Paging class usage:
- include_once("fenye_php.php"); //Introduce class
- ///////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////
- $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
- if (!$con)
- {
- die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error ());
- }
mysql_select_db("myblog", $con);//Select the database
- $PAGE_SIZE=10;//Set the number displayed on each page
- //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
- $pageSupport = new PageSupport($PAGE_SIZE); //Instantiate PageSupport object
- $current_page=$_GET["current_page"];//Page current Number of pages
- if (isset($current_page)) {
- $pageSupport->__set("current_page",$current_page);
- } else {
- $pageSupport->__set("current_page",1);
- }
- $pageSupport->__set("sql","select * from article ");
- $pageSupport->read_data();//Read data
- if ($pageSupport->current_records > 0) // If the data is not empty, assemble the data
- {
- for ($i=0; $i<$pageSupport->current_records; $i++)
- {
- $title = $pageSupport->result[$i][" title"];
- $content = $pageSupport->result[$i]["content"];
- $part=substr($content,0,400);
- //Loop out each piece of data
- echo '< div class="index_side">
- ';
- }
- }
- $pageSupport->standard_navigate(); //Call this function in the class to display paging HTML
- //Close the database
- mysql_close($con);
- ?> ;
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