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Detailed explanation of the interception string function of ThinkPHP template substr

2017-01-11 10:52:031582browse

ThinkPHP template substr interception string function

Add the following code to Common/function.php

** 截取中文字符串
function msubstr($str, $start=0, $length, $charset="utf-8", $suffix=true){
 $slice= mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
 }elseif(function_exists('iconv_substr')) {
 $slice= iconv_substr($str,$start,$length,$charset);
 $re['utf-8'] = "/[x01-x7f]|[xc2-xdf][x80-xbf]|[xe0-xef][x80-xbf]{2}|[xf0-xff][x80-xbf]{3}/";
 $re['gb2312'] = "/[x01-x7f]|[xb0-xf7][xa0-xfe]/";
 $re['gbk'] = "/[x01-x7f]|[x81-xfe][x40-xfe]/";
 $re['big5'] = "/[x01-x7f]|[x81-xfe]([x40-x7e]|xa1-xfe])/";
 preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match);
 $slice = join("",array_slice($match[0], $start, $length));
 if(strlen($slice) < strlen($str)){
 return $suffix ? $slice.$fix : $slice;

When the front-end page needs to intercept the string


/*****************************Case************************ *****/

 public function NewsList(){
 $p = I(&#39;page&#39;,1);
 $listRows = 10;
 $News = M(&#39;news&#39;);
 $info = $News->field(&#39;id,title,subtitle,publish_date,img,content&#39;)->where(array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;news&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>&#39;1&#39;))->order(&#39;flag desc,sort_no desc&#39;)->page($p,$listRows)->select();
 $count = $News->where(array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;news&#39;,&#39;status&#39;=>&#39;1&#39;))->count();
 $Page = new Page($count,$listRows);
 $show = $Page->show();

ThinkPHP 模板substr的截取字符串函数详解

ThinkPHP 模板substr的截取字符串函数详解

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