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  • PHPExcel is a very powerful document generationphp open source class library. It not only supports the generation of Excel (.xls), Excel2007 (.xlsx) documents, but also supports PDF, Generation of HTML and CSV documents. In addition, PHPExcel also supports using existing Excel documents as templates to fill in data to generate new above documents. Moreover, its own API documentation and sample demos are quite complete and very helpful for developers.

    Other libraries17002017-03-17
  • When doing PHP programs, we often encounter programming that designs multi-level menus. For example, our common three-level menus first display the first-level classification of products, then display the second-level classification, and finally display the products. This way It forms a three-level structure. If there is no good classification menu support in the background, it will be very troublesome to change the data. In fact, an excellent backend design should have unlimited categories. In this way, when doing secondary development, there is no need to program separately. As long as the functions are the same, just add a category in the backend, so that Function sharing has been achieved.

    Category library48272017-03-17
  • This article introduces the php infinite classification tree method, obtains the lower-level directory of the specified directory. If no directory is specified, it starts from the root directory, and finally traverses the output.

    Category library51122017-03-17
  • An example of unlimited classification in PHP, including creating databases and tables Advantages of this classification method: 1, the database structure is simple, with only three fields: cid parentid name, without any redundant fields 2, no recursive query is used, all operations only require one sql statement 3. After all data is read from the database once, it is analyzed and processed in the array to save database server resources

    Category library56022017-03-17
  • Aphp unlimited classification Category class library 1. Include the class library through include 2. Instantiate the class through new 3. Call the getList() method to obtain all category lists 4. Return: list of all categories, reference can be displayed by getting fullname.

    Category library84472017-03-17
  • A general collection class based on php and based on phpQuery. It feels very simple and powerful. As long as you know a little bit about selectors, you can collect any page. It also supports https pages. , it is enough for simple collection.

    Other libraries16012017-03-17
  • Two classes for sending emails in php, You need to use php to send emails. I don’t want it to be as complicated as PHPmailer. After searching around, I finally found it. I found a useful one and shared it, PHP email sending class, which contains two files in total. SMTP server,SMTP server port,SMTP server user email.

    Mail class library20142017-03-17
  • A complete class for PHP email sending, supports sending plain text emails and emails in HTML format, with multiple recipients and multiple copies Send, multiple CC, emails with attachments. Required php extensions, sockets and Fileinfo. Set the mail transfer proxy. If it is a server that can send mail anonymously, just pass the proxy server address.

    Mail class library16162017-03-17
  • A PHP encapsulated verification code tool class, Initialize the associative array of attributes, Generate verification code images, Get the verification code random string , 增加干扰点,增加干扰线,用户提交的验证码,验证验证码,验证码不区分大小写。

    Verification code library48732017-03-16
  • A PHP verification code class code is shared (encapsulated into a class) for learning reference by friends who need it. After being encapsulated into a class, a constructor is added, which makes it more convenient to use. You can also continue to improve this verification code class, such as adding a destructor, how to save memory, etc.

    Verification code library15742017-03-16
  • php-qq login class, class has been encapsulated and used for the callback page of QQ login. When instantiating the class, pass in 3 parameters app_id, app_key, callback, You need to go to the QQ Internet document to understand the QQ access process. This type only encapsulates the callback function. . Request the URL address and get the return string, Convert the string into a format that can be json_decoded, Get it through curl The page returns the value .

    Other libraries16652017-03-16
  • I saw on the Internet that using ValidateCode written in PHP to generate a verification code class, I feel good about it, so I used it to analyze and learn. $charset is a random factor. Here, several characters that are difficult to distinguish are removed, such as letters "i, l, o, q" and numbers "0,1". If necessary, you can add some Chinese or other characters or calculations, etc. When generating verification code text on an image, the position of the text on the image and the color of each text are mainly considered. Control the x-axis position of the n-th text = (image width / verification code length) * (n-1) random offset number; where n = {d1....n} Control the y-axis position of the nth text = image height / 2 random offset number; mt_rand(0, 156) randomly selects the text color. The purpose of 0-156 is to select a darker color. mt_rand(-30, 30) Random text rotation.

    Verification code library26832017-03-16