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Imagick api Chinese translation

2016-08-08 09:23:121740browse

imagick ::adaptiveblurimage Add an adaptive blur filter to the image

imagick ::adaptiveresizeimage Adaptively adjust the image data dependencies

imagick ::adaptivesharpenimage Adaptively sharpen the image

imagick ::adaptivethresholdimage Based on Range selection for each pixel's brightness

imagick ::addimage Add a new image imagick object to the image list.

imagick ::addnoiseimage Add random noise to the image

imagick ::affinetransformimage Transform the image

imagick ::animateimages Animated image or image

imagick ::annotateimage annotates the text of the image

imagick ::appendimages Appends a set of images

imagick ::averageimages Averages a set of images

imagick ::blackthresholdimage Forces all pixels below the threshold to be black

imagick ::blurimage Adds a blur filter to an image

imagick ::borderimage An image with a border around it

imagick ::charcoalimage simulates a charcoal drawing

imagick ::chopimage deletes the image and the used area

imagick ::clear clears all resources associated with the imagick object

imagick ::clipImage from 8bim profile clipimage Clip along path

imagick ::clipPathImage Clip along clippathimage Clip named path from 8bim profile

imagick ::clone Make imagick completely copy the object

imagick ::clutimage Replace the color in the image

imagick ::coalesceimages Contributes a set of images

imagick ::colorfloodfillimage Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target

imagick ::colorizeimage Blends the fill color with the image

imagick :: combineimages Combine one or more images into one image

imagick ::commentimage Add comments to your images

imagick ::compareimagechannels Return one or more images in a date object

imagick ::compareimagelayers Returns the area of ​​maximum brightness between images

imagick ::compareimages Corner comparison image image

imagick ::compositeimage Composite image dragged onto another

imagick ::__constructimagick actionscript

imagick :: contrastimage Change the contrast of an image

imagick ::contraststretchimage Enhance contrast color image

imagick ::convolveimage Apply a custom convolution kernel to the image

imagick ::cropimage Extract the image of the region

imagick::cropthumbnailimage creates a cropped advanced

imagick::current returns the colormap for the current imagick object

imagick::cyclecolormapimage bird image

imagick::decipherimagedeciphers image

imagick ::deconstructimages Return the difference between images for certain pixels

imagick ::deleteimageartifact Remove image artifacts

imagick ::deskewimage Remove ripples from an image

imagick ::despeckleimage Reduce specks in an image Noise

imagick ::destroy Destroy Destroy this imagick object

imagick ::displayimage Display images

imagick ::displayimages Display an image or image sequence.

imagick ::distortimage Distort image in The various deformation methods

imagick::stroke object renders the imagickdraw object on the current image

imagick::edgeimage enhances the edges in the image

imagick::embossimage returns a gray with three dimensions Image effects

imagick ::encipherimageenciphers Image

imagick ::enhanceimage can improve the quality of an scene image

imagick ::equalizeimageequalizes Image histogram

imagick ::e evaluateimage application image expression Formula

imagick ::exportimagepixels Convert original image pixels

imagick ::extentimage Set image size

imagick ::flattenimages Merge image sequence

imagick ::flipimage Create vertical mirror

imagick ::floodfillpaintimage Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target

imagick ::flopimage Creates a horizontal mirror

imagick ::frameimage Adds a simulated border to the properties.

imagick ::functionimage in Apply a function to the image

imagick ::fximage Evaluate the expression for each pixel in the image

imagick ::gammaimagegamma Correct the image

imagick ::gaussianblurimage adjust

imagick ::getcolorspace Get or set the object with colorspace

imagick::getcompression compression.

imagick ::getcompressionquality Gets the compression quality of the object

imagick ::getcopyright Returns the copyright of imagemagick api as a string.

imagick ::getfolder The image sequence associated with the specified file name

imagick::getfont gets the font

imagick::getFormat only returns the format of the imagick object.

