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This article shares a PHP file cache data class, which is well-written and well-written. There are calling examples later. Friends in need can refer to it.
Speaking of php file caching, looking back at the articles introduced before, I found the following articles: php cache class calling example PHP data cache example code php page cache class, you can refer to it. With the above foundation for php file caching, let’s start today’s content. The code is as follows: <?php /** * 文件缓存类 * * @author 志凡 * @package cache * @version v0.1 * edit by bbs.it-home.org */ class FileCache { /** * @var string $cachePath 缓存文件目录 * @access public */ public $cachePath = './'; /** * 构造函数 * @param string $path 缓存文件目录 */ function __construct($path = NULL) { if ($path) { $this->cachePath = $path; } } /** * 析构函数 */ function __destruct() { //nothing } /** * 在cache中设置键为$key的项的值,如果该项不存在,则新建一个项 * @param string $key 键值 * @param mix $var 值 * @param int $expire 到期秒数 * @param int $flag 标志位 * @return bool 如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE。 * @access public */ public function set($key, $var, $expire = 36000, $flag = 0) { $value = serialize($var); $timeout = time() + $expire; $result = safe_file_put_contents($this->cachePath . urlencode($key) .'.cache', $timeout . '<<%-==-%>>' . $value); return $result; } /** * 在cache中获取键为$key的项的值 * @param string $key 键值 * @return string 如果该项不存在,则返回false * @access public */ public function get($key) { $file = $this->cachePath . urlencode($key) .'.cache'; if (file_exists($file)) { $content = safe_file_get_contents($file); if ($content===false) { return false; } $tmp = explode('<<%-==-%>>', $content); $timeout = $tmp[0]; $value = $tmp[1]; if (time()>$timeout) { $result = false; } else { $result = unserialize($value); } } else { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * 清空cache中所有项 * @return 如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE。 * @access public */ public function flush() { $fileList = FileSystem::ls($this->cachePath,array(),'asc',true); return FileSystem::rm($fileList); } /** * 删除在cache中键为$key的项的值 * @param string $key 键值 * @return 如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE。 * @access public */ public function delete($key) { return FileSystem::rm($this->cachePath . $key .'.cache'); } } if (!function_exists('safe_file_put_contents')) { function safe_file_put_contents($filename, $content) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb'); if ($fp) { flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, $content); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return true; } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists('safe_file_get_contents')) { function safe_file_get_contents($filename) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'); if ($fp) { flock($fp, LOCK_SH); clearstatcache(); $filesize = filesize($filename); if ($filesize > 0) { $data = fread($fp, $filesize); } flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); return $data; } else { return false; } } } ?> Call example: <?php //php缓存类的例子 $cache = new FileCache(); $data = $cache->get('yourkey');//yourkey是你为每一个要缓存的数据定义的缓存名字 if ($data===false) { $data = '从数据库取出的数据或很复杂很耗时的弄出来的数据'; $cache->set('yourkey',$data,3600);//缓存3600秒 } // use your $data ?> |