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  • <?php /*  * This file is part of DbUnit.  *  * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>  *  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE  * file that was distributed with this source code.  */ namespace PHPUnit\DbUnit; /**  * An interface for classes that require a list of databases to operate.  */ interface DatabaseListConsumer {     /**      * Sets the database for the spec      *      * @param array $databases      */     public function setDatabases(array $databases); }uNIT (Understanding and Interaction Technology) platform is a dialogue system development platform built by Baidu for Chinese third-party developers. UNIT is equipped with industry-leading demand understanding and dialogue management technology, and contains core capabilities such as natural language understanding and interaction technology, deep learning, and big data accumulated by Baidu for many years, allowing intelligent dialogue interaction to quickly empower third-party development Their products make the future more imaginative.

    Other libraries12422017-12-19
  • <?php $autoloadFile = './vendor/codeception/codeception/autoload.php'; if (file_exists('./vendor/autoload.php') && file_exists($autoloadFile) && __FILE__ != realpath($autoloadFile)) {     //for global installation or phar file     fwrite(         STDERR,         "\n==== Redirecting to Composer-installed version in vendor/codeception ====\n"     );     require $autoloadFile;     //require package/bin instead of codecept to avoid printing hashbang line     require './vendor/codeception/codeception/package/bin';     die; } elseif (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {     // for phar     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); } elseif (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php')) {     //for composer     require_once __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php'; } Let’s first imagine a scenario: when technical personnel complete development, how do their customers, product managers, or testers determine the usability of the product? Generally, they perform the following steps for testing: Open the browser;Enter the url;See some information and confirm that this page is available;Click on a certain url; Fill in the form, submit the form, see some information, and determine that this function is availableThis testing method is called manual testing, or manual testing, which is the opposite of it It is an automated test. Codeception's Acceptance Tests will use the browser's programming interface to completely automate the steps involved in the above manual testing, greatly saving labor costs.

    Other libraries13002017-12-19
  • <?php declare(strict_types=1); $rootDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../'); // Autoloader for standalone install (installed via `composer create-project` or cloned locally) $autoloader = realpath($rootDir . '/vendor/autoload.php'); if (! $autoloader) {     // Installed via `composer [global] require`.     $autoloader = realpath($rootDir . '/../../autoload.php'); } if (! $autoloader) {     throw new RuntimeException(         'ApiGen was unable to find its autoloader. ' .         'Did you forget to run "composer update"?'     ); } require_once $autoloader;PhalApi 1.x is a classic archived version that has stopped updating. It has been tested through experience and can be used with confidence. Mainly adopts the PEAR naming convention, follows PSR-0, and does not support namespaces and composer. PhalApi 1.x supports PHP 5.3 and above, and supports PHP 7.

    Other libraries14282017-12-19
  • <?php namespace GifCreator; /**  * Create an animated GIF from multiple images  *   * @version 1.0  * @link https://github.com/Sybio/GifCreator  * @author Sybio (Clément Guillemain  / @Sybio01)  * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License  * @copyright Clément Guillemain  */ class GifCreator {     /**      * @var string The gif string source (old: this->GIF)      */     private $gif;          /**      * @var string Encoder version (old: this->VER)      */ private $version;          /**      * @var boolean Check the image is build or not (old: this->IMG)      */     private $imgBuilt;This class library is very easy to use. You only need to first confirm whether the class library is normal. If it is a composite picture, please make sure to put the decomposed picture in the frames folder. Start the program to get the GIF you want.

    Picture library75792017-12-18
  • <?php /**  * PhpThumb Library Example File  * This file contains example usage for the PHP Thumb Library  * PHP Version 5 with GD 2.0+  * PhpThumb : PHP Thumb Library <http://phpthumb.gxdlabs.com>  * Copyright (c) 2009, Ian Selby/Gen X Design  *  * Author(s): Ian Selby <ian@gen-x-design.com>  *  * Licensed under the MIT License  * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.  *  * @author Ian Selby <ian@gen-x-design.com>  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Gen X Design  * @link http://phpthumb.gxdlabs.com  * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License  * @version 3.0  * @package PhpThumb  * @subpackage Examples  * @filesource  */ require_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; $thumb = new PHPThumb\GD(__DIR__ .'/../tests/resources/test.jpg'); $thumb->adaptiveResize(175, 175); $thumb->show();When developing a website with PHP, using object-oriented methods can indeed improve the code reuse rate and reduce code redundancy. What is more friendly to beginners is that most of the class libraries required for PHP website development are already available online. What I bring to you this time is a PHP class library for processing thumbnails. Friends who need it can use it directly.

