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  • Maven User Guide Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the Maven usage guide; Apache Maven is a software (especially Java software) project management and automatic construction tool provided by the Apache Software Foundation. Based on the concept of Project Object Model (abbreviation: POM), Maven uses a central piece of information to manage the construction, reporting and documentation steps of a project. I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals7862024-02-29
  • MyBatis3.2.3 Help Document Chinese CHM Version

    MyBatis is an excellent persistence layer framework that supports ordinary SQL queries, stored procedures and advanced mapping. MyBatis eliminates almost all JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of result sets. MyBatis uses simple XML or annotations for configuration and original mapping, mapping interfaces and Java POJOs (Plan Old Java Objects, ordinary Java objects) into records in the database. Friends in need can download and take a look

    Other manuals9232024-02-29
  • Easy Language Knowledge Base 2.5 CHM version packaging

    Easy Language Knowledge Base is a very useful e-book for beginners of Easy Language. It is recommended to read it chapter by chapter and understand it thoroughly, so as to better master Easy Language. Friends who want to learn easy language programming can refer to the following

    Other manuals8862024-02-28
  • SOAP syntax word version

    SOAP, one of WSDL (WebServicesDescriptionLanguage), UDDI (UniversalDescriptionDiscoveryandIntegration), soap is used to describe the format of transmitting information, WSDL is used to describe how to access specific interfaces, uddi is used for management and distribution , query webService. For specific implementations, you can search for simple examples of Web Services; SOAP can be used in conjunction with many existing Internet protocols and formats, including Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). It also supports a wide range of applications from messaging systems to remote procedure calls (RPC). SOAP uses a combination of XML-based data structures and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to define a standard way to use distributed objects in a variety of different operating environments on the Internet. Main content of SOAP syntax SOAP messages must be encoded in XMLSOAP messages must use the SOAP Envelope namespaceSOAP messages must use the SOAP Encoding namespaceSOAP messages cannot contain DTD references SOAP messages cannot contain XML processing Command

    Other manuals9952024-02-28
  • Use Nexus to build a Maven private server Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about using Nexus to build a Maven private server; the private server is a special remote warehouse set up on the LAN for the purpose of proxying the remote warehouse and deploying third-party components. With the private server, when Maven needs to download a component, it directly requests the private server. If it exists on the private server, it downloads it to the local warehouse; otherwise, the private server requests an external remote warehouse, downloads the component to the private server, and then provides it to the local warehouse for download. Interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals11372024-02-28
  • JSON.NET simple use Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the simple use of JSON.NET; JSON.NET is used to convert objects in .NET into JSON strings (serialization), or to convert JSON strings into objects of existing types in .NET ( Deserialization?). I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals13122024-02-28
  • Summary of the four publishing methods of WebService Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the summary of the four publishing methods of WebService; CXF and spring are currently the most popular way to build webservice. However, it is rumored that cxf and jdk1.5 are somewhat incompatible. I have not encountered it. The problem I encountered is that cxf and jdk1.5 are not compatible. was6.1.1 is not compatible, which is reflected in the fact that the jar package "wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar" necessary for cxf reports an error. The error reported is: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError. It is an obvious incompatibility problem with the jar package. It is a headache. Later, I searched for information. The solution I found was to create a was shared library for the above jar package, which can be solved. However, the customer manager Zhou did not want to use this method because he needed to modify the was, so he switched to the axis2 method, which will be introduced below. This issue is recorded here. You need to pay attention when using cxf and was in the future! ! Interested friends can come and take a look

    Other manuals13002024-02-28
  • PowerDesigner simple tutorial Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about a simple tutorial on PowerDesigner; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals11732024-02-28
  • Analysis of linear interpolation Lerp function in Unity3D Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the analysis of the linear interpolation Lerp() function in Unity3D; in unity3D, the linear interpolation function Lerp() is often used to interpolate between two materials. Between vectors, between two floating point numbers, between two colors, friends in need can download it and take a look.

    Other manuals10282024-02-28
  • Publish WebService common framework Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the common framework for publishing WebService; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals11692024-02-28
  • GStreamer Application Development Manual Chinese PDF version

    GStreamer is a very powerful and versatile streaming application framework. Many of GStreamer's advantages come from the modularity of its framework: GStreamer can seamlessly incorporate new plug-ins. However, due to the pursuit of modularity and high efficiency, GStreamer has become complex in the entire framework. At the same time, due to the increase in complexity, developing a new application is not so simple. This guide attempts to help you understand the GStreamer framework (version to facilitate your development based on the GStreamer framework. The first chapter will focus on how to develop a simple audio player. By explaining the entire process, we will try to enable you to understand some concepts about GStreamer. In the following chapters, we will discuss some advanced issues related to media playback control, including recording, video recording, editing, etc.

    Other manuals10372024-02-28
  • WebService calls test method Chinese WORD version

    This document mainly talks about the WebService calling test method; I hope this document will help friends in need; interested friends can come and take a look.

    Other manuals10532024-02-28