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  • Share a PHP encryption and decryption processing class. Friends who need it can download it for reference.

    Encryption and decryption class library35992017-05-23
  • Share a PHP code class for encrypting and decrypting projects Encrypt the php project. Note that if there is a framework directory or a directory that does not need to be encrypted in the project, please move it out in advance Set the value of the variable; it can be processed according to needs. If the if judgment is directly removed, it means that the value of any attribute can be set, including non-existent attributes

    Encryption and decryption class library43332017-05-22
  • Share aPHP symmetric encryption algorithm DES, AES class,Supported keys: 64/128/256 bit (byte length 8/16/32), Supported algorithm: DES/AES (automatically matched according to the key length: DES: 64bit AES: 128/256bit).

    Encryption and decryption class library44602017-04-21
  • Share a DES encryption and decryption PHP class, Obtain the physical address, Encrypt the plain text information, Decrypt the ciphertext, Save the ciphertext to a file, Get the MAC address of the server, Execute the ipconfig command under the windows server, and execute the ifconfig command under the Linux server. #

    Encryption and decryption class library48552017-04-15
  • Share a php string encryption and decryption class, Use the base64_encode() function to encode the string. This encoding is designed so that binary data can be transmitted over a non-pure 8-bit transport layer, such as the body of an email.

    Encryption and decryption class library82832017-04-12
  • 3DES (or Triple DES) is the general name of the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm) block cipher. It is equivalent to applying the triple DES encryption algorithm to each data block. Due to the enhancement of computer computing power, The key length of the original DES cipher made it easy to brute force crack. 3DES was designed to provide a relatively simple way to avoid similar attacks by increasing the key length of DES, rather than designing a completely new block. Cipher algorithm.

    Encryption and decryption class library42792017-03-25
  • AES encryption algorithm – algorithm principle The AES algorithm is based on permutation and permutation operations. Permutation is the rearrangement of data, and permutation is the replacement of one data unit with another. AES uses several different methods to perform permutation and permutation operations. AES is an iterative, symmetric key block cipher that can use 128, 192 and 256-bit keys, and uses 128-bit (16 bytes) blocks to encrypt and decrypt data, unlike public key ciphers that use key pairs ,Symmetric key ciphers use the same key to encrypt and ,decrypt data. The number of bits in the encrypted data ,returned by a block cipher is the same as the input data. ,Iterative encryption uses a loop structure in which the input ,data is repeatedly permuted and replaced.

    Encryption and decryption class library40302017-03-25
  • The php encryption class shared in this article is a php implementation class file that can support Chinese and English encryption and decryption. Friends in need can refer to it, but it is best to set the document encoding to utf-8 .

    Encryption and decryption class library43772017-03-22
  • cryptjs is a php class library that supports encryption, decryption, and keys

    Encryption and decryption class library25112017-03-08
  • A Php Aes encryption program, an extension suitable for Yii. If it is not used in the Yii framework, just replace Yii::app()->params[\'encryptKey\'] in the code with your corresponding default key. AES encryption algorithm – Algorithm principle The AES algorithm is based on permutation and permutation operations. Permutation is the rearrangement of data, and permutation is the replacement of one data unit with another. AES uses several different methods to perform permutation and permutation operations. AES is an iterative, symmetric key block cipher that can use 128, 192 and 256-bit keys, and uses 128-bit (16 bytes) blocks to encrypt and decrypt data, unlike public key ciphers that use key pairs ,Symmetric key ciphers use the same key to encrypt and ,decrypt data, the number of bits of the encrypted data returned ,through the block cipher is the same as the input data, ,iterative encryption uses a loop structure in which the ,input data is repeatedly permuted and replaced.

    Encryption and decryption class library27872017-02-27
  • PHP Password Lib: A goal to provide an all-inclusive cryptographic php library for all things crypto

    The goal of PHP-PasswordLib is to provide an all-inclusive cryptographic php library for all cryptography. This is designed to be easy to install and use, yet scalable and powerful enough for even the most experienced developers.

    Encryption and decryption class library25172017-02-21