
The MongoCollection class

(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)


Represents a MongoDB collection.

Collection names can use any character in the ASCII set. Some valid collection names are "", "...", "my collection", and "*&#@".

User-defined collection names cannot contain the $ symbol. There are certain system collections which use a $ in their names (e.g., local.oplog.$main), but it is a reserved character. If you attempt to create and use a collection with a $ in the name, MongoDB will assert.


MongoCollection {
const int ASCENDING = 1 ;
const int DESCENDING = -1 ;
public MongoDB $db = NULL ;
public integer $w ;
public integer $wtimeout ;
public array aggregate ( array $pipeline [, array $options ] )
public MongoCommandCursor aggregateCursor ( array $command [, array $options ] )
public mixed batchInsert ( array $a [, array $options = array() ] )
public __construct ( MongoDB $db , string $name )
public int count ([ array $query = array() [, int $limit = 0 [, int $skip = 0 ]]] )
public array createDBRef ( mixed $document_or_id )
public bool createIndex ( array $keys [, array $options = array() ] )
public array deleteIndex ( string|array $keys )
public array deleteIndexes ( void )
public array distinct ( string $key [, array $query ] )
public array drop ( void )
public bool ensureIndex ( string|array $key|keys [, array $options = array() ] )
public MongoCursor find ([ array $query = array() [, array $fields = array() ]] )
public array findAndModify ( array $query [, array $update [, array $fields [, array $options ]]] )
public array findOne ([ array $query = array() [, array $fields = array() [, array $options = array() ]]] )
public MongoCollection __get ( string $name )
public array getDBRef ( array $ref )
public array getIndexInfo ( void )
public string getName ( void )
public array getReadPreference ( void )
public bool getSlaveOkay ( void )
public array getWriteConcern ( void )
public array group ( mixed $keys , array $initial , MongoCode $reduce [, array $options = array() ] )
public bool|array insert ( array|object $a [, array $options = array() ] )
public array[MongoCommandCursor] parallelCollectionScan ( int $num_cursors )
public bool|array remove ([ array $criteria = array() [, array $options = array() ]] )
public mixed save ( array|object $a [, array $options = array() ] )
public bool setReadPreference ( string $read_preference [, array $tags ] )
public bool setSlaveOkay ([ bool $ok = true ] )
public bool setWriteConcern ( mixed $w [, int $wtimeout ] )
static protected string toIndexString ( mixed $keys )
public string __toString ( void )
public bool|array update ( array $criteria , array $new_object [, array $options = array() ] )
public array validate ([ bool $scan_data = FALSE ] )


Ascending direction for sorts and index creation.
Descending direction for sorts and index creation.



The "parent" database for this collection.


The number of servers to replicate a change to before returning success. Value is inherited from the parent database. The MongoDB class has a more detailed description of how w works.


The number of milliseconds to wait for $this->w replications to take place. Value is inherited from the parent database. The MongoDB class has a more detailed description of how wtimeout works.


MongoDB core docs on » collections.

Table of Contents

  • MongoCollection::aggregate — Perform an aggregation using the aggregation framework
  • MongoCollection::aggregateCursor — Execute an aggregation pipeline command and retrieve results through a cursor
  • MongoCollection::batchInsert — Inserts multiple documents into this collection
  • MongoCollection::__construct — 创建一个新的集合
  • MongoCollection::count — 返回集合中的文档数量
  • MongoCollection::createDBRef — 创建一个数据库引用
  • MongoCollection::createIndex — Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist.
  • MongoCollection::deleteIndex — Deletes an index from this collection
  • MongoCollection::deleteIndexes — 删除集合的所有索引
  • MongoCollection::distinct — 获取集合里指定键的不同值的列表。
  • MongoCollection::drop — 删除该集合
  • MongoCollection::ensureIndex — Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist.
  • MongoCollection::find — 查询该集合,并返回结果集的 MongoCursor
  • MongoCollection::findAndModify — Update a document and return it
  • MongoCollection::findOne — Queries this collection, returning a single element
  • MongoCollection::__get — Gets a collection
  • MongoCollection::getDBRef — Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference
  • MongoCollection::getIndexInfo — Returns information about indexes on this collection
  • MongoCollection::getName — 返回这个集合的名称
  • MongoCollection::getReadPreference — Get the read preference for this collection
  • MongoCollection::getSlaveOkay — Get slaveOkay setting for this collection
  • MongoCollection::getWriteConcern — Get the write concern for this collection
  • MongoCollection::group — Performs an operation similar to SQL's GROUP BY command
  • MongoCollection::insert — 插入文档到集合中
  • MongoCollection::parallelCollectionScan — Returns an array of cursors to iterator over a full collection in parallel
  • MongoCollection::remove — 从集合中删除记录
  • MongoCollection::save — 保存一个文档到集合
  • MongoCollection::setReadPreference — Set the read preference for this collection
  • MongoCollection::setSlaveOkay — Change slaveOkay setting for this collection
  • MongoCollection::setWriteConcern — Set the write concern for this database
  • MongoCollection::toIndexString — Converts keys specifying an index to its identifying string
  • MongoCollection::__toString — String representation of this collection
  • MongoCollection::update — Update records based on a given criteria
  • MongoCollection::validate — Validates this collection