Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Implementation code for php to operate XML, read data and write data, phpxml_PHP tutorial
xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <vip> <id>23</id> <username>开心的路飞</username> <sex>男</sex> <face>face/43.jpg</face> <email>123@qq.com</email> <qq>1212121212</qq> </vip>
PHP parses XML to get the value in the tag
/* * _get_xml 获取的XML文件 * @access public 表示函数对外公开 * @param $_xmlfile xml文件 * $_html 从XML中取出的数据数组 * */ function _get_xml($_xmlfile){ $_html = array(); if(file_exists($_xmlfile)){ $_xml = file_get_contents($_xmlfile); preg_match_all('/<vip>(.*)<\/vip>/', $_xml,$_dom); foreach($_dom[1] as $_value){ preg_match_all('/<id>(.*)<\/id>/', $_value,$_id); preg_match_all('/<username>(.*)<\/username>/', $_value,$_username); preg_match_all('/<sex>(.*)<\/sex>/', $_value,$_sex); preg_match_all('/<face>(.*)<\/face>/', $_value,$_face); preg_match_all('/<email>(.*)<\/email>/', $_value,$_email); preg_match_all('/<qq>(.*)<\/qq>/', $_value,$_qq); $_html['id'] = $_id[1][0]; $_html['username'] = $_username[1][0]; $_html['sex'] = $_sex[1][0]; $_html['face'] = $_face[1][0]; $_html['email'] = $_email[1][0]; $_html['qq'] = $_qq[1][0]; } }else{ _alert_back("文件不存在"); } return $_html; }
php writes data to XML file
/* * _set_xml将信息写入XML文件 * @access public 表示函数对外公开 * @param $_xmlfile xml文件 * @param $_clean 要写入的信息的数组 * */ function _set_xml($_xmlfile,$_clean){ $_fp = @fopen('newuser.xml','w'); if(!$_fp){ exit('系统错误,文件不存在!'); } flock($_fp,LOCK_EX); $_string = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "<vip>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<id>{$_clean['id']}</id>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<username>{$_clean['username']}</username>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<sex>{$_clean['sex']}</sex>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<face>{$_clean['face']}</face>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<email>{$_clean['email']}</email>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<qq>{$_clean['url']}</qq>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "</vip>"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); flock($_fp,LOCK_UN); fclose($_fp); }
I hope some information found on the Internet can help you introduce the related functions of xml reading in php: Quote:---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------Object XML parsing function description
Element xml_set_element_handler() The beginning and end of the element
Character data xml_set_character_data_handler() The beginning of character data
External entity xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler() The external entity appears
Unparsed external entity xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler() The occurrence of unresolved external entity
The occurrence of processing instruction xml_set_processing_instruction_handler() The occurrence of processing instruction
The occurrence of notation declaration xml_set_notation_decl_handler() The occurrence of notation declaration
Default xml_set_default_handler() Others are not specified Handling function events------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Let me give you a small example to read using the parser function. xml data: 1cfb7a2253060b7a00148655984f2dde
//If there is dynamic information here, call it as needed
< ;items>";
//Loop your image data here
$data = ??
while( $data ) {
echo "643ee62bf3845d6d5b3f158d4a8bd316";
echo 'ee6ed0cd880a07e7af02e304672b38ed