    Picture library59822017-12-18
  • var C = (function(){       // ------Class Creation------       var initializing = false,       fnTest = /xyz/.test(function() {           xyz;       }) ? /\b_super\b/: /.*/;       // The base Class implementation (does nothing)       this.Class = function() {};       // Create a new Class that inherits from this class       Class.extend = function(prop) {           var _super = this.prototype;           // Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,           // don't run the init constructor)           initializing = true;           var prototype = new this();           initializing = false;This library mainly relies on Simple JavaScript Inheritance and has been modified.

    Other libraries17602017-12-18
  • <?php     undation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA       echo "<h1>PHP QR Code</h1><hr/>";        //set it to writable location, a place for temp generated PNG files     $PNG_TEMP_DIR = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'temp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;     //html PNG location prefix     $PNG_WEB_DIR = 'temp/';     include "qrlib.php";           //ofcourse we need rights to create temp dir     if (!file_exists($PNG_TEMP_DIR))         mkdir($PNG_TEMP_DIR);     $filename = $PNG_TEMP_DIR.'test.png';       $errorCorrectionLevel = 'L';     if (isset($_REQUEST['level']) && in_array($_REQUEST['level'], array('L','M','Q','H')))         $errorCorrectionLevel = $_REQUEST['level'];         $matrixPointSize = 4;     if (isset($_REQUEST['size']))         $matrixPointSize = min(max((int)$_REQUEST['size'], 1), 10);Our QR code generation class first requires that your PHP environment must be enabled to support GD2. It provides a key png() method, in which the parameter $text indicates the generation of two-digit information text; the parameter $outfile indicates whether to output a QR code image file, the default is no; the parameter $level indicates the fault tolerance rate, that is, whether The covered areas can also be identified, which are L (QR_ECLEVEL_L, 7%), M (QR_ECLEVEL_M, 15%), Q (QR_ECLEVEL_Q, 25%), H (QR_ECLEVEL_H, 30%); the parameter $size indicates the size of the generated image, the default It is 3; the parameter $margin indicates the spacing value of the blank area of ​​the border around the QR code; the parameter $saveandprint indicates whether to save the QR code and display it.

    Other libraries15912017-12-18
  • <?php namespace ImageOptimizer\TypeGuesser; class ExtensionTypeGuesser implements TypeGuesser     public function guess($filepath)     {         $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));         switch($ext) {             case 'png':                 return self::TYPE_PNG;             case 'gif':                 return self::TYPE_GIF;             case 'jpg':             case 'jpeg':                 return self::TYPE_JPEG;             default:                 return self::TYPE_UNKNOWN;         }     } }Manipulate images: remove unnecessary colors, pixels, etc., for example, change the image from large to small. The requirement for web images is to publish images of the highest possible quality in the shortest possible transmission time. Therefore, when designing and processing web page images, it is required that the images have the highest possible resolution and the smallest possible size, so that the download speed of the images can be the fastest. To do this, the image must be optimized.

    Picture library48412017-12-18
  • <?php include 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Sami\Sami; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; $iterator = Finder::create()     ->files()     ->name('*.php')     ->in($dir = 'src') ; return new Sami($iterator, array(     'title'                => 'PHP-FFMpeg API',     'theme'                => 'enhanced',     'build_dir'            => __DIR__.'/docs/source/API/API',     'cache_dir'            => __DIR__.'/docs/source/API/API/cache',     'default_opened_level' => 2, ));Packaging is the overall name of containers, materials and auxiliary materials used according to certain technical methods to protect products during circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, and promote sales; it also refers to the use of containers, materials and auxiliary materials to achieve the above purposes. Operational activities such as applying certain technical methods in the process of assisting objects. Supplies that contain items that have not entered the circulation field cannot be called packaging, but can only be called "packages", "boxes", "boxes", "containers", etc. Because in addition to the function of packaging boxes, packaging also plays an important role in modifying items and gaining the favor of the audience.