imagick::getgravity gets or sets gravity

imagick::gethomeurl returns the imagemagick homepage url

KImagick :: GetImage returns a new Imagick object

Imagick :: GetImagealphAnnel to obtain the image of the image

Imagick :: GetImageartifact to obtain the image

Imagick :: getim AgeBackgroundColor returns the background color of the image .

imagick ::getimageblob Returns the sequence as a blob

imagick ::getimageblueprimary Returns the chromaticy blue primary point

imagick ::getimagebordercolor Returns the border color of the image.

imagick ::getimagechanneldepth Get as specific Image depth channel

imagick ::getimagechanneldistortion Corner comparison image image channels of image

imagick ::getimagechanneldistortions Get channel distortions

imagick ::getImageChannelExtrema Input extrema image getchannelextrema Get one or more channels of an image

imagick ::getimagechannelkurtosis getimagechannelkurtosis Purpose

imagick ::getimagechannelmean Get the mean and standard deviation

imagick ::getimagechannelrange Get the channel area

imagick ::getimagechannelstatistics Return the statistics of the image for each channel

imagick::getimageclipmask Gets the image clip mask

imagick::getimagecolormapcolor Returns the color of the specified color table index.

imagick::getimagecolors Gets the unique color number in the image

imagick::getimagecolorspace Get or set the colorspace of the image

imagick ::getimagecompose Returns the image associated with the composite operator

imagick ::getimagecompression Gets the compression type of the current image

imagick ::getimagecompressionquality Gets the compression quality of the current image

imagick ::getimagedelay Get or set image delay

imagick ::getimagedepth Get or set image depth

imagick ::getimagedispose Get image processing method

imagick ::getimagedistortion Corner comparison image Image

imagick ::getimageextrema Gets the "extrema" of an image

imagick ::getimagefilename Returns the file name of a specific image in the sequence

imagick ::getimageformat Returns the format of a specific image in the sequence

imagick::getimagegamma Gets or sets the gamma of the image

imagick::getimagegeometry Gets the width and height as an associative array

imagick::getimagegravity Gets or sets the state of the image

imagick::getimagegreenprimary Returns chromaticy green main point

imagick::getimageheight returns the height of the image

imagick::getimagehistogram gets or sets the image histogram

imagick::getimageindex gets the index of the current active image.

imagick ::getimageinterlacescheme Gets the non-square pixel image scheme

imagick ::getimageinterpolatemethod returns the specified interpolation method

imagick ::getimageiterations Gets or sets the iteration of the image

imagick ::getimagelength Returns the byte length of the image

imagick ::getimagemagicklicense Returns a string containing the license of imagemagick

imagick ::getimagematte If the image has a matte channel getimagematte returns

imagick ::getimagemattecolor Returns the image matte color.

imagick ::getimageorientation Gets or sets the orientation of the image

imagick ::getimagepage Returns the page geometry

imagick ::getimagepixelcolor Returns the color of the specified pixel

imagick ::getimageprofile Returns the named image

imagick::getimageprofiles returns the image profile

imagick::getimageproperties returns the specified image properties

imagick::getimageproperty returns the named image properties

imagick::getimageredprimary returns the chromaticity red main point

imagick::getimageregion Extract the image of the region

imagick::getimagerenderingintent Get the image rendering method

imagick::getimageresolution Get the x and y resolution of the image

imagick::getimagesblob Return all image sequences As a blob

imagick::getimagescene gets or sets the scene of an image

imagick::getimagesignature generates a sha 256 message digest

imagick::getimagesize() returns the byte length

imagick::getimagetickspersecond gets or sets image ticks per second

imagick:: getimagetotalinkdensity Get the total ink density of the image

imagick ::getimagetype Get the potential image type

imagick ::getimageunits Get the resolution of the image

imagick ::getimagevirtualpixelmethod The virtual pixel method returns

imagick ::getimagewhitepoint Returns the chromaticity white point

imagick ::getimagewidth Returns the specified image width

imagick ::getinterlacescheme Gets the non-square pixel scheme of the object

imagick ::getiteratorindex Gets the index of the current active image.

