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  • Recommend a easy-to-use PHP verification code class,$image->config('width','height','number of characters',' Verification code session index'), The default is: width 80 height 20 characters 4 verification code session index captcha_code.

    Verification code library18572017-03-14
  • Generate dynamic verification code class,Use pure white to fill the rectangular frame, you can also use interference code,Random color, random placement, random string Output # to the image.

    Verification code library98252017-03-14
  • Needless to say the purpose of the verification code. After encapsulating it into a class, a constructor is added, which makes it easier to use. You can also continue to improve this verification code class, such as adding a destructor, how to save memory, etc.

    Verification code library16002017-03-14
  • Customized php verification code class Create verification code image: Create canvas (__construct function) Set canvas background ($this->set_bgcolor();) Get a random string ($this->get_randnum ();) Write text to the picture (imagestring function) Add interference points/lines ($this->set_ext_line(); $this->set_ext_pixel();) Output picture When instantiated without parameters, the default is a four-digit regular verification code image of 60*25 size Method to detect verification code on form page, compare whether $_SESSION[an] is equal to $_POST[Verification code text box ID]

    Verification code library14082017-03-14
  • Share a beautiful php verification code class. Instructions: 1. First save the verification code class as a file named ValidateCode.class.php; 2. Create a new file named captcha.php to call this class;

    Verification code library66542017-03-14
  • think-captcha thinkphp5 verification code library Install composer require topthink/think-captcha use Output the verification code in the template <div>{:captcha_img()}</div> or <div><img src="{:captcha_src()}" alt="captcha" /></div> 上面两种的最终效果是一样的 Verify in the controller Just use TP5’s built-in verification feature $this->validate($data,[ 'captcha|验证码'=>'require|captcha' ]); Or verify manually if(!captcha_check($captcha)){ //验证失败 };

    Verification code library81382017-03-12
  • Introduces a classic PHP verification code class sharing. This article not only provides the class code, but also provides usage examples and methods used in the form. We use PHP's GD library to image process content and design a verification code class Vcode. Declare this class in the file vcode.class.php, and encapsulate some implementation details in this class through object-oriented features. As long as you provide three parameters to the construction method when creating the object, including the width and height of the verification code image and the number of verification code letters, you can successfully create an object of the verification code class. In script code.php, use session_start() to enable user session control, then include the file vcode.class.php where the verification code class Vcode is located, create an object of this type and output it directly. You can send a randomly generated verification code image, and the verification code string will be automatically saved in the server.

    Verification code library18382017-03-10
  • A useful PHP verification code class, the specific usage is in the comments of the code. Interested friends can download it and use it in their own projects.

    Verification code library18202017-02-28
  • Verification code class implemented in PHP

    Verification code library15802017-02-27