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Steps to access database in php

2019-09-04 09:35:234892browse

Steps to access database in php

There are 7 steps in total for php to access the database. The following is a detailed description

Connecting to the database server(recommended learning: PHP video tutorial)

$con = mysqli_connect("localhost:3306","root","")
or die(mysqli_connect_error());

Select the database to connect

$dataBase = mysqli_select_db($con,"zzq1802")
or die(mysqli_connect_error());

Set the encoding format

$dataBase = //mysqli_query:执行语句
mysqli_query($con,"set names utf8");

Write sql statement

$sql = "SELECT * FROM student";

Execute the sql statement and receive the execution result

$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);

Put the result Enter the array

$arr = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){

Return the results obtained from the database to the front end

$arr = array();
echo json_encode($arr);

The above is the detailed content of Steps to access database in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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