imagick ::getnumberimages Returns the image in the object

imagick ::getoption () Returns a value associated with the specified key

imagick ::getpackagename Returns the imagemagick package name

imagick ::getpage returns the page geometry

imagick ::getpixeliterator returns a magicpixeliterator

imagick ::getPixelRegionIterator Gets the ImagickPixelIterator of the image

imagick ::getpointsize gets the point size

imagick::getquantumdepth gets Or set the quantum depth

imagick ::getquantumrange Returns the quantum range of imagick

imagick ::getreleasedate Returns the release date of imagemagick

imagick ::getResource Gets and returns the usage status of the specified resource.

imagick ::getresourcelimit Returns the specified resource limit

imagick ::getsamplingfactors The obtained horizontal and vertical sampling coefficients

imagick ::getsize Returns the

returned by imagick ::getsizeoffset associated with the imagick object Offset

imagick ::getversion Return imagemagick api version

imagick ::haldclutimage Replace color in image

imagick ::hasnextimage Check object has related image

imagick ::hasPreviousIm age if object There is a haspreviousimage Check the previous image

imagick ::identifyImage An image and get the identifyimage identification attribute

imagick ::implodeImage As a copy implodeimage Create a new image

imagick ::importimagepixels Import image pixels

imagick ::labelimage Add a label to an image

imagick ::levelimage Adjust the level of an image

imagick ::linearstretchimage Can adjust image brightness and saturation

imagick ::liquidrescaleimage Animated image or image

imagick ::magnifyImage Adjust the image scale 2X

imagick ::mapimage Replace the color of the image with the closest color from an image.

imagick ::mattefloodfillimage Change the transparency value of the color

imagick : :medianfilterimage applies a digital filter

imagick ::mergeimagelayers merges image layers

imagick ::minifyimage scales an image to half its size

imagick ::modulateimage brightness, saturation and Tone control

imagick ::montageimage creates composite images

imagick ::morphimages Method morphs a set of images

imagick ::mosaicimages Shares a mosaic from an image

imagick ::motionblurimage simulates motion blur

imagick ::negateimage How to handle the color in the primary key reference image

imagick ::newimage Create a new image

imagick ::newpseudoimage Create a new image

imagick ::nextimage Move to the previous image

imagick ::normalizeimage Enhance contrast in color images

imagick ::oilpaintimage Simulate an oil painting

imagick ::opaquepaintimage Change the color value of any pixel to match the target

imagick ::optimizeimagelayers Delete Duplicate image parts are optimized.

imagick::orderedposterizeimage performs sequential dithering

imagick::paintfloodfillimage Changes the color value of any pixel that matches the target

imagick::paintopaqueimage Changes the color of any pixel that matches the target Pixel

imagick ::painttransparentimage Fills the matching pixel color with the specified color

imagick ::pingImage Gets the basic properties of the image

imagick ::pingimageblob quickly extracts properties

imagick ::pingimagefile A lightweight way to obtain basic image properties

imagick::polaroidimage simulates polaroid images

imagick::posterizeimage can reduce an image to a limited number of color levels

imagick ::previewImages Fast previewimages for image and video processing with pinpoint parameters

imagick ::previousimage Move objects to the next image

imagick ::profileimage Add or remove profiles from images

imagick ::quantizeimage Analyzes the color in a reference image

imagick ::quantizeimages Analyzes the color in a sequence of images

imagick ::queryfontmetrics Returns an array representing the font metrics

imagick :: queryfonts returns the configuration font

imagick ::queryformats imagick returns the format support

imagick ::radialblurimage refined adjustment

imagick ::raiseimage creates a simulated three-dimensional button effect

imagick ::randomth resholdimage Create a high contrast, two-color image

imagick ::readimage Read an image from a filename

imagick ::readimageblob Read an image from a binary string

imagick ::readimagefile Read an image Remove image from image list from open filehandle

