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What is 403 error in php?

2021-12-22 09:55:535407browse

Solution to the 403 error in php: 1. Open the apache configuration file httpd.conf; 2. Modify the content to "allow from all"; 3. Save the configuration file.

What is 403 error in php?

The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, PHP version 7.1, Dell G3 computer.

What is the 403 error in php?

Summary of solutions to "HTTP Error 403 - Access Forbidden" appearing in php

Install Apache, version 2.2.6, just test it after installation; configure I downloaded the php.in file of php and opened it on localhost again and found an error: HTTP error 403 - Forbidden, that is, 403 Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server. Is the permission not enough?

Open apache's configuration file httpd.conf and check line by line. About halfway there is the following code:

     Options FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride None
     Order deny,allow
     Deny from all

Found it. Since php is configured, the "Deny from all" here has rejected all connections. Change this line to "allow from all". The modified code is as follows. Problem solved

     Options FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride None
     Order deny,allow
     allow from all

Open http://localhost in the browser again and it will show that it works!

Summary: If you also encounter such a 403 access forbidden, you may wish to pay attention to the code line "Deny from all" in apache's httpd.conf configuration file to see if there is any secret from the system. Modified

You do not have permission to view this page

You may not have permission to view this directory or page with the credentials you provided

If you believe you can view the directory or page, try contacting the site using the email address or phone number listed on the localhost homepage.

You can click Search to find information on the Internet.

HTTP Error 403 - Access Forbidden

Internet Explorer

The solutions to the above problems are as follows:

1 .

           Options   FollowSymLinks  
           AllowOverride   None  
           Order   deny,allow  
       #     Deny   from   all  
           Satisfy   all  

2. Find DocumentRoot "D:/www" in the httpd.conf file. It is the path where you store the php file. There is a line under it

ffc83a6adc3123026b1de6cb3fc27860, just make these two places consistent

win7 apache 403 error

apache configuration After accessing the virtual directory, I was prompted to have no permission when accessing the website. After working on it for a few hours, I finally found the cause of the error. It turned out to be the cause of my apache configuration file.

There is a sentence Alias ​​/myCode in my apache configuration file. "D:/myCode/"

This is the setting of the virtual directory

I changed it to Alias ​​/myCode "D:/myCode" everything is OK

The following attachment is correct Writing method

alias/server1   /var/server1   //正确
alias/server1/  /var/server1/  //正确
alias/server1/  /var/server1   //错误

apache http 403 Forbidden error solution

Configuring Apache on Linux When serving, I often encounter http403 errors. It also appeared during my configuration test today. I finally solved it and summarized it. The http 403 error means access denied, and there are many reasons. I have summarized 4 main reasons!

1. The accessed document has insufficient permissions. Requires permissions above 755. Solution: Use the command chmod 755 /var/www/ or other corresponding directories.

2. Causes of SELinux or firewall. Solution: First turn off SELinux and let the firewall pass the WWW service.

3. Virtual host configuration error. Solution: Reconfigure the virtual host or shut it down temporarily.

4. The alias directive is configured incorrectly. (alias syntax: Alias ​​URL-path file-path|directory-path)

The solution is as follows: Open apache's configuration file httpd.conf and view all alias instructions. If the URL-path in the instruction ends with /, then the end of file-path or dir-path also needs to contain /, as shown below:

alias/server1   /var/server1   //正确
alias/server1/  /var/server1/  //正确
alias/server1/  /var/server1   //错误

5. DocumentRoot setting. The solution is as follows:

Open apache's configuration file httpd.conf and find this code:

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Sometimes after php is configured, the "Deny from all" here has rejected everything connect. Change this line to "allow from all". The modified code is as follows, and the problem is solved.

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Delete the compiled Runtime folder of thinkphp.

Recommended learning: "PHP Video Tutorial"

The above is the detailed content of What is 403 error in php?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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