHP5.0 full version

    ThinkPHP5.0 version is a subversive and reconstructed version. The official team spent ten months and devoted a lot of time and energy to adopt new architectural ideas, introduce more new PHP features, optimize the core, reduce dependencies, and achieve It has real lazy loading, supports composer, and has made a lot of optimizations for API development, including routing, logs, exceptions, %

    Development Framework35778512017-03-09
  • CodeIgniter-3.1.3 stable version

    CodeIgniter is a small but powerful PHP framework. As a simple and "elegant" toolkit, it can help developers build fully functional web applications. CodeIgniter 3.1.3 is the latest stable version of the framework. This version has many improvements over version 2.x, especially database, session and encryption. This version is currently being maintained

    Development Framework35698442017-03-09
  • Laravel 5.4 one-click installation package

    Laravel is a simple and elegant PHP Web development framework (PHP Web Framework). It can free you from messy codes like noodles; it can help you build a perfect network APP, and every line of code can be concise and expressive. New features added in Laravel 5.4: New retry helper function new array_wrap �%

    Development Framework35764842017-03-09