imagick ::recolorimagerecolors ::reducenoiseimage smooths image

imagick ::remapimagerect Images in

imagick ::removeimageprofile Remove the named image and return it

imagick ::render Command to render the graph rendering all prefixes

imagick ::resampleimage Resample the image to the desired resolution

imagick : :resetimagepage reset image page

imagick ::resizeimage scale image

imagick ::rollimage offset image

imagick ::rotateimage rotate image

imagick ::roundcorners image will corners

imagick ::sampleimage Scale the pixel sampling of the image

imagick ::scaleimage Scale the size of the image

imagick ::segmentimage The image in the segment

imagick ::separateimagechannel Separate the channel image

imagick ::sepiatoneimage Sepia tone sounds image

imagick ::setbackgroundcolor Set the default background color of the object

imagick ::setcolorspace Set the colorspace

imagick ::setcompression Set the default compression type of the object

imagick ::setcompressionquality Set the default compression quality of the object

imagick ::setfilename Set the file name of the image before reading or writing

imagick ::setfirstiterator Set valid imagick image

imagick ::setfont Set fonts

Imagick :: Setformat Imagick Set the object of the format .

Imagick :: SetGravity Set Gravity

Imagick :: SetImage to replace the object of the image

Imagick :: SetimagealphAnnel. Image alpha channel

imagick ::setimageartifact Set the artifact of the image

imagick ::setimagebackgroundcolor Image set the background color

imagick ::setimagebias Set any method that convolves the image bias of the image

imagick : :setimageblueprimary Set the image chromaticity blue primary point

imagick ::setimagebordercolor Set the border color of the image

imagick ::setimagechanneldepth Set the channel of a specific image.

imagick ::setimageclipmask Set the image clip mask

imagick ::setimagecolormapcolor Set the color of the specified color table index

imagick ::setimagecolorspace Set the colorspace of the image

imagick ::setimagecompose Set the composite operator of the image

imagick ::setimagecompression Set image compression

imagick ::setimagecompressionquality Set the compression quality of the image.

imagick ::setimagedelay Set the image delay

imagick ::setimagedepth Set the image depth

imagick ::setimagedispose Set the image's Processing methods

imagick ::setimageextent Set image size

imagick ::setimagefilename Set the file name of a specific image

imagick ::setimageformat Set the format of a specific image

imagick ::setimagegamma setting The gamma of the image

imagick::setimagegravity sets the state of the image

imagick::setimagegreenprimary sets the image chromaticity green main point

imagick::setimageindex sets iterator

imagick::setimageinterlace scheme sets image compression

imagick ::setimageinterpolatemethod Set the method of image interpolation pixels

imagick ::setimageiterations Set the iteration of the image.

imagick ::setimagematte Set the image matte channel

imagick ::setimagemat tecolor set image matte Color

imagick ::setimageopacity Set image =

imagick ::setimageorientation Set the orientation of the image

imagick ::setimagepage Set the geometry of the image

imagick ::setimageprofile Add an object named profile imagick

imagick::setimageproperty sets the image property.

imagick::setimageredprimary sets the image chromaticity red primary point

imagick::setimagerenderingintent sets the image rendering method.

imagick::setimageresolution setting Image resolution

imagick ::setimagescene Set the scene of the image

imagick ::setimagetickspersecond Set the image ticks per second

imagick ::setimagetype Set the image type

imagick ::setimageunits Set the resolution of the image

imagick ::setimagevirtualpixelmethod Virtual method to set the pixels of the image

imagick ::setimagewhitepoint Set the chromaticity of the image

imagick ::setinterlacescheme Set the image compression

imagick ::setiteratorindex setting iterator

imagick::setlastiterator sets valid imagick to the final image

imagick::setoption sets an option

imagick::setpage sets the geometric object of imagick.

imagick::setpointsize sets the size of the point

imagick ::setresolution Set the image resolution

imagick ::setresourcelimit Set the limit in mb for a specific resource.

