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Three PHP multi-file upload example codes. In PHP development applications, we often encounter the need to upload files. Sometimes we also encounter the need to upload multiple files. Let's take a look at the three PHP multi-file upload example codes I provided. Okay, without further ado, let’s see if these multiple file upload functions are suitable for you.
Three PHP tutorial multi-file upload example codes
In PHP development applications, we often encounter the need to upload files, and sometimes we also encounter the need to upload multiple files. Let’s take a look at the three methods I provided. PHP multi-file upload example code, without further ado, let’s see if these multi-file upload functions are suitable for you.
Sample code:
//Set what users are allowed to upload File type.
$type = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'zip', 'rar');
$upload = new uploadfile($_files['uploadfile'], '/', 1024*1024, $type);
Parameter description: 1: form file, 2: upload directory, 3: supported file size, 4: allowed file type
$icount = $upload->upload() ;
if($icount > 0) { //Upload successful
class uploadfile {
var $postfile = array(); // Files uploaded by users
var $custompath = ""; // Customized file upload path
var $maxsize = ""; lasterror = ""; // Last error message
var $allowtype = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'zip', 'rar', 'txt', 'doc', 'pdf ');
var $endfilename = ""; // The final saved file name
var $saveinfo = array(); // The final information of the saved file
var $root_dir = ""; // The location of the project on the hard disk
* Constructor
* @access public
$this->postfile = $arrfile;/**
$this->custompath = $path == "_" ? "" : $path ;
$this->maxsize = $size;
if($type!=0) $this->allowtype = $arrfile;
$this->root_dir = $_server['document_root'];
$this->_mkdir($ this->custompath);
* Core code for file upload
* @access public
* @return int Number of successfully uploaded files
function upload() {$ilen = sizeof($this- >postfile['name']);
if ($this->postfile['error'][$i] == 0) { //No error occurred during upload
//Get the current file name, temporary file name, size, and extension, which will be used later.
$sname = $this->postfile['name'][$i];
$stname = $this->postfile['tmp_name'][$i];
$isize = $this->postfile['size'][$i];
$stype = $this->postfile['type'][$i];
$sextn = $this->_getextname ($sname);
//Check whether the currently uploaded file size is legal.
$this->lasterror = "The file you uploaded [".$sname."] exceeds the system supported size!";
$this- >_showmsg($this->lasterror);
}if(!is_uploaded_file($stname)) {
$this->lasterror = "Your file was not uploaded through normal channels!";
$this->_showmsg($this-> lasterror);
$_filename = basename($sname,".".$sextn)."_".time().".".$sextn;
$ this->endfilename = $this->custompath.$_filename;
if(!move_uploaded_file($stname, $this->root_dir.$this->endfilename)) {
$ this->lasterror = $this->postfile['error'][$i];
}//Storage information about the current file so that it can be called by other programs.
$this->save_info[] = array("name" => $sname, "type" => $sextn, "size" => $isize, "path" => $this- >endfilename);
}return sizeof($this->save_info);
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