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Design and implementation of message persistence and data security using Golang and RabbitMQ

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Design and implementation of message persistence and data security using Golang and RabbitMQ

Golang and RabbitMQ implement the design and implementation of message persistence and data security, requiring specific code examples

In distributed systems, message queues It is a commonly used communication mode. RabbitMQ, as an open source AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) message broker, is widely used in various application scenarios because of its stability and reliability. This article will use the Golang programming language and RabbitMQ to achieve the design and implementation of message persistence and data security.

1. Connection between Golang and RabbitMQ

First, we need to use Golang to connect to RabbitMQ and create a persistent message queue.

package main

import (


func failOnError(err error, msg string) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("%s: %s", msg, err)

func main() {
    conn, err := amqp.Dial("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
    failOnError(err, "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ")
    defer conn.Close()

    ch, err := conn.Channel()
    failOnError(err, "Failed to open a channel")
    defer ch.Close()

    q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(
        "my_queue", // queue name
        true,       // durable
        false,      // delete when unused
        false,      // exclusive
        false,      // no-wait
        nil,        // arguments
    failOnError(err, "Failed to declare a queue")

In the above code, we connect RabbitMQ through the amqp.Dial() function and create a persistent message using the amqp.Dial() function queue.

2. Message persistence

Next, we will achieve message persistence by sending and receiving messages.

The code to send the message is as follows:

// ...

err = ch.Publish(
        "",     // exchange
        q.Name, // routing key
        false,  // mandatory
        false,  // immediate
            ContentType: "text/plain",
            Body:        []byte("Hello, RabbitMQ!"),
            DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent, // make message persistent
    failOnError(err, "Failed to publish a message")

By setting the amqp.Persistent flag, we can make the message persist when RabbitMQ is restarted.

The code to receive the message is as follows:

// ...

msg, err := ch.Consume(
        q.Name, // queue name
        "",     // consumer
        true,   // auto-ack
        false,  // exclusive
        false,  // no-local
        false,  // no-wait
        nil,    // arguments
    failOnError(err, "Failed to register a consumer")

    go func() {
        for d := range msg {
            log.Printf("Received a message: %s", d.Body)

    select {}

In the above code, we automatically confirm the receipt by setting the auto-ack parameter to true message, and obtain the message by traversing the msg channel.

3. Data Security

In order to ensure data security, we can use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt the connection with RabbitMQ.

First, we need to generate a certificate and private key. It can be generated using the following command:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt

After creating the certificate and private key, we can use the following code snippet to connect to RabbitMQ:

// ...

cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("server.crt", "server.key")
failOnError(err, "Failed to load certificates")

config := &tls.Config{
    Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},

conn, err := amqp.DialTLS("amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5671/", config)
failOnError(err, "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ")
defer conn.Close()

// ...

By setting amqp.DialTLS() to connect to RabbitMQ and pass the TLS configuration.

By using the Golang programming language and RabbitMQ, we can achieve message persistence and data security. By setting the persistence flag, the message will remain when RabbitMQ is restarted, and the connection will be encrypted using TLS to ensure data security. Through the above sample code, we can understand how to use Golang and RabbitMQ to implement the design and implementation of message persistence and data security.

The above is an article about the design and implementation of message persistence and data security with Golang and RabbitMQ. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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