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How to use PHP multi-threading to implement a real-time push system

2023-06-29 08:30:151533browse

How to use PHP multi-threading to implement a real-time push system

With the rapid development of the Internet, the real-time push system has become a necessary function for many websites and applications. Through the real-time push system, users can obtain updated news, notifications and dynamics in a timely manner, improving user experience and interactivity. As a widely used programming language, PHP also provides some multi-threaded extensions that can realize the development of real-time push systems.

This article will introduce how to use PHP multi-threading to implement a real-time push system and provide some sample code.

1. Understand PHP multi-threading

Before starting development, we need to understand some basic knowledge about PHP multi-threading.

PHP is a scripting language that usually runs on the web server. The execution mode of PHP is a request-response mode, which means that each request will create a new execution environment and destroy it after the request is completed. Therefore, PHP itself does not directly support multithreading.

However, PHP provides some multi-threading extensions, such as pthread and pcntl. These extensions enable PHP to implement multi-threaded concurrent processing at the process level. In the development of real-time push system, we mainly use pthread extension.

2. The process of implementing the real-time push system

Before implementing the real-time push system, let’s first understand the process of the entire system.

  1. Establishing a WebSocket connection between the front end and the back end

WebSocket is a full-duplex communication protocol that can establish a long connection between the client and the server to achieve real-time two-way communication. The front-end uses the WebSocket API via JavaScript to establish a connection with the back-end.

  1. The backend receives and processes client messages

The backend receives messages from the client by listening to the events of the WebSocket connection. According to different business logic, messages can be processed, stored or pushed.

  1. The backend pushes messages to the client

The backend can actively push messages to the client and push the messages to the client's WebSocket connection.

Below we will introduce in detail how to implement these steps.

3. Install dependencies and extensions

Before we start writing code, we need to install some extensions and dependencies. First, we need to install the pthread extension for PHP. It can be installed through the following command:

pecl install pthreads

After the installation is complete, add the following lines in php.ini:


In addition, we also need to install the Redis server and Redis extension for storage and push information.

4. Establish WebSocket connection

On the front end, we use the WebSocket API to connect to the back end. You can use the following code to establish a WebSocket connection:

var socket = new WebSocket("ws://example.com:8000");

On the backend, we need to create a WebSocket server to listen for WebSocket connection events. You can use the following code to create a WebSocket server:

$server = new WebSocketServer('', 8000);

$server->on('open', function ($conn) {
    echo "New connection

$server->on('message', function ($conn, $message) {
    // 处理消息

$server->on('close', function ($conn) {
    echo "Connection closed


5. Processing client messages

After the backend receives the client's message, we can process the message. The following is a simple sample code:

$server->on('message', function ($conn, $message) use ($redis) {
    $data = json_decode($message, true);
    // 处理消息
    if ($data['type'] == 'message') {
        $redis->lpush('messages', $data['content']);

6. Push messages to the client

The backend can actively push messages to the client connected by WebSocket. The following is a simple sample code:

while (true) {
    // 从队列中获取消息
    $message = $redis->rpop('messages');
    if ($message) {

7. Summary

By using PHP multi-threading to extend pthread and WebSocket API, we can implement a real-time push system. Using multi-threading can improve the concurrent processing capabilities of the system, allowing the system to handle multiple connections and messages at the same time. At the same time, using WebSocket can establish a persistent two-way connection and achieve real-time communication.

Of course, in actual development, some other factors need to be considered, such as message storage and persistence, system scalability and load balancing, etc. I hope this article can provide you with some help and guidance in implementing a real-time push system.

The above is the detailed content of How to use PHP multi-threading to implement a real-time push system. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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