imagick ::setsamplingfactors Set the image sampling factors.

imagick : :setsize Set the size of the imagick object

imagick ::setsizeoffset Set the same size and offset of the imagick object

imagick ::settype Set the image type of the attribute.

imagick ::shadeimage creates a three-dimensional effect

imagick ::shadowimage simulates the shadow of an image

imagick ::sharpenimage enhances an image

imagick ::shaveimage shaves pixels from the edges of an image

imagick ::shearimage creates a parallelogram

imagick ::sigmoidalcontrastimage Adjust the contrast of the image

imagick ::sketchimage simulates a sketch

imagick ::solarizeimage Apply a solarizing effect to the image

imagick ::sparsecolorimagepermut color

imagick :: spliceimage my Solid color to image

imagick ::spreadimage Random bird blocks for each pixel

imagick ::steganoimage Hide digital watermark in image

imagick ::stereoimage Combine two images

imagick ::stripimage All summary information and annotations of the parking image

imagick ::swirlimage Image of the pixel in the center of the swirl

imagick ::textureImage Repeatedly tile the texture.

imagick ::thresholdimage Change a single pixel The value is based on a threshold

imagick ::thumbnailimage Segment changes the size of an image

imagick ::tintimage Colors each pixel in a vector image

imagick ::transformimage Convenience method for setting the crop size of an image object

imagick ::transparentpaintimage To make pixels transparent

imagick ::transposeimage Create a vertical mirror

imagick ::transverseimage Create a horizontal mirror

imagick ::trimImage Remove image edges

imagick :: uniqueImageColors to discard any pixel color

Imagick :: unsharpmaskimage enhanced image

Imagick :: Valid. Current item is effective

Imagick :: vignetteImage to add an effect screener

Imagi ck: :waveimage applies waveform filtering to the image

imagick ::whitethresholdimage forces all pixels equal to the threshold to be white

imagick ::writeimage writes the image to the specified filename

imagick ::writeimagefile writes the image to A filehandle

imagick ::writeimages writes an image or image sequence.

imagick ::writeimagesfile writes a frame filehandle

imagickdraw class

imagickdraw ::affine adjusts the current affine transformation matrix

imagickdraw ::annotation Draw text on the image

imagickdraw ::arc Draw arc

imagickdraw ::bezier Draw bezier curve

imagickdraw ::circle Circle Draw a circle

imagickdraw :: Clear to clear the imagickdraw

Imagickdraw :: Clone cloning to the precise copy specified by Imagickdraw Object .

Imagickdraw :: color Draw the color on the image

Imagickdraw :: Comment raw ::composite Composite image's contribution to the current image

imagickdraw ::__constructimagickdraw actionscript

imagickdraw ::destroy Destroy and release all associated resources

imagickdraw ::ellipse Draw an ellipse on the image

imagickdraw ::getClipPath Current clip path getclippath Get id

imagickdraw ::getcliprule Return Current polygon fill rules Imagickdraw :: GetClipunits Return the collection editing path unit

Imagickdraw :: getfillcolor Return to the specified filled color

Imagickdraw :: getfillOPACITY returned to draw drawing. Use

IgickDraw: :getfillrule returns the specified fill rule

imagickdraw ::getfont returns the specified font

imagickdraw ::getfontfamily returns the specified font family

imagickdraw ::getfontsize returns the specified font pointsize

imagickdraw : : GetfontStyle Return to the specified font style

Imagickdraw :: getfontweight return to Weight

Imagickdraw :: getGravity to return. IAS returns the current stroke pair settings. i imagickdraw :: getstrokecolor Returns the color used to draw the outline object

imagickdraw ::getstrokedasharray Returns an array representing the pattern of dashed lines and gaps used to outline the path

imagickdraw ::getstrokedashoffset Returns the offset to the dashed pattern to draw the line Start

imagickdraw ::getstrokelinecap After drawing, it will return the shape at the end of the registry path that can be used to open network access remotely.

