2024年7月4日,寧德時代正式推出商用動力電池品牌——“寧德時代天行”,同時發布“寧德時代天行輕型商用車(L)-超充版”和“寧德時代天行輕型商用車(L)-長續航版」兩款產品,可實現4C超充能力和500km的實況續航。 「寧德時代天行」取自《周易》中的名句——“天行健,君子以自強不息”,意在致敬商用車用戶和上下游合作夥伴。 「四超技術」為新能源商用車發展保駕護航補能慢、綜合成本高、運輸里程短等問題,是目前新能源商用車產業發展的主要痛點。寧德時代聚焦創新本質,將超級安全、超快充、超長壽命、超長續航四大優勢技術全面應用到新能源商用車領域,打造「寧德時代天行」品牌,充分滿足商用車用戶長壽命、高效率、高收益的需求。安全是商用車營運的紅線,也是寧德時代堅守的產品底線,寧德時代在新能源商用車領域擁有極高的市場份額,也對產品安全性有著極致的追求。此次發表的產品,應用了業界領先的無熱擴散技術,並採用了航空級隔熱材料,做到了從源頭保障電池的高等級安全應用。
2. 「寧德時代天行」電池
3. CTP3.0技術
4. 全球領先的動力電池
Currently, the commercial vehicle industry is in a golden period of development. "CATL Tianxing" will be committed to using technological innovation to create value for the commercial vehicle industry. Wu Kai, chief scientist of CATL, said: "The value breakthrough in the commercial market is what matters. Focusing closely on commercial vehicle users, we should embody the three values of "taking good care of the bottom line, calculating accounts well, and laying out plans well" in research and development, and use an open innovation system to drive a comprehensive leap-forward value improvement with technological breakthroughs. "
CATL is not only the most reliable and loyal partner of front-line practitioners, but will also become a staunch supporter of their continuous self-improvement.