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In-depth analysis of php sphinx_PHP tutorial

2016-07-21 15:10:15845browse




// 分组
//按照item_id分组,并且按照order desc排序
$cl->SetGroupBy("item_id",SPH_GROUP_ATTR,"order desc");

//按照price desc排序

// 匹配查询词中的任意一个
$cl->SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_ANY );
SPH_MATCH_ALL, 匹配所有查询词(默认模式);
SPH_MATCH_ANY, 匹配查询词中的任意一个;
SPH_MATCH_PHRASE, 将整个查询看作一个词组,要求按顺序完整匹配;
SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN, 将查询看作一个布尔表达式 (参见 第 5.2 节 “布尔查询语法”);
SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED, 将查询看作一个CoreSeek/Sphinx内部查询语言的表达式 (参见 第 5.3 节 “扩展查询语法”). 从版本Coreseek 3/Sphinx 0.9.9开始, 这个选项被选项SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2代替,它提供了更多功能和更佳的性能。保留这个选项是为了与遗留的旧代码兼容——这样即使 Sphinx及其组件包括API升级的时候,旧的应用程序代码还能够继续工作。
SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2, 使用第二版的“扩展匹配模式”对查询进行匹配.
SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN, 强制使用下文所述的“完整扫描”模式来对查询进行匹配。注意,在此模式下,所有的查询词都被忽略,尽管过滤器、过滤器范围以及分组仍然起作用,但任何文本匹配都不会发生.


// 从名称为index的sphinx索引查询“电影票”

// 从名称为index的sphinx索引查询“电影票”
$sp->SetGroupBy('item_id',SPH_GROUP_ATTR,'s_order desc');

$sp->SetGroupBy('item_id', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, 's_order desc');
$sp->setFilter('city_id', '2');
$sp->setFilter('cat_id', array(2));
$sp->setLimits(0, 20, 1000);
$sp->AddQuery('温泉', 'index');
$sp->ResetFilters();// 重置筛选条件
$results = $sp->RunQuries();
有时您不仅需要简单地显示搜索结果,而且要显示一些与类别相关的计数信息,例如按制造商分组后的产品数目,此时批量查询会节约大量的开销。 若无批量查询,您会必须将这些本质上几乎相同的查询运行多次并取回相同的匹配项,最后产生不同的结果集。若使用批量查询,您只须将这些查询简单地组成一个 批量查询,Sphinx会在内部优化掉这些冗余的全文搜索。

Using the above code, the first query will query "hello world" on the "documents" index and sort the results by relevance. The second query will query "ipod" on the "products" index and sort the results by Sorting by price, the third query searches for "harry potter" on the "books" index, and the results are still sorted by price. Note that the second SetSortMode() call does not affect the first query (because it has already been added), but the next two queries will.
In addition, any filtering set before AddQuery() will continue to be used by subsequent queries. Therefore, if you use SetFilter() before the first query, the second query executed via AddQuery() (and subsequent batch queries) will have the same filtering applied, unless you first call ResetFilters() to clear the filtering rules. At the same time, you can add new filtering rules at any time
AddQuery() without modifying the current status. That is, all existing sorting, filtering, and grouping settings will not be changed by this call, so subsequent queries can easily reuse existing settings.
AddQuery() returns an index in the array returned by the RunQueries() result. It is an incrementing integer starting from 0, i.e. the first call returns 0, the second returns 1, and so on. This convenient feature saves you from having to record the subscripts manually when you need them.

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/327154.htmlTechArticle?php //Parameter filter//Filter cat_id=2 $cl-SetFilter("cat_id",array(2 )); //Only search in sub-forums with IDs 1, 3, and 7 $cl-SetFilter("forum_id",array(1,3,7)); //Range filtering//Filter publishing...
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