imagickdraw ::getstrokelinejoin After drawing, it will return the shape of the path of the corner to be used

imagickdraw ::getStrokeMiterLimit Stroke getstrokemiterlimit Returns the bevel limit

imagickdraw ::getstrokeopacity Returns the outline of the object being drawn

imagickdraw ::getstrokewidth Returns the width of the stroke used to draw the outline of the object

imagickdraw: :gettextalignment returns the text alignment

imagickdraw ::gettextantialias returns the current text pair settings.

imagickdraw ::gettextdecoration returns the text decoration

imagickdraw ::gettextencoding returns the code to set the text annotation

imag ickdraw ::gettextundercolor Returns the text color.

imagickdraw ::getvectorgraphics Returns a string containing vector graphics

imagickdraw ::line Draws a line.

imagickdraw ::matte To Pathclose adds an element to the current path in the alpha channel of the image

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetoabsolute Cube draws a bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetoquadraticbezierabsolute Draws a quadratic bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetoquadraticbezierrelative Draw quadratic bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetoquadraticbeziersmoothabsolute Draw quadratic bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetoquadraticbeziersmoothrelative Draw quadratic bezier curve

imagickdraw::pathcurvetorelative cubic drawing bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetosmoothabsolute Cube drawing bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathcurvetosmoothrelative Cube drawing bezier curve

imagickdraw ::pathellipticarcabsolute Draw an elliptical arc

imagickdraw :: pathellipticarcrelative draws an elliptical arc

imagickdraw::pathfinish terminates the current path

imagickdraw::pathlinetoabsolute draws a straight path

imagickdraw::pathlinetohorizontalabsolute draws a horizontal straight path

imagickdraw::pathlinetohorizontalrelative draws a straight path Horizontal line.

imagickdraw ::pathlinetoverticalrelative Draw a straight path

imagickdraw ::pathlinetoverticalabsolute Draw a vertical line

imagickdraw ::pathlinetoverticalrelative Draw a vertical line path

imagickdraw ::pathmovetoabsolute Start a new subpath

imagickdraw ::pathmovetorelative Start a new subpath

imagickdraw ::pathStart Declared path drawing list

imagickdraw ::point Draw a point

imagickdraw ::polygon Polygon Draw a polygon

ima gickdraw: :polyline polyline draws a polyline

imagickdraw ::pop replaces the current imagickdraw stack and returns to the previously pushed imagickdraw

imagickdraw ::popclippath terminates a clip path definition

imagickdraw ::popdefs terminates a

imagickdraw ::poppattern in the definition list terminates the pattern definition

imagickdraw ::push clones the current ImagickDraw and pushes it onto the stack

imagickdraw ::pushclippath starts a clipping path definition

imagickdraw ::pushdefs instructs the following commands to create named elements for post-processing

imagickdraw ::pushpattern indicates that subsequent commands up to imagickdraw ::oppattern() command contain a named definition pattern

imagickdraw : :rectangle Draws a rectangle

imagickdraw ::render renders all the previous drawing commands dragged onto the image

imagickdraw ::rotate applies the specified rotation in the current coordinate space

imagickdraw ::roundrectangle draws a Rounded rectangle

imagickdraw ::scale Scale adjustment scale factor

imagickdraw ::setclippath Associates a named clipping path with the image

imagickdraw ::setcliprule The path used by the clipping polygon fill rule

imagickdraw::setclipunits Set the explanation clipping path

imagickdraw::setfillalpha Set alpha to use the fill color or texture used when filling graphics

imagickdraw::setfillcolor Set the fill color used to draw filled objects

imagickdraw ::setfillopacity Set alpha to use fill color or texture when filling graphics

imagickdraw ::setfillpatternurl Set url used as fill pattern fill object

imagickdraw ::setfillrule Set fill rule to use when drawing polygons Steps

imagickdraw ::setFont Set the font

imagickdraw ::setfontfamily Use text annotation for the font family to be used when setting

