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More than 100 lines of PHP code to implement socks5 proxy server. This time it is written purely asynchronously using swoole and uses a state machine to process data. Currently, there is no pressure to use it to access open source China, but it is very stressful to access NetEase News. I found that it was very stressful for me to write in other languages and access NetEase News. Gaga, I’m not good at learning.
I don’t have a deep understanding of swoole. I don’t know how to deal with socket shutdown, which only closes reading/writing, and how to deal with connection timeout and read and write timeout. I saw on the Internet that the author said to use a timer, which seemed troublesome. Therefore, although this agent is for personal use, there will generally be no problems, but there is still a long way to go before it can be used as a product-level agent.
If you want to take advantage of multiple cores, use process mode and set the number of workers to the number of CPUs.
set([ 'max_conn' => 1000, 'daemonize' => 1, 'reactor_num' => 1, 'worker_num' => 1, 'dispatch_mode' => 2, 'buffer_output_size' => 128 * 1024 * 1024, 'open_cpu_affinity' => 1, 'open_tcp_nodelay' => 1, 'log_file' => 'socks5_server.log', ]); $server->on('connect', [$this, 'onConnect']); $server->on('receive', [$this, 'onReceive']); $server->on('close', [$this, 'onClose']); $server->start(); } public function onConnect($server, $fd, $fromID) { $this->clients[$fd] = new Client(); } public function onReceive($server, $fd, $fromID, $data) { ($this->clients[$fd])->data .= $data; $this->parse($server, $fd); } public function onClose($server, $fd, $fromID) { $client = $this->clients[$fd]; $client->connected = false; } private function parse($server, $fd) { $client = $this->clients[$fd]; switch ($client->status) { case 0: { if (strlen($client->data) >= 2) { $request = unpack('c*', substr($client->data, 0, 2)); if ($request[1] !== 0x05) { echo '协议不正确:' . $request[1], PHP_EOL; $server->close($fd); break; } $nmethods = $request[2]; if (strlen($client->data) >= 2 + $nmethods) { $client->data = substr($client->data, 2 + $nmethods); $server->send($fd, "\x05\x00"); $client->status = 1; } } } case 1: { if (strlen($client->data) data); $aType = $request[4]; if ($aType === 0x03) { // domain $domainLen = $request[5]; if (strlen($client->data) data, 5, $domainLen); $port = unpack('n', substr($client->data, 5 + $domainLen, 2))[1]; $client->data = substr($client->data, 5 + $domainLen + 2); } else if ($aType === 0x01) { // ipv4 $domain = long2ip(unpack('N', substr($client->data, 4, 4))[1]); $port = unpack('n', substr($client->data, 8, 2))[1]; $client->data = substr($client->data, 10); } else { echo '不支持的atype:' . $aType, PHP_EOL; $server->close($fd); break; } $remote = new swoole_client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP, SWOOLE_SOCK_ASYNC); $remote->on('connect', function($cli) use($client, $server, $fd, $remote) { $server->send($fd, "\x05\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); $client->status = 2; $client->remote = $remote; }); $remote->on("error", function(swoole_client $cli) use($server, $fd) { //$server->send($fd, ""); // todo 连接不上remote echo 'connect to remote error.', PHP_EOL; $server->close($fd); }); $remote->on('receive', function($cli, $data) use($server, $fd, $client) { if (!$client->connected) { echo 'connection has been closed.', PHP_EOL; return; } $server->send($fd, $data); }); $remote->on('close', function($cli) use($server, $fd, $client) { $client->remote = null; }); if ($aType === 0x03) { swoole_async_dns_lookup($domain, function($host, $ip) use($remote, $port, $server, $fd) { //todo 当host为空时的处理。貌似不存在的域名都解析成了本机的外网ip,奇怪 if (empty($ip) || empty($host)) { echo "host:{$host}, ip:{$ip}\n"; $server->close($fd); return; } $remote->connect($ip, $port); }); } else { $remote->connect($domain, $port); } } case 2: { if (strlen($client->data) === 0) { break; } if ($client->remote === null) { echo 'remote connection has been closed.', PHP_EOL; break; } $sendByteCount = $client->remote->send($client->data); if ($sendByteCount === false || $sendByteCount data)) { echo 'data length:' , strlen($client->data), ' send byte count:', $sendByteCount, PHP_EOL; echo $client->data, PHP_EOL; $server->close($fd); } $client->data = ''; } } } } (new Server())->start();
The above introduces more than 100 lines of PHP code to implement socks5 proxy server [2], including the contents of socks5 proxy server. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.