Home > Article > Backend Development > PHP calls ffmpeg to take video screenshots and splice the script
12P 一张截图平均生成时间 1.64s 100个视频,大概需要2分半左右
9P 一张截图平均生成时间 1.13s 100个视频,大概需要2分钟左右
6P 一张截图平均生成时间 0.86s 100个视频,大概需要1分半左右
3P 一张截图平均生成时间 0.54s 100个视频,大概需要1分钟左右
<?php define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai"); class FileLoader { //路径变量 private $rootdir = ''; private $tmp = "tmp"; //tmp 目录 private $source = "mpg"; //source 目录 private $destination = "screenshoot"; //目标截图路径 private $emptyImageName = "empty.jpg"; //合成的背景图 //文件数组 private $maxShoots = 12; //最大的截图数 private $videoInfo = NULL; private $files = array(); //文件数 private $fileArray = array(); private $extensionArray = array("mpg","mkv","mp4","avi","3gp","mov"); //支持的格式 private $timeArray = array("00:00:10","00:00:20","00:00:30","00:01:00","00:01:30","00:02:00","00:02:30","00:03:00","00:03:30","00:03:40","00:03:50","00:04:00"); //统计变量 private $timeStart = 0; private $timeEnd = 0; private $fileCount = 0; private $successCount = 0; private $failedCount = 0; /** * 初始化信息 */ function __construct() { file_put_contents("log.txt",""); $this->rootdir = dirname(__FILE__); $count = count($this->timeArray); for($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++) { $ii = $i-1; $this->fileArray[$ii] = $this->tmp.DS.$i.".jpg"; } } /** * 当前时间,精确到小数点 */ private static function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec)= explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** * 00:00:00 时间转秒 */ private static function timeToSec($time) { $p = explode(':',$time); $c = count($p); if ($c>1) { $hour = intval($p[0]); $minute = intval($p[1]); $sec = intval($p[2]); } else { throw new Exception('error time format'); } $secs = $hour * 3600 + $minute * 60 + $sec; return $secs; } /** * 00:00:00 时间转秒 */ private static function secToTime($time) { $hour = floor($time/3600); $min = floor(($time - $hour * 3600)/60); $sec = $time % 60; $timeStr = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$hour,$min,$sec); return $timeStr; } /** * 获取全部文件 */ private function getFiles($dir) { $files = array(); $dir = rtrim($dir, "/\\") . DS; $dh = opendir($dir); if ($dh == false) { return $files; } while (($file = readdir($dh)) != false) { if ($file{0} == '.') { continue; } $path = $dir . $file; if (is_dir($path)) { $files = array_merge($files, $this->getFiles($path)); } elseif (is_file($path)) { $files[] = $path; } } closedir($dh); return $files; } /** * 搜索路径 */ public function searchDir($sourcePath = NULL) { $this->timeStart = $this->microtime_float(); if ($sourcePath) { $this->rootdir = $sourcePath; } if (file_exists($this->rootdir) && is_dir($this->rootdir)) { $this->files = $this->getFiles($this->rootdir.DS.$this->source); } $this->fileCount = count($this->files); foreach ($this->files as $path) { $fi = pathinfo($path); $flag = array_search(strtolower($fi['extension']),$this->extensionArray); if (!$flag) continue; $this->getScreenShoot(basename($path)); } $this->timeEnd = $this->microtime_float(); $time = $this->timeEnd - $this->timeStart; if($this->fileCount > 0) { $str = sprintf("[TOTAL]: Cost Time:%8s | Total File:[%d] | Successed:[%d] | Failed:[%d] | Speed:%.2fs per file\n",$this->secToTime($time),$this->fileCount,$this->successCount,$this->failedCount,$time/$this->fileCount); file_put_contents("log.txt",$str,FILE_APPEND); } else { $str = sprintf("[TOTAL]: Cost Time:%8s | Total File:[%d] | Successed:[%d] | Failed:[%d] | Speed:%.2fs per file\n",$this->secToTime($time),$this->fileCount,$this->successCount,$this->failedCount,0); file_put_contents("log.txt",$str,FILE_APPEND); } } /** * 获取视频信息 */ private function getVideoInfo($file){ $re = array(); exec(".".DS."ffmpeg -i {$file} 2>&1", $re); $info = implode("\n", $re); if(preg_match("/No such file or directory/i", $info)) { return false; } if(preg_match("/Invalid data/i", $info)){ return false; } $match = array(); preg_match("/\d{2,}x\d+/", $info, $match); list($width, $height) = explode("x", $match[0]); $match = array(); preg_match("/Duration:(.*?),/", $info, $match); if($match) { $duration = date("H:i:s", strtotime($match[1])); }else { $duration = NULL; } $match = array(); preg_match("/bitrate:(.*kb\/s)/", $info, $match); $bitrate = $match[1]; if(!$width && !$height && !$duration && !