Copy code The code is as follows:
//File header...
header("Content -type: image/png");
//Create true color white paper
$im = @imagecreatetruecolor(50, 20) or die("Create image failed");
//Get the background color
$background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
//Fill the background color (this thing is similar to an oil barrel)
//Get the border color
$border_color = imagecolorallocate($im,200,200,200);
//Draw a rectangle, border color 200,200,200
imagerectangle($im,0,0,49,19,$border_color );
// Show off the background row by row, use 1 or 0 for full screen
$line_color = imagecolorallocate($im,rand(200,255),rand(200,255),rand(200,255));
// Draw line line_color);
//Set the font size
//Set the printed text
$Str[1] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$Str[2] = "01234567891234567890123456";
//Get the first random text
$im str[0] ["s"] = $Str[rand(0,2)][rand(0,25)];
$imstr[0]["x"] = rand(2,5);
$ imstr[0]["y"] = rand(1,4);
//Get the second random text
$imstr[1]["s"] = $Str[rand( 0,2)][rand(0,25)];
$imstr[1]["x"] = $imstr[0]["x"]+$font_size-1+rand(0,1) ;
$imstr[1]["y"] = rand(1,3);
//Get the third random text
$imstr[2]["s"] = $Str[rand(0,2)][rand(0,25)];
$imstr[2]["x"] = $imstr[1]["x"]+$font_size-1+rand (0,1);
$imstr[2]["y"] = rand(1,4);
//Get the 4th random text
$imstr[3][ "s"] = $Str[rand(0,2)][rand(0,25)];
$imstr[3]["x"] = $imstr[2]["x"]+$ font_size-1+rand(0,1);
$imstr[3]["y"] = rand(1,3);
//Write random string
for( $i=0;$i<4;$i++){
//Get a random darker color
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($im,rand(50,180),rand(50,180),rand(50,180)) ;
//Draw text
imagechar($im,$font_size,$imstr[$i]["x"],$imstr[$i]["y"],$imstr[$i][ "s"],$text_color);
//Display image
//Destroy image
www.bkjia.comtruehttp: // the code as follows: ?php //File header... header("Content-type:image/png "); //Create true color white paper $im=@imagecreatetruecolor(50,20)ordie("Failed to create image"); //Get the background color...