imagickdraw ::setfontsize Use text annotation for the font pointsize to be used when setting

imagickdraw ::setfontstretch Use text annotation to set the font stretch to be used

imagickdraw ::setfontstyle Use text annotation to set the font style to be used

imagickdraw ::setfontweight to set the font weight

imagickdraw ::setgravity Set the position gravity

imagickdraw ::setstrokealpha Specify the outline of the object to be drawn

imagickdraw ::setstrokeantialias Control whether to draw the outline with higher quality

imagickdraw ::setstrokecolor Set the outline used to draw the object The color is changed

imagickdraw ::setstrokedasharray Specifies the dotted line and gap used to outline the pattern of the path

imagickdraw ::setstrokedashoffset Specifies the stroke offset to the dotted line pattern to start

imagickdraw ::setstrokelinecap After drawing, it will Used to specify the shape when opening the end of a network access remotely accessible registry path.

imagickdraw ::setstrokelinejoin specifies the shape to be used when tracing the angular path.

imagickdraw ::setstrokemiterlimit specifies the bevel angle Limitations

imagickdraw ::setstrokeopacity Specifies the outline of the object to be drawn

imagickdraw ::setstrokepatternurl Sets the fill pattern used to outline the object

imagickdraw ::setstrokewidth The width of the stroke is not used to draw the outline of the object

imagickdraw ::settextalignment specifies text alignment

imagickdraw ::settextantialias Higher quality control text is

imagickdraw ::settextdecoration specifies decoration

imagickdraw ::settextencoding specifies specified code settings

imagickdraw ::settextundercolor Specify the background color of the rectangle

imagickdraw ::setvectorgraphics vector graphics settings

imagickdraw ::setviewbox Set the entire canvas size

imagickdraw ::skewx This parameter is set to "right" for the current horizontal direction Coordinate system of

imagickdraw ::skewy This parameter is set to "right" and the current coordinate system in the vertical direction

imagickdraw ::translate applies a translation to the current coordinate system

imagickpixel class

imagickpixel : :clear clears the resources associated with the object

imagickpixel ::__constructimagickpixel actionscript

imagickpixel ::destroy deallocates the resources associated with the object

imagickpixel ::getColor Returns the specified color in the code

imagickpixel ::getcolorasstring Returns the color as a string.

imagickpixel ::getcolorcount Returns the count associated with the color for this color

imagickpixel ::getcolorvalue Gets the normalized value provided by the color channel.

imagickpixel :: getHSL Normalize hsl color of imagickpixel gethsl Return object

imagickpixel ::issimilar Check the distance between this color and another

imagickpixel ::setcolor Set the color.

imagickpixel ::setcolorvalue The normalized value is at least Set channel

imagickpixel ::sethsl Standardize hsl color settings

imagickpixeliterator class

imagickpixeliterator ::clear Clear clear pixeliterator associated resources

imagickpixeliterator ::__constructimagickpixeliterator actionscript

imagickpixeliterator ::destroy Destroys the resources associated with deallocates pixeliterator

imagickpixeliterator ::getcurrentiteratorrow Returns the current row of the imagickpixel object.

imagickpixeliterator ::iterator getiteratorrow Returns the current row of pixels

imagickpixeliterator::getnextiteratorrow Returns an iterator of the row's pixels

imagickpixeliterator ::getpreviousiteratorrow Returns a new pixel iterator of the requested row

imagickpixeliterator ::newpixeliterator Returns a new pixel iterator

imagickpixeliterator ::newpixelregioniterator Returns a new pixel iterator

imagickpixeliterator : :resetiterator Sets the current pixel iterator

imagickpixeliterator ::setIteratorFirstRow Sets the pixel iterator of the first row

imagickpixeliterator ::setIteratorLastRow Sets the pixel iterator of the last row

imagickpixeliterator ::setiteratorrow Sets the pixel iterator

imagickpixeliterator::synciteratorsyncs synchronized pixel iterator

The above introduces the Chinese translation of Imagick api, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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