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iOS development questions (2)

2017-01-20 09:26:081081browse

11. Unable to debug the device "Error launching remote program: failed to get the task forprocess 6405."
ad-hoc Profile does not support debugging. Change to development profile.
12. OTA cannot be downloaded, prompting "Cannot download application"
The bundle-identifier in the .plist file is written incorrectly (or contains Chinese characters), such as:


where The com.xxx.—APN—contains Chinese ("--") and should be changed to English.
Or the signing certificate is invalid. Please detect the signing certificate in Orgnizer.
12. EXEC_BAD often appears in ASIHTTPRequest
When using ASIHTTPRequest to make asynchronous requests, program crashes often occur. Especially during the request process (not Finished), if you switch the view. Because it is an asynchronous request, the request object may call delegate (ViewController) at any time, and the ViewController may have been released at this time. Because UIKit will release the ViewController that is not currently displayed at any time. If you switch ViewController, the hidden ViewController will be released at any time. If the request calls back the delegate method of ViewController, and that ViewController happens to be released by UIKit, EXEC_BAD will result. It is also mentioned in the official documentation: Requests don't retain their delegates, so if there's a chance your delegatemay be deallocated while your request is running, it is vital that you clear the request's delegate properties. In most circumstances, if your delegate is going to be deallocated, you probably also want to cancel request, since you nolonger care about the request's status
So when using ASIHTTPRequest for asynchronous programming, we have to clear the delegate attribute of the request ourselves. In the dealloc method of delegate(ViewController) you should:

[request clearDelegatesAndCancel];
[request release];

Of course, request cannot be a temporary variable, but should be a retained member object (or attribute), otherwise you cannot clearDelegatesAndCancel.

13. Assertion failure in -[UIActionSheet showInView:]
Open action sheet in the main thread:

[selfperformSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(showActionSheet) withObject:nilwaitUntilDone:NO];

showActionSheet method:

-(void) showActionSheet
{ sheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"This is my ActionSheet!" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"destructiveButtonTitle:@"Delete Message!" otherButtonTitles:@"Option1", @"Option 2", @"Option 3", nil];
[sheet showInView:self.view];

14. RegexKitLite compilation error
The following error is prompted during compilation:

"_uregex_find", referenced from: _rkl_search in RegexKitLite.o

在Build Settgins的Other Linke Flag中加入
15、Archive时遇到“ResourceRules.plist:cannot read resources”错误
在build settings中找到Code Signing Resource Rules Path,填入$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist

Edit Scheme,选择Run …Debug,打开Arguments组,在Environment Variables中添加一个参数:

*** -[ITSMTicketCell release]: message sent to deallocated instance0x897e920

17、 关于Xcode4无法调试2代代老设备的问题
升级到Xcode4以后,你会发现许多程序无法在2代设备(有些3代设备,比如iTouch 3实际上仍然是2代的硬件)上运行了,并且Xcode4仅仅“Running…”就直接“Finished…”了,无论是Xcode控制台还是设备日志中,都没有任何提示。
注意:2代和3代的区别在于cpu架构。2代设备使用ARMv6架构cpu,3代设备使用ARMv7架构cpu。 iPhone 2G/3G,iPod 1G/2G属于ARMv6架构(2代),iPhone3GS/4, iPod 3G,iPad属于ARMv7架构(3代)。
1、打开Target的Build Settings,找到Architectures选项,将其从“$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)”修改为“armv6$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)”。注意大小写是敏感的。“$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)”是一个变量,实际上等同于armv7。
2、Base SDK不需要改变,仍然是Lastest iOS。
3、打开Target的info,找到Required device capabilities,将下面的armv7删除。这个选项是Xcode4自己添加在工程中的默认设置,如果不去掉它,第1步-第2步的工作是无法生效的。
18、“Avalid provisioning profile for this device was not found.”

19、将设备添加到 portal
连接设备,打开Orgnizer。在设备列表中选中设备,点击右边窗口左下角的“Add to Portal”按钮。或者在设备列的设备上右击,选择“AddDevice to Provisioning Portal”。

20、renew profile
打开Orgnizer,在LIBRARY中选择Provisioning Profiles。在右边窗口选择要renew的profile,点击右下角的“Refresh”按钮。输入Portal的密码,profile将被renew。

在XcodeOrganizer中安装新的provisioning profiles

以上就是iOS 开发百问(2)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!

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