$bitrate){ return false; }else{ return array( "file" => $file, "width" => $width, "height" => $height, "duration" => $duration, "bitrate" => $bitrate, "secends" => $this->timeToSec($duration) ); } } /** * 设置截图时间 */ private function setShootSecends($secends,$useDefault = NO) { if($useDefault) { if($secends<18) { $time = 1; }else { $time = 5; } $range = floor(($secends - $time)/ ($this->maxShoots)); if ($range < 1) { $range = 1; } $this->timeArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<$this->maxShoots;$i++) { $this->timeArray[$i] = $this->secToTime($time); $time = $time + $range; if ($time > $secends) break; } } } /** * 拼接图片 */ private function getFixedPhoto($fileName) { $target = $this->rootdir.DS.$this->emptyImageName;//背景图片 $target_img = Imagecreatefromjpeg($target); $source= array(); foreach ($this->fileArray as $k=>$v) { $source[$k]['source'] = Imagecreatefromjpeg($v); $source[$k]['size'] = getimagesize($v); } $tmpx=5; $tmpy=5;//图片之间的间距 for ($i=0; $i< count($this->timeArray); $i++) { imagecopy($target_img,$source[$i]['source'],$tmpx,$tmpy,0,0,$source[$i]['size'][0],$source[$i]['size'][1]); $target_img = $this->setTimeLabel($target_img,$tmpx,$tmpy,$source[$i]['size'][0],$source[$i]['size'][1],$this->timeArray[$i]); $tmpx = $tmpx+ $source[$i]['size'][0]; $tmpx = $tmpx+5; if(($i+1) %3 == 0){ $tmpy = $tmpy+$source[$i]['size'][1]; $tmpy = $tmpy+5; $tmpx=5; } } $target_img = $this->setVideoInfoLabel($target_img,$tmpx,$tmpy,$this->videoInfo); Imagejpeg($target_img,$this->rootdir.DS.$this->destination.DS.$fileName.'.jpg'); } /** * 设置时间刻度标签 */ private function setTimeLabel($image,$image_x,$image_y,$image_w,$image_h,$img_text) { imagealphablending($image,true); //设定颜色 $color=imagecolorallocate($image,255,255,255); $ttf_im=imagettfbbox(30 ,0,"Arial.ttf",$this->img_text); $w = $ttf_im[2] - $ttf_im[6]; $h = $ttf_im[3] - $ttf_im[7]; unset($ttf_im); $txt_y =$image_y+$image_h+$h-5; $txt_x =$image_x+$w+5; imagettftext($image,30,0,$txt_x,$txt_y,$color,"Arial.ttf",$img_text); return $image; } /** * 设置视频信息标签 */ private function setVideoInfoLabel($image,$txt_x,$txt_y,$videoInfo) { imagealphablending($image,true); $color=imagecolorallocate($image,0,0,0); imagettftext($image,32,0,100,2000+30,$color,"FZLTHJW.ttf","FileName:".basename($videoInfo["file"])); imagettftext($image,32,0,1600,2000+30,$color,"Arial.ttf","Size:".$videoInfo["width"]."x".$videoInfo["height"]); imagettftext($image,32,0,100,2000+120,$color,"Arial.ttf","Duration:".$videoInfo["duration"]); imagettftext($image,32,0,1600,2000+120,$color,"Arial.ttf","Bitrate:".$videoInfo["bitrate"]); return $image; } /** * 屏幕截图 */ public function getScreenShoot($fileName) { $fi = pathinfo($fileName); $this->videoInfo = $this->getVideoInfo($this->rootdir.DS.$this->source.DS.$fileName); if($this->videoInfo) { $this->setShootSecends($this->videoInfo["secends"]); for ($i=0; $i< count($this->timeArray); $i++ ) { $cmd=".".DS."ffmpeg -ss ". $this->timeArray[$i] ." -i ". $this->rootdir.DS.$this->source.DS.$fileName ." -y -f image2 -s 720*480 -vframes 1 ".$this->rootdir.DS.$this->fileArray[$i]; exec($cmd,$out,$status); } $this->getFixedPhoto($fileName); $str = sprintf("[%s]:OK...........[%s][%2dP]%-30s\n",date("y-m-d h:i:s",time()),$this->videoInfo["duration"],count($this->timeArray),$fileName); file_put_contents("log.txt",$str,FILE_APPEND); $this->successCount += 1; }else { $str = sprintf("[%s]:FAILED.................................[%s][%2dP]%-30s\n",date("y-m-d h:i:s",time()),$this->videoInfo["duration"],count($this->timeArray),$fileName); file_put_contents("log.txt",$str,FILE_APPEND); $this->failedCount += 1; } } /** * TODO: * 截取图片, * 需要配置ffmpeg-php,比较麻烦, * 但是这个类确实挺好用的。 */ public function getScreenShoot2($fileName) { if(extension_loaded('ffmpeg')){//判断ffmpeg是否载入 $mov = new ffmpeg_movie($this->rootdir.DS.$this->source.DS.$fileName);//视频的路径 $count = $mov->getFrameCount(); $ff_frame = $mov->getFrame(floor($count/2)); if($ff_frame) { $gd_image = $ff_frame->toGDImage(); $img=$this->rootdir.DS."test.jpg";//要生成图片的绝对路径 imagejpeg($gd_image, $img);//创建jpg图像 imagedestroy($gd_image);//销毁一图像 } }else{ echo "ffmpeg没有载入"; } } } $fileLoader = new FileLoader(); $fileLoader->searchDir(); ?>
The above is the detailed content of PHP calls ffmpeg to take video screenshots and splice the script. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!