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PHP efficient writing method recommended_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:41:13757browse


2、$row['id'] 的速度是$row[id]的7倍。

3、echo 比 print 快,并且使用echo的多重参数(译注:指用逗号而不是句点)代替字符串连接,比如echo $str1,$str2。











13、使用选择分支语句代替条件语句,选择分支语句(即switch case)好于使用多个if,else if语句。















28、尽量做缓存,可使用memcached。memcached是一款高性能的内存对象缓存系统,可用来加速动态Web应用程序,减轻数据库负载。对运算码 (OP code)的缓存很有用,使得脚本不必为每个请求做重新编译。

29. When operating a string and need to check whether its length meets certain requirements, you will naturally use the strlen() function. This function executes quite quickly because it does not do any calculations and just returns the known length of the string stored in the zval structure (C's built-in data structure used to store PHP variables). However, since strlen() is a function, it will be somewhat slow, because the function call will go through many steps, such as lowercase letters (Annotation: refers to the lowercase function name, PHP does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase function names), hash search, Will be executed together with the called function. In some cases, you can use the isset() trick to speed up the execution of your code.

(Example below)
if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo “Foo is too short”$$ }
(Compare with the following technique)
if (!isset ($foo{5})) { echo “Foo is too short”$$ }

Calling isset() happens to be faster than strlen(), because unlike the latter, isset(), as a language construct, means that its execution does not require function lookup and letter lowercase. That is, you actually don't spend much overhead in the top-level code checking the string length.

34. When executing the increment or decrement of variable $i, $i++ will be slower than ++$i. This difference is specific to PHP and does not apply to other languages, so please don't modify your C or Java code and expect it to be instantly faster, it won't work. ++$i is faster because it only requires 3 instructions (opcodes), while $i++ requires 4 instructions. Post-increment actually creates a temporary variable that is subsequently incremented. Prefix increment increases directly on the original value. This is a form of optimization, as done by Zend's PHP optimizer. It's a good idea to keep this optimization in mind because not all command optimizers do the same optimizations, and there are a large number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and servers that don't have command optimizers installed.

35. Not everything must be object-oriented (OOP), object-oriented is often very expensive, and each method and object call consumes a lot of memory.

36. It is not necessary to use classes to implement all data structures. Arrays are also very useful.

37. Don’t subdivide the methods too much. Think carefully about which code you really intend to reuse?

38. You can always decompose code into methods when you need to.

39. Try to use a large number of PHP built-in functions.

40. If there are a large number of time-consuming functions in the code, you can consider implementing them using C extensions.

41. Profile your code. The checker will tell you which parts of the code take how much time. The Xdebug debugger includes inspection routines that evaluate the overall integrity of your code and reveal bottlenecks in your code.

42. mod_zip can be used as an Apache module to instantly compress your data and reduce data transmission volume by 80%.

43. When file_get_contents can be used instead of file, fopen, feof, fgets and other series of methods, try to use file_get_contents because it is much more efficient! But please pay attention to the PHP version problem of file_get_contents when opening a URL file;

44. Conduct file operations as little as possible, although PHP’s file operation efficiency is not low;

45. Optimize the Select SQL statement and perform as few Insert and Update operations as possible (I was criticized for updating);

46. Use PHP internal functions as much as possible (but in order to find a function that does not exist in PHP, I wasted time that could have been written a custom function, a matter of experience!);

47. Do not declare variables inside the loop, especially large variables: objects (this seems to be not just a problem in PHP, right?);

48. Try not to loop and nest assignments in multi-dimensional arrays;

49. Do not use regular expressions when you can use PHP’s internal string manipulation functions;

50. foreach is more efficient, try to use foreach instead of while and for loop;

51. Use single quotes instead of double quotes to quote strings;

52. "Use i+=1 instead of i=i+1. It conforms to the habits of c/c++ and is more efficient";

53. Global variables should be unset()ed after use;

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/321241.htmlTechArticle0. Use single quotes instead of double quotes to include strings, which will be faster. Because PHP will search for variables in the string surrounded by double quotes, single quotes will not. Note: only ech...
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