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Detailed explanation of how to use the verification code that comes with Yii 2.0

2017-07-04 13:43:291279browse

This article mainly introduces some experiences about using the verification code that comes with Yii 2.0, so that novices can get started quickly, and it has certain reference and learning value for everyone. Friends who need it can come here Let’s take a look.


In the front-end verification code that comes with the official website, there is a contact.php file under the view. If you have nothing to do, you can take a look first. Without further ado, interested friends can take a look at the detailed introduction:

The usage method is as follows:

Step one: Because I created the modules myself, I created a new models directory under my modules (the default gii-generated modules does not have this directory), and I named it LoginForm.php

The code is as follows:

namespace app\modules\XXX\models;//这个你们写自己的命名空间,我以我的modules项目路径为例

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;

use yii\captcha\Captcha;

class LoginForm extends Model
 public $name; 

 public $email; 

 public $subject; 

 public $body; 

 public $verifyCode;//验证码这个变量是必须建的,因为要储存验证码的值` /** * @return array the validation rules. */

 public function rules() 
   return [ 
     // name, email, subject and body are required 
     [['name', 'email', 'subject', 'body'], 'required'], 
     // email has to be a valid email 
     ['email', 'email'], 
     // verifyCode needs to be entered correctly 
     ['verifyCode', 'captcha'],//注意这里,在百度中查到很多教程,这里写的都不一样,最 简单的写法就像我这种写法,当然还有其它各种写法 
     //['verifyCode', 'captcha','captchaAction'=>'admin/index/captcha','message'=>'验 证码不正确!'], 这种写法在官网自带的LoginForm.php中有写到,大家可以没事看看 ]; 
 * * @return array customized attribute labels 
 public function attributeLabels() 
   return [ 
     // 'verifyCode' => 'Verification Code', 
     'verifyCode' => '',//在官网的教程里是加上了英文字母,我这里先给去掉了,这里去 掉会不会产生影响因为我还没做接收验证,只做了验证码显示的功能,你们可以自己测试下 

Then in the second step we go to Controller and add the code

namespace app\modules\XXX\controllers;//你们自己的控制器空间

use yii\web\Controller;

use yii\web\Session;

use Yii;

use app\modules\XXX\models\LoginForm;//XXX你们自己定义的名字

use yii\filters\AccessControl;

use yii\filters\VerbFilter;

public function actionLogin()
  $loginForm = new LoginForm();//这里要把刚才写的类new下,注意你们要引入文件路径额
 * @用户授权规则
public function behaviors()
 return [
   'access' => [
    'class' => AccessControl::className(),
    'only' => ['logout', 'signup','login'],//这里一定要加
    'rules' => [
      'actions' => ['login','captcha'],
      'allow' => true,
      'roles' => ['?'],
      'allow' => true,
      'roles' => ['@'],
   'verbs' => [
    'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
    'actions' => [
     'logout' => ['post'],
  * @验证码独立操作 下面这个actions注意一点,验证码调试出来的样式也许你并不满意,这里就可
 public function actions()
  return [ 
//     'captcha' => 
//     [
//      'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
//      'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,
//     ], //默认的写法
      'captcha' => [
         'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
         'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,
         'maxLength' => 6, //最大显示个数
         'minLength' => 5,//最少显示个数
         'padding' => 5,//间距
         'width' => 130, //宽度 
         'foreColor'=>0xffffff,  //字体颜色
         'offset'=>4,  //设置字符偏移量 有效果
         //'controller'=>'login',  //拥有这个动作的controller

The second step of the controller code here is It’s done, you should pay attention to the categories to be added and don’t fall behind!

The third step:

In the view template, here is login.php and add the following code

   $form = ActiveForm::begin([
        &#39;id&#39; => &#39;login-form&#39;,         
 echo Captcha::widget([&#39;name&#39;=>&#39;captchaimg&#39;,&#39;captchaAction&#39;=>&#39;login/captcha&#39;,&#39;imageOptions&#39;=>[&#39;id&#39;=>&#39;captchaimg&#39;, &#39;title&#39;=>&#39;换一个&#39;, &#39;alt&#39;=>&#39;换一个&#39;, &#39;style&#39;=>&#39;cursor:pointer;margin-left:25px;&#39;],&#39;template&#39;=>&#39;{image}&#39;]);//我这里写的跟官方的不一样,因为我这里加了一个参数(login/captcha),这个参数指向你当前控制器名,如果不加这句,就会找到默认的site控制器上去,验证码会一直出不来,在style里是可以写css代码的,可以调试样式 ?>

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of how to use the verification code that comes with Yii 2.0. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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