Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >php Mysql database backup class and calling method
Share a mysql database backup class with detailed calling methods for reference by friends in need.
A php mysql database backup class to share with everyone. 1, mysql database backup class backdata.class.php: <?php /* * * @ Mysql备份数据类 * @by bbs.it-home.org */ class backupData{ private $mysql_link;//链接标识 private $dbName; //数据库名 private $dataDir; //数据所要存放的目录 private $tableNames;//表名 public function __construct($mysql_link){ $this->mysql_link = $mysql_link; } public function backupTables($dbName,$dataDir,$tableNames){//开始备份 $this->dbName = $dbName; $this->dataDir = $dataDir; $this->tableNames = $tableNames; $tables=$this->delarray($this->tableNames); $sqls=''; foreach($tables as $tablename){ if($tablename==''){//表不存在时 continue; } //************************以下是形成SQL的前半部分************** //如果存在表,就先删除 $sqls .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tablename;\n"; //读取表结构 $rs = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $tablename",$this->mysql_link); $row=mysql_fetch_row($rs); //获得表结构组成SQL $sqls.=$row['1'].";\n\n"; unset($rs); unset($row); //************************以下是形成SQL的后半部分************** //查寻出表中的所有数据 $rs=mysql_query("select * from $tablename",$this->mysql_link); //表的字段个数 $field=mysql_num_fields($rs); //形成此种SQL语句:"INSERT INTO `groups` VALUES('1499e0ca25988d','主任','','0');" while($rows=mysql_fetch_row($rs)){ $comma='';//逗号 $sqls.="INSERT INTO `$tablename` VALUES("; for($i=0;$i<$field;$i++){ $sqls.=$comma."'".$rows[$i]."'"; $comma=','; } $sqls.=");\n\n\n"; } } $backfilepath=$this->dataDir.date("Ymdhis",time()).'.sql'; //写入文件 $filehandle = fopen($backfilepath, "w"); fwrite($filehandle, $sqls); fclose($filehandle); } private function delarray($array){ //处理传入进来的数组 foreach($array as $tables){ if($tables=='*'){ //所有的表(获得表名时不能按常规方式来组成一个数组) $newtables=mysql_list_tables($this->dbName,$this->mysql_link); $tableList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_numrows($newtables); $i++){ array_push($tableList,mysql_tablename($newtables, $i)); } $tableList=$tableList; }else{ $tableList=$array; break; } } return $tableList; } } ?> 2, calling method: require_once("backdata.class.php"); $link = @mysql_connect("localhost","database name","password") or die ('Could not connect to server.'); mysql_query("use cms",$link); mysql_query("set names utf8",$link); $dbbck=new backupData($link);//Instantiate it, just a link identifier is enough //When backing up data, if you want to back up all tables in a database, you can write like this: $dbbck->backupTables("cms","./",array('*')); //When backing up data, if you want to back up only one table in a database, you can write like this: $dbbck->backupTables("cms","./",array('user')); //When backing up data, if you want to back up multiple tables in a database, you can write like this: $dbbck->backupTables("cms","./",array('user','acl','informatoin')); //Note: $dbbck->backupTables("parameter 1", "parameter 2", array());, Parameter 1 is: database name, Parameter 2 is: the location where the backup data is to be stored (i.e. directory address) The third one is: those tables you want to save |