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  • The template engine (here specifically refers to the template engine used for Web development) is produced to separate the user interface from the business data (content). It can generate documents in a specific format and is used as a template engine for the website. A standard HTML document will be generated. Construction method to obtain the content of the template file.

    Template engine library50492017-03-18
  • Cache is widely used in actual use, which can reduce access to the server database and improve running speed. At present, many CMS content management systems frequently use caching mechanisms to improve the efficiency of system operation. Here is a well-written cache class. You can refer to the cache mechanism and writing method.

    caching library13142017-03-18
  • Aphp implements the file cache class. The idea is very simple: is to write the cache time and data to the file. Set the file saving path,Set the file suffix name,The directory does not exist and create the directory,Set the fixed-length cache time, save it to the cache file, Get the cache data. ##

    caching library10802017-03-18
  • Mainly introduces the PHP file cache class implementation code, cache classification database cache, file cache and memory cache in PHP, Check whether the cache file is within the set update time, Cache files or output static files, Clear cache files, Generate cache file names based on the current dynamic files, Cache file creation time.

    caching library12272017-03-18
  • Shared an extremely simple PHP caching code. The application of caching is particularly important for the development of PHP projects Instructions for use: 1. Instantiation $cache = new Cache(); 2. Set cache time and cache directory $cache = new Cache(60, '/any_other_path/'); The first parameter is the cache seconds, and the second parameter is the cache path, which can be configured as needed. By default, the cache time is 3600 seconds, and the cache directory is cache/ 3. Read cache $value = $cache->get('data_key'); 4. Write cache $value = $cache->put('data_key', 'data_value');

    caching library11532017-03-18
  • A PHP cache class, please see the code for setting details. This version is encoded in utf-8. If the website uses other encodings, please convert it yourself. Open it with Notepad on Windows systems. Save as, select the corresponding encoding (generally ANSI), please use the corresponding editing software or iconv command line under Linux. The fundamental difference between dynamic caching and static caching is that it is automatic. The process of user accessing the page is the process of generating cache, browsing cache, and updating cache, without manual intervention.

    caching library14692017-03-18
  • Generally speaking, the purpose of caching is to put data in one place to make access faster. There is no doubt that memory is the fastest, but can hundreds of M of data be stored in it? This is unrealistic. , Of course, sometimes it is temporarily placed in the server cache. For example, if the ob_start() cache page is turned on, the page content will be cached in the memory before sending the file header. Until the page output is automatically cleared or waiting for the return of ob_get_contents, [or be The clearing of ob_end_clean display can be well used in the generation of static pages and can be well reflected in templates

    caching library12182017-03-18
  • ThinkPHP Http tool class (used for remote collection and remote download), Collect remote files, Use fsockopen to directly access (collect) remote files through HTTP protocol , If the host or server does not enable the CURL extension, consider using it. You can specify the file name displayed for downloading and automatically send the corresponding Header information.

    Other libraries21182017-03-18
  • Introducing a php and a common tool class, js pop-up window and jump, js pop-up window returns, Page jump, close the pop-up window, System basic parameters only for uploading pictures, database input filtering, Clear the session, Verify whether it is empty, Verify whether it is the same, Format string,Format the time, Get the real IP address, Load the Smarty template. #

    Other libraries17612017-03-18
  • Introducing a PHP encapsulation of some commonly used tool classes, Convert xml to array, Convert array to xml, PHP post request Send XML data, PHP post request sends Json object data, PHP post request sends array, Receives xml data and converts it into an array, Receive json data and convert it into an array, determine the current server system. ##

    Other libraries22052017-03-18
  • Introduces the common PHP encapsulated paging tool class in detail, which has certain reference value. Paging is basically used in every project, so encapsulate it into a Tool classes can be called directly in the future (although the TP framework is very powerful, it is not a bad idea to seal one yourself.), which saves time and effort and earns 'work points'.

    Pagination library22262017-03-18
  • Share a paging tool class implemented in php, Think of the middle one as a sliding fixed-length ruler, put $this-> _totalShowPages is treated as a sliding fixed-length ruler, then $this->_totalPages is a wooden block of a given length, and the ruler slides on this wooden block.

    Pagination library14602017-03-18