$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// do stuff with $row
mysql_data_seek($result, 0); //The key is here
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// do other stuff with $row
Copy code
Definition and usage
mysql_data_seek() function moves the pointer of the internal result.
mysql_data_seek(data,row) parameter description
data required. Returns a result set of type resource. This result set is obtained from a call to mysql_query().
row required. The number of rows in the new result set pointer you want to set. 0 indicates the first record.
mysql_data_seek() moves the row pointer within the MySQL result specified by the data parameter to the specified row number.
A subsequent call to mysql_fetch_row() will return that row.
row starts from 0. The value range of row should be from 0 to mysql_num_rows - 1.
But if the result set is empty (mysql_num_rows() == 0), moving the pointer to 0 will fail with an E_WARNING level error, and mysql_data_seek() will return false.
Return value
Returns true if successful, false if failed.
Tips and Notes
Note: mysql_data_seek() can only be used with mysql_query(), not mysql_unbuffered_query().
- $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "hello", "321");
- if (!$con)
- {
- die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error( ));
- }
- $db_selected = mysql_select_db("test_db",$con);
- $sql = "SELECT * from Person";
- $result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
- print_r(mysql_fetch_row($result );
[0] => Adams
[1] => John
[2] => London
- Array
[0] => Carter
[1] => Thomas
[2] => Beijing