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  • Share a php class that implements thumbnails and watermarking, sets the parameters of the image, scales the image, and then adds a watermark to the image.

    Picture library14652017-05-10
  • Share aphp code class for calculating page execution time. Friends in need can download it for study and reference.

    Other libraries14692017-05-09
  • Share aphp generate image thumbnail class,If the size of the original image is larger than the size of the specified thumbnail, generate a thumbnail, otherwise copy the original file

    Picture library16992017-05-09
  • Share a class in PHP that uses Socket to send emails to verify the email address. Socket sends emails to verify the actual validity of the email address rather than the format. ​

    Mail class library48912017-05-08
  • Share aphp commonly used regular expression classes include verifying usernames, passwords, emails, phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, etc.

    Other libraries23232017-05-08
  • Share a PHP class that formats time. Format the time a few days ago, a few minutes ago, etc. If you have a good formatted time, you can calculate the time difference.

    Other libraries13272017-05-06
  • Introducing a file cache class used in php. In web development, file caching can be used to greatly alleviate the pressure on the database.

    caching library79672017-05-06
  • Introducing a php class to implement a complete backup of the database, or the function of backing up specified tables in the database.

    Database operation class20862017-05-06
  • Share a PHP verification code class based on GD library, set the image height, width, number of characters, color font, image background, etc.

    Verification code library50742017-05-06
  • Introducing a php mime type class for obtaining files. Friends who need it can download it for study and reference.

    Other libraries15272017-05-05
  • Share a php general method class to implement data paging, Calculate the total number of pages, Determine the current page number,Remove the original page parameter in the url to add the new page parameter.

    Other libraries14382017-05-05
  • Share a php email class Instructions for use: ​​         $m= new SendM('smtp server address', 'account', 'password', port (int), timeout retry time (int)); ​         $m->Send('recipient's email','subject','email content'); ​​ Usage example: ​​         $m= new SendM('smtp.yeah.net','testuser','testuserpwd',25,30); ​          $m->Send('a@coolmr.com ','Test email','This is a test email for sending emails, thank you for your support');

    Mail class library57992017-05-04