    Other libraries15972017-12-18
  • <?php namespace Herrera\FileLocator\Tests; use Herrera\FileLocator\Collection; use Herrera\FileLocator\Locator\FileSystemLocator; use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as TestCase; use ReflectionProperty; class CollectionTest extends TestCase {     /**      * @var Collection      */     private $collection;     public function testAdd()     {         $locator = new FileSystemLocator(null);         $this->collection->add($locator);         $p = new ReflectionProperty($this->collection, 'locators');         $p->setAccessible(true);         $this->assertTrue(             $p->getValue($this->collection)               ->contains($locator)         );         return array($this->collection, $locator);     } Mobile positioning services in existing mobile communication systems are mainly used for emergency rescue, such as emergency rescue and positioning of users in emergency call scenarios; location-based information services, such as vehicle GPS applications, yellow pages, traffic information, weather Information, navigation information and tour guide services, etc.; location-triggered services, such as location-based management information and billing, etc.; tracking and asset management services, such as vehicle dispatching/tracking/monitoring/anti-theft, material tracking, and elderly and child monitoring services, etc. . In order to provide location services, the LTE system introduces positioning features. The main requirement for the positioning feature is to support both the control plane positioning process and the user plane positioning process. Positioning on the control plane mainly refers to the transmission of positioning-related information through control signaling; positioning on the user plane refers to support for the OMA SUPL (Open Mobile Alliance Secure User Plane Location) protocol, that is, positioning-related information can be transmitted through OMA SUPL The protocol is used for transmission. On the wireless interface, it is user data, not control signaling. Positioning methods are divided into positioning methods that support network-based (Network-based, E-SMLC-based) and UE-based (UE-based) positioning methods. The network-based positioning method means that the UE's position calculation is performed in the E-SMLC; the UE-based positioning method means that the UE's position calculation is performed within the UE.

    Other libraries84922017-12-18
  • string mime_content_type ( string $filename ) Returns the MIME content type for a file as determined by using information from the magic.mime file.   <?php $mime_type = mime_content_type('1.jpg'); echo $mime_type; // image/jpeg ?>Using fileinfo requires installing the php_fileinfo extension. If installed, you can find php_fileinfo.dll (windows), fileinfo.so (linux) in the extension_dir directory Open php.ini and change the ";" before extension=php_fileinfo.dll Remove it and restart apache. To use the exif_imagetype method, you need to install the php_exif extension and the php_mbstring extension.If you have installed it, you can find php_exif.dll (windows), exif.so (linux) in the extension_dir directory Open php.ini, remove the "," before extension=php_mbstring.dll, extension=php_exif.dll, and then restart apacheThe above is the PHP library detected by masterMIME. Friends who need it can download it directly use.

    Other libraries11612017-12-18
  • <?php namespace Lurker\Tests; use Lurker\ResourceWatcher; use Lurker\Resource\TrackedResource; use Lurker\Event\FilesystemEvent; use Lurker\Resource\FileResource; use Lurker\Resource\DirectoryResource; class ResourceWatcherTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {     private $tracker;     private $dispatcher;     protected function setUp()     {         $this->tracker = $this             ->getMockBuilder('Lurker\Tracker\TrackerInterface')             ->getMock();         $this->dispatcher = $this             ->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface')             ->getMock();     }Each file or folder is attached with an RFID resource tag, which contains a unique ID and readable information. When files are placed into an RFID-enabled loan/return tray, a unique ID representing the folder is captured and sent to the database, and a file inventory is maintained at all times. RFID handheld terminals help users quickly find specific documents and perform inventory counts when needed. During the search process, once a file at a specific location is located, an audible and visual alarm is triggered. On the other hand, with WiFi-enabled mobile devices, all collected inventory count data is synchronized and sent to the central database of the document tracking system for verification purposes. This is the resource tracking library.

    Other libraries17602017-12-18