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  • Share aphp class to decompress ZIP,How to use: Upload the zip file to the same directory as this file via FTP, select the zip file; or click "Browse" directly ..." Upload the zip file. The decompression result retains the original directory structure.

    Other libraries16982017-06-02
  • Introducing a MySQL addition, deletion, modification and query tool PHP class, Create connection, encoding, database, select operation query result one row of data or The query result is one piece of data.

    Database operation class65932017-06-01
  • Share a encapsulated php mysql paging class, displays the data in the MySQL database in paging, according to the SQL query statement The corresponding records are read from the table, and displays the first page, next page, previous page, and next page.

    Pagination library60342017-06-01
  • Share a very good php cache class, Cache is widely used in actual use, which can reduce access to the server database and improve running speed. At present, many CMS content management systems frequently use caching mechanisms to improve the efficiency of system operation.

    caching library49592017-05-31
  • Introduce a PHP FTP operation class, log in through the ftp server, upload files to the local directory, re-create the directory if it does not exist, move files, copy files, delete files, and close the ftp file after completion.

    Other libraries16792017-05-31
  • Share a php class that adds watermarks to images, supports watermark images, Calling method: Include class files first Then instantiate the class: $img = new Images; Then provide the picture: $img->imgpath(original image path and name, watermark image path and name); Start adding watermark after: $img->send(); illustrate: send( strimg filename ) This method has a function that can be omitted. In the case of omission, the path and name of the saved image will be the same as the original one. If you need to save it as an exception image, provide the image to be saved here. Path and name Exception, there is another method, show(); This method is used to display watermarked pictures This method can be called individually, but the send() method must be called first, or it can be called continuously: $img->send()->show();

    Picture library23882017-05-31
  • Share a php class for text file operations. To create a file and write it, you need to convert a line of data into a one-dimensional array, return the file content as a one-dimensional array or two-dimensional array, merge it into one line of data, and rewrite the entire file.

    Other libraries20052017-05-30
  • Introducing a useful verification code php tool class, take out the characters from the set string , combine them into the verification code characters we want, generate the code and then draw it into the picture.

    Verification code library49412017-05-30
  • Share a php Infinitus classification related code class, Non-recursively obtain all descendant classifications, Use the path field to obtain descendant classifications ,Update the descendant classification path,Organize the list into a tree shape##

    Category library58032017-05-30
  • Introducing a php implementation Sensitive word filtering class, filter to get banned words, Filter banned words in batches, obtain banned word trees in batches.

    Security class library65752017-05-25
  • Share a tool class for connecting PHP to MySQL. Friends who need it can download it for reference and study.

    Database operation class57922017-05-25
  • Share a PHP encryption and decryption class. The ciphertext validity period is valid during encryption. The unit is seconds. 0 is permanently valid.

    Encryption and decryption class library42242017-05-25