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PHP realizes the function of generating graphic verification code with background

2017-02-03 17:43:433731browse

The example of this article describes the PHP function of generating a graphical verification code with a background. I share it with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

In the past, we used PHP to generate verification codes without background or with the same color background. However, this kind of verification is easy for machines to recognize. Here are some introductions. Generate a graphic verification code example with a background.

1. Generate a png picture,
2. Set the background color for the picture,
3. Set the font color and style,
4 , Generate a 4-digit random verification code,
5. Adjust the rotation angle and position of each generated character and draw it on the png image,
6. Add noise and interference lines to prevent the registration machine from analyzing the original image. Malicious registration,
7. Output pictures,
8. Release the memory occupied by pictures

authcode.php file, the code is as follows:

    session_start ();
    header ( &#39;Content-type: image/png&#39; );
    $im = imagecreate($x=130,$y=45 );
    $bg = imagecolorallocate($im,rand(50,200),rand(0,155),rand(0,155)); //第一次对 imagecolorallocate() 的调用会给基于调色板的图像填充背景色
    $fontColor = imageColorAllocate ( $im, 255, 255, 255 );  //字体颜色
    $fontstyle = &#39;rock.ttf&#39;;          //字体样式,这个可以从c:windowsFonts文件夹下找到,我把它放到和authcode.php文件同一个目录,这里可以替换其他的字体样式
    for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i ++) {
        $randAsciiNumArray     = array (rand(48,57),rand(65,90));
        $randAsciiNum         = $randAsciiNumArray [rand ( 0, 1 )];
        $randStr             = chr ( $randAsciiNum );
        $authcode            .= $randStr;
    $_SESSION[&#39;authcode&#39;]    = $randFourStr;//用户和用户输入的验证码做比较
    for ($i=0;$i<8;$i++){
        $lineColor    = imagecolorallocate($im,rand(0,255),rand(0,255),rand(0,255));
        imageline ($im,rand(0,$x),0,rand(0,$x),$y,$lineColor);
    for ($i=0;$i<250;$i++){

Example 2, create a new PHP file captcha_code_file .php, the code is as follows:

$image_width = 120;
$image_height = 40;
$characters_on_image = 6;
$font = &#39;./monofont.ttf&#39;;
//The characters that can be used in the CAPTCHA code.
//avoid confusing characters (l 1 and i for example)
$possible_letters = &#39;23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz&#39;;
$random_dots = 10;
$random_lines = 30;
$captcha_noice_color = "0x142864";
$code = &#39;&#39;;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $characters_on_image) {
$code .= substr($possible_letters, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible_letters)-1), 1);
$font_size = $image_height * 0.75;
$image = @imagecreate($image_width, $image_height);
/* setting the background, text and noise colours here */
$background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$arr_text_color = hexrgb($captcha_text_color);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $arr_text_color[&#39;red&#39;],
    $arr_text_color[&#39;green&#39;], $arr_text_color[&#39;blue&#39;]);
$arr_noice_color = hexrgb($captcha_noice_color);
$image_noise_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $arr_noice_color[&#39;red&#39;],
    $arr_noice_color[&#39;green&#39;], $arr_noice_color[&#39;blue&#39;]);
/* generating the dots randomly in background */
for( $i=0; $i<$random_dots; $i++ ) {
imagefilledellipse($image, mt_rand(0,$image_width),
 mt_rand(0,$image_height), 2, 3, $image_noise_color);
/* generating lines randomly in background of image */
for( $i=0; $i<$random_lines; $i++ ) {
imageline($image, mt_rand(0,$image_width), mt_rand(0,$image_height),
 mt_rand(0,$image_width), mt_rand(0,$image_height), $image_noise_color);
/* create a text box and add 6 letters code in it */
$textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, $code);
$x = ($image_width - $textbox[4])/2;
$y = ($image_height - $textbox[5])/2;
imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $font , $code);
/* Show captcha image in the page html page */
header(&#39;Content-Type: image/jpeg&#39;);// defining the image type to be shown in browser widow
imagejpeg($image);//showing the image
imagedestroy($image);//destroying the image instance
$_SESSION[&#39;6_letters_code&#39;] = $code;
function hexrgb ($hexstr)
 $int = hexdec($hexstr);
 return array("red" => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x10),
        "green" => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x8),
        "blue" => 0xFF & $int);

Display the verification code page index.php, the example code is as follows:

  // code for check server side validation
  if(emptyempty($_SESSION[&#39;6_letters_code&#39;] ) ||
    strcasecmp($_SESSION[&#39;6_letters_code&#39;], $_POST[&#39;6_letters_code&#39;]) != 0)
    echo "您输入的是正确的!";
    // Captcha verification is Correct. Final Code Execute here!
<style type="text/css">
  font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.table td{
<form action="" method="post" name="form1" id="form1" >
 <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">
<?php if(isset($msg)){?>
   <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top"><?php echo $msg;?></td>
<?php } ?>
   <td align="right" valign="top"> 验证码Demo:</td>
   <td><img src="captcha_code_file.php?rand=<?php echo rand(0,20);?>" id=&#39;captchaimg&#39; onclick="refreshCaptcha();" ><br>
    <label for=&#39;message&#39;>请输入验证码:</label>
    <input id="6_letters_code" name="6_letters_code" type="text">
    如果看不到,请 <a href=&#39;javascript: refreshCaptcha();&#39;>点我</a> 刷新一下!
   <td> </td>
   <td><input name="Submit" type="submit" onclick="return validate();" value="Submit"></td>
<script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;>
function refreshCaptcha()
  var img = document.images[&#39;captchaimg&#39;];
  img.src = img.src.substring(0,img.src.lastIndexOf("?"))+"?rand="+Math.random()*1000;

Example 3, verification code with snowflake background, the code is as follows:

<input type=text name=number maxlength=4><img src="YanZhengMa.php?act=init">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" name="sub">
if($HTTP_POST_VARS["number"] != $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[login_check_number] || emptyempty($HTTP_POST_VARS["number"])){
  echo "校验码不正确!" ;
$img_height=120;  //先定义图片的长、宽
if($HTTP_GET_VARS["act"]== "init"){
  //srand(microtime() * 100000);//PHP420后,srand不是必须的
  }//by sports98
  $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[login_check_number] = $nmsg;
  //$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[login_check_number] = strval(mt_rand("1111","9999"));  //生成4位的随机数,放入session中
  $aimg = imageCreate($img_height,$img_width);  //生成图片
  ImageColorAllocate($aimg, 255,255,255);      //图片底色,ImageColorAllocate第1次定义颜色PHP就认为是底色了
  $black = ImageColorAllocate($aimg, 0,0,0);    //定义需要的黑色
  for ($i=1; $i<=100; $i++) {  //先用100个做测试
  for ($i=0;$i<strlen($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[login_check_number]);$i++){
    imageString($aimg, mt_rand(3,5),$i*$img_height/4+mt_rand(1,10),mt_rand(1,$img_width/2), $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[login_check_number][$i],imageColorAllocate($aimg,mt_rand(0,100),mt_rand(0,150),mt_rand(0,200)));
  Header("Content-type: image/png");  //告诉浏览器,下面的数据是图片,而不要按文字显示
  ImagePng($aimg);          //生成png格式。。。嘿嘿效果蛮像回事的嘛。。。

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.

For more articles related to the function of generating graphic verification codes with background in PHP, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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