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(mongodb >=1.0.0)
MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize — Provides an array or document to serialize as BSON
Called during serialization of the object to BSON. The method must return an array or stdClass.
Root documents (e.g. a MongoDB\BSON\Serializable passed to MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP() ) will always be serialized as a BSON document. For field values, associative arrays and stdClass instances will be serialized as a BSON document and sequential arrays (i.e. sequential, numeric indexes starting at 0) will be serialized as a BSON array.
An array or stdClass to be serialized as a BSON array or document.
Example #1 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize() returning an associative array for root document
class MyDocument implements MongoDB \ BSON \ Serializable
function bsonSerialize ()
return [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
$bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP (new MyDocument );
echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( $bson ), "\n" ;
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Example #2 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize() returning a sequential array for root document
class MyArray implements MongoDB \ BSON \ Serializable
function bsonSerialize ()
return [ 1 , 2 , 3 ];
$bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP (new MyArray );
echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( $bson ), "\n" ;
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Example #3 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize() returning an associative array for document field
class MyDocument implements MongoDB \ BSON \ Serializable
function bsonSerialize ()
return [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
$value = [ 'document' => new MyDocument ];
$bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP ( $value );
echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( $bson ), "\n" ;
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Example #4 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize() returning a sequential array for document field
class MyArray implements MongoDB \ BSON \ Serializable
function bsonSerialize ()
return [ 1 , 2 , 3 ];
$value = [ 'array' => new MyArray ];
$bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP ( $value );
echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( $bson ), "\n" ;
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