The most important download address, please read the previous article first.
Local download
Download this file
Unzip this file and put it in the adodb directory. It is best to include all of them, not just and
You only need to quote these two
Copy code The code is as follows:
include('adodb/'); // load code common to ADODB
include('adodb/ .php'); // load code common to ADODB
$db = &ADONewConnection("ado_access");
print "
Connecting $db->databaseType...
" ;
$access = 'E:phpphpaccesstest.mdb';
$myDSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'.'DATA SOURCE='. $access.';USER ID=;PASSWORD =;';
//Note, the mdb address is a physical address
if (@$db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", "")) {
print "ADO version=".$db->_connectionID->version.";
$sql = 'select thename from news';
$rs = $db ->Execute($sql);
rs2html($rs,'border=2 cellpadding=3',array('Customer Name','Customer ID'));
} else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Access database $access".';
What about the database, ordinary access database, and normal The same, no need to pay attention to anything
The test passed. If you have any better suggestions, please point them out in the comments // main download address, please read the previous article first. Local download Download this file After decompressing this file, place it in the adodb directory, preferably all...
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