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Ubuntu view system information command list

2016-11-29 11:16:121895browse

System information
# uname -a           # View kernel/operating system/CPU information
# cat /etc/issue       #                                                 # View the operating system version
#cat /proc/version # View cpu information h # hostname # View computer name
# LSPCI -TV # List all PCI devices
# LSUSB -TV # List all USB devices
# LSMOD # List the loaded kernel module
# ENV # View environment variables

Resource information

# free -m # Check the memory usage and swap area usage

# df -h # Check the usage of each partition
# du -sh # Check the size of the specified directory
# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo # Check the total amount of memory
# grep MemFree /proc/meminfo # Check the amount of free memory
# uptime # Check the system running time, number of users, load
# cat /proc/loadavg # Check the system load

disk information

# mount | column -t # View the mounted partition status

# fdisk -l # View all partitions
# swapon -s # View all swap partitions
# hdparm -i /dev/hda # View disk parameters (only applicable to IDE device)
# dmesg | grep IDE # Check the IDE device detection status at startup

Network information

# ifconfig # Check the properties of all network interfaces

# iptables -L # Check the firewall settings
# route -n # Check the routing table
# netstat -lntp # View all listening ports
# netstat -antp # View all established connections
# netstat -s # View network statistics

Process information

# ps -ef # View all processes

# top # Real-time display Process status

User information

# w # View active users

# id # View specified user information
# last # View user login log
# cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd # View system All users
# cut -d: -f1 /etc/group # View all groups in the system
# crontab -l # View the current user’s scheduled tasks

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