Home >Backend Development >C#.Net Tutorial >C# image processing drawing official seal
I have recently started to learn image processing. I will record what I learn, and after I finish writing it, a small software will be released~
Here is: drawing an official seal.
#region 绘制公章 private void simpleButton_绘制公章_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int tem_Line = 0; //圆的直径 int circularity_W = 5; //画笔的粗细 string star_Str = "★"; //星星 Font star_Font = new Font("Arial", 30, FontStyle.Regular);//设置星号的字体样式 #region 画圆 if (panel_绘制公章.Height > panel_绘制公章.Width) //如果panel控件的高度大于等于宽度 { tem_Line = panel_绘制公章.Width; //设置宽度为圆的直径 } else { tem_Line = panel_绘制公章.Height; //设置高度为圆的直径 } //设置圆的绘制区域=>现在是正方形的区域 rect = new Rectangle(circularity_W, circularity_W, tem_Line - 2 * circularity_W, tem_Line - 2 * circularity_W); //补充:Graphics必须有载体,也就是在哪里绘 //所以必须是this.CreateGraphics或者Panel..CreateGraphics等格式 Graphics g = panel_绘制公章.CreateGraphics();//实例化Graphics类 //消除绘制图形的锯齿 g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; //System.Drawing.Drawing2D; g.Clear(Color.White); //以白色清空panel1控件的背景,防止重复画 Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Red, circularity_W); //设置画笔(颜色和粗细) g.DrawEllipse(myPen, rect); //绘制圆 #endregion #region 画星星 SizeF Var_Size = new SizeF(rect.Width, rect.Height); //实例化SizeF类 Var_Size = g.MeasureString(star_Str, star_Font); //对指定字符串进行测量 //正中间的位置绘制星号 float star_x = (rect.Width / 2F) + circularity_W - Var_Size.Width / 2F; float star_y = rect.Height / 2F - Var_Size.Width / 2F; g.DrawString(star_Str, star_Font, myPen.Brush, new PointF(star_x, star_y)); #endregion #region 画文字 Var_Size = g.MeasureString("本人专用章", Var_Font);//对指定字符串进行测量 //绘制文字:在中间,但是在星星下面 float m = (rect.Width / 2F) + circularity_W - Var_Size.Width / 2F; float n = rect.Height / 2F + Var_Size.Height * 2; g.DrawString("本人专用章", Var_Font, myPen.Brush, new PointF(m, n)); int len = 0; if (inputWords != null) //如果没有输入文字,加判断 { len = inputWords.Length;//获取字符串的长度 } float angle = 180;//设置文字的初始旋转角度 float change = 0; if (len > 1) //一个字的需要特殊处理 { change = 180 / (len - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)//将文字以指定的弧度进行绘制 { if (len > 1) { //相当于把坐标系移动到了正中间 float x = (tem_Line + circularity_W / 2) / 2; float y = (tem_Line + circularity_W / 2) / 2; //将指定的平移添加到g的变换矩阵前 g.TranslateTransform(x, y); g.RotateTransform(angle);//将指定的旋转用于g的变换矩阵 Brush myBrush = Brushes.Red;//定义画刷 //需要注意,这时文字的位置的坐标位置是以新的坐标系为基础得到的 float words_x = tem_Line / 2 - 6 * circularity_W; float words_y = 0; g.DrawString(inputWords.Substring(i, 1), Var_Font, myBrush, words_x, words_y);//显示旋转文字 g.ResetTransform();//将g的全局变换矩阵重置为单位矩阵=>对应TranslateTransform,相当于恢复操作 angle += change;//设置下一个文字的角度 } else { //输入的文字为一个时候是特殊情况,单独考虑 float x = (tem_Line + circularity_W / 2) / 2; float y = (tem_Line + circularity_W / 2) / 2; g.TranslateTransform(x, y); g.RotateTransform(0); Brush myBrush = Brushes.Red; float words_x = -circularity_W*3; float words_y = -(tem_Line / 2 - 2 * circularity_W); g.DrawString(inputWords.Substring(i, 1), Var_Font, myBrush, words_x, words_y); g.ResetTransform(); } } #endregion } private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { inputWords = textBox_文字.Text; MessageBox.Show("保存成功!"); } #endregion
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